Verified Commit 6e7c1318 authored by Lukas Wiest's avatar Lukas Wiest 🚂
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refactor(docs): api: write 'Exceptions'

parent 24757abe
# Exceptions # Exceptions
!!! todo The library defines its own set of exceptions.
- list exceptions available Throughout the whole library, these are used.
- explain inheritance structure They are located in the package `de.hftstuttgart.unifiedticketing.exceptions`.
Base for all others is `UnifiedticketingException`,
which extends `RuntimeException`.
Every other custom exception extends this exception.
This provides you with the ability,
to catch a specific or all library related problems.
Both without catching exceptions of your own code,
that happen to be in the same try block.
## Possible Exceptions
- `AssertionException`
- `DeserializationException`
- `HttpRequestException`
- `HttpResponseException`
- `SerializationException`
- `UnsupportedFunctionException`
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