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refactor(docs): api: systems: gitlab: write 'TicketSystem'

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# Gitlab-Ticketsystem # GitLab-Ticketsystem
!!! todo This documents GitLab specific things for the integration to this library.
write usage api docs For the global parts, see in the [core sections Ticketsystem site][core-ts].
## create new instance
A `GitlabTicketSystem` object is always referencing a specific GitLab project.
Mandatory information to instantiate it, are the GitLab instances base url and the projects id.
For public accessible actions, it can be used anonymously.
Other operations have to be authenticated using an api-key.
For all calls the GitLab api V4 is used (at the time of writing this, the only available one).
If not configured otherwise, connections will use https.
### by URI
// recommended option
GitlabTicketSystem ts = (GitlabTicketSystem) TicketSystem.fromUri("<uri>");
// second possible declaration
> gl = TicketSystem.fromUri("<uri>");
The first declaration option uses the child-class from the GitLab implementation directly.
The second option uses the parent-class instead,
defining the different implementations with Generics.
Use the first option, if you're sure you want to use GitLab no matter what.
This way you can see GitLab specific methods,
whereas the second option keeps you limited on the global defined ones.
If you may switch ticket systems in the future,
the second option forces you to not use system specific stuff, making a transition easier.
The URI to pass has to match this format:
unifiedticketing:gitlab:[http://|https://]<base url>:<project id>[:api key]
- protocol for http/https is optional. If not given, https is used
- base url can contain also non-standard port hosted gitlab instances
- api key if authentication needed, otherwise anonymous access is used
??? example "URI examples"
- non-https anonymous, project 234, public gitlab
- implicit https authenticated, project 234, public gitlab
- explicit https authenticated, project 42, fictional gitlab, non-standard port
### by builder
For instantiation from the builder,
mostly the same like building by URI applies.
!!! warning
Passing the base url ensure the protocol (http or https) is removed
??? example "builder examples"
- non-https anonymous, project 234, public gitlab
GitlabTicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromBuilder()
.withProjectId(234) // String and int variant available
- implicit https authenticated, project 234, public gitlab
GitlabTicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromBuilder()
- explicit https authenticated, project 42, fictional gitlab, non-standard port
GitlabTicketSystem ts = TicketSystem.fromBuilder()
## list tickets
!!! warning "default pagination"
GitLab has a default pagination on _20_ elements per page.
Highest possible value is _100_ elements. [[Link]][gl-api-docs-pagination]
!!! warning "mutual exclusive filters"
if you filter for assignees, you can only use either assignee-ids or their usernames. [[Link]][gl-api-docs-issues-list]
## get single ticket
!!! info
This uses the list mechanism internally,
with the given issue-id as filter and just unwraps it from the received list.
## create new ticket
For a new GitLab ticket a title is mandatory.
Everything else is optional.
!!! example "minimal example"
GitlabTicket = ts.createTicket()
.title("my new ticket")
Setting an assignee, has to be by user-id. Setting by user name is not supported.
[core-ts]: ../../core/
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