Commit 2f9bf5d4 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Updated warning

parent f51460db
......@@ -3,13 +3,9 @@
#define STRING_LEN 40 // Should be enough for ip, addresses, passwords...
#include "config.h"
# error Missing config.h file. Please copy config.public.h to config.h.
// Make sure AMPEL_WIFI is defined and not empty:
#if !defined(AMPEL_WIFI) || (7-AMPEL_WIFI-7 == 14)
# error config.h has a new structure, please update it from config.public.h (e.g. AMPEL_WIFI should be set to true or false)
# warning config.h has a new structure (e.g. AMPEL_WIFI should be set to true or false)
#include "util.h"
......@@ -100,8 +96,8 @@ namespace web_config {
OptionalParameterGroup mqttParams = OptionalParameterGroup("MQTT", "MQTT", AMPEL_MQTT);
IntTParameter<uint16_t> mqttIntervalParam =
Builder<IntTParameter<uint16_t>>("mqtt_interval").label("MQTT interval").defaultValue(
Builder<IntTParameter<uint16_t>>("mqtt_interval").label("MQTT interval").defaultValue(MQTT_SENDING_INTERVAL).min(
CheckboxTParameter mqttEncryptionParam =
Builder<CheckboxTParameter>("mqtt_encryption").label("Encrypt MQTT?").defaultValue(MQTT_ENCRYPTED).build();
......@@ -140,8 +136,8 @@ namespace web_config {
#if defined(ESP32)
OptionalParameterGroup loraParams = OptionalParameterGroup("LoRaWan", "LoRaWan", AMPEL_LORAWAN);
IntTParameter<uint16_t> loraIntervalParam =
Builder<IntTParameter<uint16_t>>("lora_interval").label("LoRa interval").defaultValue(
Builder<IntTParameter<uint16_t>>("lora_interval").label("LoRa interval").defaultValue(LORAWAN_SENDING_INTERVAL).min(
TextTParameter<17> deviceEUIParam = Builder<TextTParameter<17>>("device_eui").label("Device EUI (MSB)").defaultValue(
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