Commit b1e0c365 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
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Allow users to disable MQTT encryption

e.g. for local MQTT on port 1883
encryption will be on by default
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+22 -4
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
# define MQTT_SENDING_INTERVAL 60 // [s]
# define MQTT_SERVER "" // MQTT server URL or IP address
# define MQTT_PORT 8883
# define MQTT_ENCRYPTED true // Set to false for unencrypted MQTT (e.g. with port 1883). If undefined, MQTT_ENCRYPTED will be set to true.
# define MQTT_USER ""
# define MQTT_PASSWORD ""
......@@ -12,10 +12,16 @@ namespace config {
const bool allow_mqtt_commands = ALLOW_MQTT_COMMANDS;
const unsigned long wait_after_fail = 900; // [s] Wait 15 minutes after an MQTT connection fail, before trying again.
#if defined(ESP32)
# include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
# if defined(ESP32)
# include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
# endif
WiFiClientSecure espClient;
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient);
namespace mqtt {
......@@ -30,9 +36,11 @@ namespace mqtt {
void initialize(const char *sensorId) {
json_sensor_format = PSTR("{\"time\":\"%s\", \"co2\":%d, \"temp\":%.1f, \"rh\":%.1f}");
snprintf(publish_topic, sizeof(publish_topic), "CO2sensors/%s", sensorId);
// The sensor doesn't check the fingerprint of the MQTT broker, because otherwise this fingerprint should be updated
// on the sensor every 3 months. The connection can still be encrypted, though:
espClient.setInsecure(); // If not available for ESP32, please update Arduino IDE / PlatformIO
mqttClient.setServer(config::mqtt_server, config::mqtt_port);
sensor_console::defineIntCommand("mqtt", setMQTTinterval, F("60 (Sets MQTT sending interval, in s)"));
......@@ -91,7 +99,12 @@ namespace mqtt {
// No WIFI
Serial.print(F("MQTT - Attempting connection..."));
Serial.print(F("MQTT - Attempting connection ("));
Serial.print(MQTT_ENCRYPTED ? F("Encrypted") : F("Unencrypted"));
Serial.print(F(", port "));
Serial.print(F(") ..."));
// Wait for connection, at most 15s (default)
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
#include "src/lib/PubSubClient/src/PubSubClient.h"
#include "wifi_util.h"
#if !defined(MQTT_ENCRYPTED)
# define MQTT_ENCRYPTED true // Old config files might not define it, and encryption was on by default.
namespace config {
extern uint16_t mqtt_sending_interval; // [s]
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