Commit a4f5bc09 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Copied file from airrohr-firmware

parent 793734a6
#!/usr/bin/env python3
configshape_in = """
String current_lang
String wlanssid
Password wlanpwd
String www_username
Password www_password
String fs_ssid
Password fs_pwd
Bool www_basicauth_enabled
Bool dht_read
Bool htu21d_read
Bool ppd_read
Bool sds_read
Bool pms_read
Bool hpm_read
Bool npm_read
Bool sps30_read
Bool bmp_read
Bool bmx280_read
Bool sht3x_read
Bool scd30_read
Bool ds18b20_read
Bool dnms_read
String dnms_correction
String temp_correction
String height_above_sealevel
Bool gps_read
Bool send2dusti
Bool ssl_dusti
Bool send2madavi
Bool ssl_madavi
Bool send2sensemap
Bool send2fsapp
Bool send2aircms
Bool send2csv
Bool auto_update
Bool use_beta
Bool has_display
Bool has_sh1106
Bool has_flipped_display
Bool has_lcd1602
Bool has_lcd1602_27
Bool has_lcd2004
Bool has_lcd2004_27
Bool display_wifi_info
Bool display_device_info
String static_ip
String static_subnet
String static_gateway
String static_dns
UInt debug
Time sending_intervall_ms
Time time_for_wifi_config
String senseboxid
Bool send2custom
String host_custom
String url_custom
UInt port_custom
String user_custom
Password pwd_custom
Bool ssl_custom
Bool send2influx
String host_influx
String url_influx
UInt port_influx
String user_influx
Password pwd_influx
String measurement_name_influx
Bool ssl_influx
with open("airrohr-cfg.h", "w") as h:
// This file is generated, please do not edit.
// Change instead.
enum ConfigEntryType : unsigned short {
struct ConfigShapeEntry {
enum ConfigEntryType cfg_type;
unsigned short cfg_len;
const char* _cfg_key;
union {
void* as_void;
bool* as_bool;
unsigned int* as_uint;
char* as_str;
} cfg_val;
const __FlashStringHelper* cfg_key() const { return FPSTR(_cfg_key); }
enum ConfigShapeId {""", file=h)
for cfgentry in configshape_in.strip().split('\n'):
print("\tConfig_", cfgentry.split()[1], ",", sep='', file=h)
print("};", file=h)
for cfgentry in configshape_in.strip().split('\n'):
_, cfgkey = cfgentry.split()
print("static constexpr char CFG_KEY_", cfgkey.upper(),
"[] PROGMEM = \"", cfgkey, "\";", sep='', file=h)
print("static constexpr ConfigShapeEntry configShape[] PROGMEM = {",
for cfgentry in configshape_in.strip().split('\n'):
cfgtype, cfgkey = cfgentry.split()
print("\t{ Config_Type_", cfgtype,
", sizeof(cfg::" + cfgkey + ")-1" if cfgtype in ('String', 'Password') else ", 0",
", CFG_KEY_", cfgkey.upper(),
", ", "" if cfgtype in ('String', 'Password') else "&",
"cfg::", cfgkey, " },", sep='', file=h)
print("};", file=h)
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