Commit f1d8c456 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Updated size

parent 00750138
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ namespace web_server {
//NOTE: Splitting in multiple parts in order to use less RAM. Higher than 2000 apparently crashes the ESP8266
char content[1700];
// Current size (with Lorawan, timesteps and long thing name):
// INFO - Header size : 1269 - Body1 size : 1215 - Body2 size : 1598 - Script size : 1485
// INFO - Header size : 1269 - Body1 size : 1259 - Body2 size : 1620 - Script size : 1485
snprintf_P(content, sizeof(content), header_template, sensor::co2, config::ampel_name(), wifi::local_ip);
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