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refactor(docs): api: core: write 'TicketSystem'

parent 6c5b1884
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# Ticketsystem
!!! todo
write usage api docs
A `TicketSystem` object represents a connection definition to a space in an external ticket system.
Part of this is a base URL, and some system specific identifier for e.g. a project on that system.
If the access needs some kind of authentication,
this has to be configured in this object on creation.
## create new instance
The constructor of `TicketSystem` is not publicly callable.
Acquiring an instance has to be done either by passing an URI or using the builder mechanism.
### by URI
This library has a global definition, for how an URI has to start.
The end of it is defined by each system specific implementation.
!!! info "global URI definition"
`unifiedticketing:<system identifier>:<additional information>`
_For system specific details look into the systems part of this docs_
To instantiate a `TicketSystem` from an URI, call the static method `fromUri(String)`:
TicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromUri(<uri>);
!!! warning
If the given String does not match the criteria for a valid URI,
or the system identifier is unknown, it throws an `AssertionException`
### by builder
The library has a builder mechanism defined to instantiate a new `TicketSystem` object, using fluent-api.
To start it, call the static method `fromBuilder()`.
The returning object gives you all supported systems as choice,
which then brings you to the system specific builder mechanism.
At the end, you'll have to finish the building process with a call to `build()`.
!!! warning
If not all mandatory information where given before calling `build()`,
it will throw an `AssertionException`
## configuration options
You can set configurations of two kinds:
- simple boolean switches to enable/disable a behaviour/feature
- string values
To set a configuration, call the instance method `config`. It provides two signatures:
- `config(TicketSystem.ConfigurationOption, boolean)`
- `config(TicketSystem.ConfigurationOption, String)`
??? abstract "currently available configuration options"
| ConfigurationOption | type | default | description |
| :------------------- | :------ | :------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| RETURN_NULL_ON_ERROR | boolean | `false` | If true, don't throw exception on error, but return null or the calling object, if in fluent-api. |
!!! warning
option `RETURN_NULL_ON_ERROR` is not fully implemented and tested yet.
Expect it still throws Exceptions sometimes, but returns null/self also sometimes.
## list tickets
Tickets are requested by using the filter mechanism.
To get _all_ Tickets just don't define any filters before calling `get()`.
They are returned as `List<Ticket>`.
??? warning "default pagination"
many systems have an implicit default pagination enabled,
which could block you from simply getting _all_ tickets.
you can ask the `TicketSystem` object, to tell you if it uses a default pagination:
!!! example "requesting tickets"
You can add various filter options, before finally calling `get()`.
Each supported systems implementation is free to define special filter options.
These are only callable, if your variable has the dedicated child-type.
The globally available ones are listed below.
They are marked `single` or `multi` types.
A `single` typed filter will override previous values,
whereas `multi` typed ones will be added to the previous values.
| filter option method definition | type | description |
| :------------------------------- | :------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `isClosed()` | `single` | returns only tickets closed, or _considered_ closed by the system specific implementation |
| `isOpen()` | `single` | returns only tickets open, or _considered_ open by the system specific implementation |
| `setPage(int)` | `single` | page number of pagination to request |
| `setPageSize(int)` | `single` | page size of request to paginate with |
| `withAssigneeId(String)` | `multi` | tickets with given assigneeId as assignee. <br/> On multiple calls ticket must have _ALL_ given ids as assignees |
| `withAssigneeName(String)` | `multi` | same as assigneeId above |
| `withDescriptionContain(String)` | `single` | substring the description has to contain |
| `withDescriptionMatch(String)` | `single` | fully qualified regular expression, the whole description has to match |
| `withId(String)` | `multi` | id a ticket must have. <br/> multiple calls keeps tickets matching _any_ of the set ids |
| `withLabel(String)` | `multi` | label a ticket must have. <br/> Multiple calls a ticket must have _all_ given labels |
| `withTitleContain(String)` | `single` | substring the title has to contain |
| `withTitleMatch(String)` | `single` | fully qualified regular expression, the whole title has to match |
## get single ticket
To request a single ticket the method `getTicketById` is provided,
available with two signatures:
- `getTicketById(String)`
- `getTicketById(int)`
The integer variant is just for convenience, if you have the id as number.
It calls the String one with your number transformed.
!!! example
Ticket t = ts.getTicketById("5");
## create new ticket
The creation of a new Ticket is started by calling `createTicket()`.
This starts another fluid-api chain,
in which you can set everything your new ticket should contain.
The chain finishes calling `create()` at the end.
!!! warning
if a mandatory information for ticket creation is not given,
prior calling `create()`,
an `AssertionException` is thrown.
!!! example
Ticket t = ts.createTicket()
.title("some title")
Global available setters for ticket creation are:
| method | additional information |
| :--------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `assignees(String[])` | array of assignee identifiers, check system specific part, what to pass |
| `description(String)` | |
| `labels(Set<String>)` <br/> `labels(String[])` | |
| `title(String)` | |
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