Verified Commit 94d7ba01 authored by Lukas Wiest's avatar Lukas Wiest 🚂
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refactor(docs/dev-guide/workflow): use tabbed env for plantuml example

got fixed in plantuml-markdown 3.4.2
parent b36e3b78
...@@ -251,41 +251,37 @@ You have to surround the PlantUML code with code fences, ...@@ -251,41 +251,37 @@ You have to surround the PlantUML code with code fences,
marked as `plantuml` as language identifier. marked as `plantuml` as language identifier.
Then they will be rendered into an svg on pages creation. Then they will be rendered into an svg on pages creation.
!!! bug Example:
I tried to put this into an collapsed example admonition,
but the PlantUML diagram get's always placed outside the admonition. === "code"
Same applies for a tabbed environment. ``````
Example: queue "write\nmarkdown" as write
__code:__ queue "commit/push/\nmerge changes" as update
`````` queue "pipeline\ntriggered" as cicd
```plantuml queue "MkDocs\nMaterial" as MkDocsMat
queue "write\nmarkdown" as write queue "transpiled HTML\nonline" as deployed
queue "commit/push/\nmerge changes" as update
queue "pipeline\ntriggered" as cicd write -right-> update
queue "MkDocs\nMaterial" as MkDocsMat update -right-> cicd
queue "transpiled HTML\nonline" as deployed cicd -right-> MkDocsMat
MkDocsMat -right-> deployed
write -right-> update ```
update -right-> cicd ``````
cicd -right-> MkDocsMat
MkDocsMat -right-> deployed === "result"
``` ```plantuml
`````` queue "write\nmarkdown" as write
queue "commit/push/\nmerge changes" as update
__result:__ queue "pipeline\ntriggered" as cicd
```plantuml queue "MkDocs\nMaterial" as MkDocsMat
queue "write\nmarkdown" as write queue "transpiled HTML\nonline" as deployed
queue "commit/push/\nmerge changes" as update
queue "pipeline\ntriggered" as cicd write -right-> update
queue "MkDocs\nMaterial" as MkDocsMat update -right-> cicd
queue "transpiled HTML\nonline" as deployed cicd -right-> MkDocsMat
MkDocsMat -right-> deployed
write -right-> update ```
update -right-> cicd
cicd -right-> MkDocsMat
MkDocsMat -right-> deployed
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