"git@transfer.hft-stuttgart.de:citydoctor/citydoctor2.git" did not exist on "daa64408944264fd1e45e59c2beab3f2bc7b3125"


pipeline status

CityDoctor2 is a Java program for validating CityGML files. It checks whether certain criteria for e.g. geometries are met and outputs a report on the results.


You can download releases from the BHT page here or from a git repository here.

Use Maven to build CityDoctor2.

cd CityDoctorParent
mvn install

CityDoctor2 uses the quality ade plugin. A jar is provided in a local repository for ease of use.


Since version 3.12.0 CityDoctor2 requires java version 17, older version are based on version 1.8. Once built there is a CityDoctorValidation-<version>.zip file in the target folder of the CityDoctorValidation folder in which the CityDoctorValidation jar can be used to start the program.

java -classpath libs/*;plugins/*;CityDoctorValidation-<version>.jar de.hft.stuttgart.citydoctor2.CityDoctorValidation -in <path-to-gml-file>.gml -config <path-to-validation-config>.yml -xmlReport <path-to-xml-output>.xml -pdfReport <path-to-pdf-output>.pdf -out <path-to-output-gml>.gml

Note: -xmlReport, -pdfReport and -out are optional
