Verified Commit db2f220f authored by Lukas Wiest's avatar Lukas Wiest 🚂
Browse files

refactor(docs): update mkdocs, reorder config entries, ...

parent 621fd4b1
...@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ if you decide to contribute to it. ...@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ if you decide to contribute to it.
This library and it's development belongs to the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart. This library and it's development belongs to the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart.
It was originally developed as bachelors-thesis by Lukas Wiest It was originally developed as bachelors-thesis by Lukas Wiest
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[<img src="" alt="Twitter" width="20px" title="@9Lukas5" />][9l5Twitter] [:fontawesome-brands-twitter:{: style="color: #1DA1F2"}][9l5Twitter]
[<img src="" alt="GitHub" width="20px" title="@9Lukas5" />][9l5GH] [:fontawesome-brands-github:{: style="color: black"}][9l5GH]
[<img src="" alt="GitLab" width="20px" title="@9Lukas5" />][9l5GL]. [:fontawesome-brands-gitlab:{: style="color: orange"}][9l5GL].
The guardian professor was Prof. Dr. Gero Lueckemeyer The guardian professor was Prof. Dr. Gero Lueckemeyer
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[<img src="" alt="GitHub" width="20px" title="@lueckemeyer" />][lueck-GH] [:fontawesome-brands-github:{: style="color: black"}][lueck-GH]
[<img src="" alt="Xing" width="20px" title="Xing profile" />][lueck-Xing]. [:fontawesome-brands-xing:{: style="color: teal"}][lueck-Xing].
He is the current maintainer for this project and the appropriate contact for questions, access request, etc. He is the current maintainer for this project and the appropriate contact for questions, access request, etc.
[9l5-hft-mail]: [9l5-hft-mail]:
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