Verified Commit e870b2f8 authored by Lukas Wiest's avatar Lukas Wiest 🚂
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refactor(docs): home: write contributing

parent 405d1586
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# Contributing # Contributing
!!! todo To contribute to this project,
- Write Basic stuff a contributor needs to full-fill & know you primarily have to be a member of the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart.
- link to the Developers Guide found in top-bar This project is hosted on our Transferportal's GitLab instance,
to which only HFT members have access to my knowledge.
Apart from that, for contributing to the library code itself,
you should be able to program Java and be familiar with maven.
For the documentation you need to have Python installed and know how to write Markdown.
For all contributions you need to use Git.
For details see the [Developer Guide][dev-guide].
There you can find information about getting ready,
what rules to follow
and more developers than user based documentation about the library.
[dev-guide]: ../developers-guide/
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