Commit 8ba21e5a authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Some more doc

parent 53398ba9
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Example: Shell commands
* Description:
* This example is a modified IotWebConf01Minimal.ino, with added shell commands.
* Simply type "help" via Serial in order to see the available commands:
> help
......@@ -17,31 +17,51 @@
wifi 0/1 (Enables/disables WiFi).
wifi_pwd abc (Sets WiFi password to abc).
* The commands allow you to setup the thing directly via Serial:
* The commands allow you to setup the thing directly via Serial,
* without the need to type long passwords on a smartphone.
* You can copy-paste multiple commands at once, separated by a newline.
* They will be executed one after the other.
> name my_thing
Calling : name('my_thing')
Setting Thing name to my_thing
> ssid my_wifi
Calling : ssid('my_wifi')
Setting WiFi ssid to my_wifi
> wifi_pwd my_wifi_password
Calling : wifi_pwd('my_wifi_password')
Setting WiFi password to my_wifi_password
> ssid my_wifi
Calling : ssid('my_wifi')
Setting WiFi ssid to my_wifi
> ap_pwd p4ssw0rd
Calling : ap_pwd('p4ssw0rd')
Setting AP password to p4ssw0rd
State changing from: 1 to 3
> save_config
Calling : save_config()
Config version: init
Config size: 165
Saving configuration
|-- [iwcSys]
| |-- 'iwcThingName' with value: 'my_thing'
| |-- 'iwcApPassword' with value: <hidden>
| |-- [iwcWifi0]
| | |-- 'iwcWifiSsid' with value: 'my_wifi'
| | \-- 'iwcWifiPassword' with value: <hidden>
| \-- 'iwcApTimeout' with value: '30'
|-- [iwcCustom]
\-- [hidden]
State changing from: 2 to 3
Connecting to [my_wifi] (password is hidden)
WiFi timeout (ms): 30000
State changed from: 1 to 3
#include <IotWebConf.h>
......@@ -60,9 +80,11 @@ WebServer server(80);
IotWebConf iotWebConf(thingName, &dnsServer, &server, wifiInitialApPassword);
* Shell interface. Could be moved to shell.h
* Shell interface.
* (Could be moved to shell.h)
namespace shell {
void defineCommand(const char *name, void (*function)(), const __FlashStringHelper *doc_fstring);
void defineIntCommand(const char *name, void (*function)(int32_t), const __FlashStringHelper *doc_fstring);
......@@ -130,6 +152,9 @@ void wifiOnOff(int onOff){
* Define shell commands with name, function and documentation.
* The commands accept either 0 argument, one string or one integer.
* Feel free to add other commands, e.g. to set custom parameters.
* The second argument can be either a function name or a lambda.
void defineShellCommands() {
......@@ -146,14 +171,16 @@ void defineShellCommands() {
shell::defineIntCommand("wifi", wifiOnOff, F("0/1 (Enables/disables WiFi)"));
void setup()
* Arduino sketch
void setup()
Serial.println("Starting up...");
// iotWebConf.getApTimeoutParameter()->defaultValue = "600";
// -- Initializing the configuration.
......@@ -164,10 +191,10 @@ void setup()
void loop()
void loop()
......@@ -192,9 +219,11 @@ void handleRoot()
server.send(200, "text/html", s);
* Shell logic. Could be moved to shell.cpp
* Shell logic.
* (Could be moved to shell.cpp)
namespace shell {
const uint8_t MAX_COMMANDS = 10;
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