Commit 1a4e3766 authored by Traboulsi's avatar Traboulsi
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Update public/index.html, public/ausschreibung/img/pado-paper1.PNG

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<div class="portfolio-content h-100">
<img src="ausschreibung/img/pado1.PNG" class="img-fluid" alt="">
<div class="portfolio-info">
<h4>Publikationen 1</h4>
<h4>Paper 1</h4>
<p>Short-Answer Grading for German: Addressing the Challenges</p>
<a href="ausschreibung/img/pado1.PNG" title="Short-Answer Grading for German: Addressing the Challenges" data-gallery="portfolio-gallery-app" class="glightbox preview-link"><i class="bi bi-zoom-in"></i></a>
<a href="" title="doi" class="details-link"><i class="bi bi-link-45deg"></i></a>
<a href="ausschreibung/img/pado-paper1.PNG" title="Short-Answer Grading for German: Addressing the Challenges" data-gallery="portfolio-gallery-app" class="glightbox preview-link"><i class="bi bi-zoom-in"></i></a>
<a href="" title="Padó, U., Eryilmaz, Y. & Kirschner, L. (2023). Short-Answer Grading for German: Addressing the Challenges. Int J Artif Intell Educ." class="details-link"><i class="bi bi-link-45deg"></i></a>
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