Commit 2a388717 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Added custom code to NTP

parent 69c37eaf
Pipeline #5754 canceled with stage
......@@ -210,3 +210,50 @@ void NTPClient::setRandomPort(unsigned int minValue, unsigned int maxValue) {
this->_port = random(minValue, maxValue);
/*** Custom code for ampel-firmware ***/
void NTPClient::getFormattedTime(char *formatted_time, unsigned long secs) {
unsigned long rawTime = secs ? secs : this->getEpochTime();
unsigned int hours = (rawTime % 86400L) / 3600;
unsigned int minutes = (rawTime % 3600) / 60;
unsigned int seconds = rawTime % 60;
snprintf(formatted_time, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
#define LEAP_YEAR(Y) ( (Y>0) && !(Y%4) && ( (Y%100) || !(Y%400) ) )
// Based on
void NTPClient::getFormattedDate(char *formatted_date, unsigned long secs) {
unsigned long rawTime = (secs ? secs : this->getEpochTime()) / 86400L; // in days
unsigned long days = 0, year = 1970;
uint8_t month;
static const uint8_t monthDays[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
while((days += (LEAP_YEAR(year) ? 366 : 365)) <= rawTime)
rawTime -= days - (LEAP_YEAR(year) ? 366 : 365); // now it is days in this year, starting at 0
for (month=0; month<12; month++) {
uint8_t monthLength;
if (month==1) { // february
monthLength = LEAP_YEAR(year) ? 29 : 28;
} else {
monthLength = monthDays[month];
if (rawTime < monthLength) break;
rawTime -= monthLength;
month++; // jan is month 1
rawTime++; // first day is day 1
char formatted_time[9];
this->getFormattedTime(formatted_time, secs);
snprintf(formatted_date, 23, "%4lu-%02d-%02lu %s%+03d", year, month, rawTime, formatted_time, this->_timeOffset / 3600);
void NTPClient::setEpochTime(unsigned long secs) {
this->_currentEpoc = secs;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -111,4 +111,24 @@ class NTPClient {
* Stops the underlying UDP client
void end();
/*** Custom code for ampel-firmware ***/
* @return secs argument (or 0 for current time) formatted like `hh:mm:ss`
void getFormattedTime(char *formatted_time, unsigned long secs = 0);
* @return secs argument (or 0 for current date) formatted to ISO 8601
* like `2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00`
void getFormattedDate(char *formatted_date, unsigned long secs = 0);
* Replace the NTP-fetched time with seconds since Jan. 1, 1970
void setEpochTime(unsigned long secs);
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