Commit 02fdbd73 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files


parent b7a1a7f4
Pipeline #5844 passed with stage
in 2 minutes and 22 seconds
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ This is beta software, and bugs are expected! There is not much free RAM left on
* The *Ampel* password will be needed (with user 'admin') to connect to the web-page once the *Ampel* is connected to WiFi.
* It might be necessary to reset the *Ampel* after changing important parameters.
* You can rename the *Ampel*. This name will be used instead of ESPxxxxxx for CSV files and the mDNS address. You'll get a new CSV file after renaming, which can be convenient, e.g. to indicate at which location the measurements were made.
* If you forgot the password, you can send `reset_config` as command, and `reset` the ampel.
* If you disabled WiFi, you can enable it again with `wifi 1`.
## Features
Supports Markdown
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