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refactor(docs): api: write 'index'

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# Java-API # Java-API
!!! todo This is the API-Documentation,
- introductional text about library usage holding detailed information for each publicly available action you can do with each class.
- api docs structure explanation Below the structure of the library is explained and some generic examples are shown.
- hint about no autogenerated JavaDoc, but manually written docs ## library structure
The library is structured into three packages:
1. `de.hftstuttgart.unifiedticketing.core`
1. `de.hftstuttgart.unifiedticketing.exceptions`
1. ``
The core package contains the classes defining the generic API,
to be implemented by each supported system.
The systems package contains a sub-package per supported system,
which then holds the implementations of the core classes.
The exceptions package has some own exception types,
used throughout the lib.
For each package, this documentation provides a chapter in the navigation on the left.
## examples
!!! info
These examples are not specific to a certain system.
Therefore they can contain placeholders for system specific parts.
To get these parts, you'll have to go to the dedicated API-docs part.
??? example "create TicketSystem instance"
__from builder:__
TicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromBuilder()
.<methods specifying connection details>
__from uri:__
TicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromUri(<uri>);
??? example "searching tickets"
__without filters:__
__only open tickets and explicit pagination:__
??? warning "default pagination"
many systems have an implicit default pagination enabled,
which could block you from simply getting _all_ tickets.
!!! tip
you can ask the `TicketSystem` object, to tell you if it uses a default pagination:
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