Commit 8e15b6a8 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
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SCD30 from .cpp to .h

parent 0762d3b1
Pipeline #5751 canceled with stage
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
#include "sensor_console.h"
#include <Wire.h>
// The SCD30 from Sensirion is a high quality Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR) based CO₂ sensor capable of detecting 400 to 10000ppm with an accuracy of ±(30ppm+3%).
#include "src/lib/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library/src/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library.h" // From: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_SCD30
namespace config {
// UPPERCASE values should be defined in config.h
uint16_t measurement_timestep = MEASUREMENT_TIMESTEP; // [s] Value between 2 and 1800 (range for SCD30 sensor).
#ifndef CO2_SENSOR_H_
#define CO2_SENSOR_H_
// The SCD30 from Sensirion is a high quality Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR) based CO₂ sensor capable of detecting 400 to 10000ppm with an accuracy of ±(30ppm+3%).
#include "src/lib/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library/src/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library.h" // From: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_SCD30
#include <stdint.h> // For uint16_t
namespace config {
extern uint16_t measurement_timestep; // [s] Value between 2 and 1800 (range for SCD30 sensor)
......@@ -13,7 +11,6 @@ namespace config {
namespace sensor {
extern SCD30 scd30;
extern uint16_t co2;
extern float temperature;
extern float humidity;
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