Commit c7a174a5 authored by Traboulsi's avatar Traboulsi
Browse files

Update public/assets/css/main.css

parent 0fe6a2db
Pipeline #9944 passed with stage
in 8 seconds
......@@ -2763,4 +2763,41 @@ section,
padding-left: 5px;
color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--default-color), transparent 60%);
font-size: 14px;
\ No newline at end of file
/* Salam*/
/* Styles for page titles to match frame colors */
/* KI Kompetenzen Page */
.ki-kompetenzen-title {
color: #00bcd4; /* Color matching the item-cyan frame */
/* Learning Analytics Infrastruktur Page */
.learning-analytics-title {
color: #ff9800; /* Color matching the item-orange frame */
/* Personalisiertes Lernen Page */
.personalisiertes-lernen-title {
color: #009688; /* Color matching the item-teal frame */
/* KI Ethik Page */
.ki-ethik-title {
color: #f44336; /* Color matching the item-red frame */
/* Study Dean Cockpit Page */
.study-dean-cockpit-title {
color: #3f51b5; /* Color matching the item-indigo frame */
/* Generative KI Page */
.generative-ki-title {
color: #e91e63; /* Color matching the item-pink frame */
/* Adaptives Testen Page */
.adaptives-testen-title {
color: #00bcd4; /* Color matching the item-cyan frame */
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