Commit 1e2c13d9 authored by Lückemeyer's avatar Lückemeyer
Browse files

fixed competency name display in result view

1 merge request!1Coding style and recommendations
Showing with 3 additions and 7 deletions
+3 -7
No preview for this file type
......@@ -218,12 +218,8 @@ class ViewSubmissionUtils {
$resultrowattributes = $tablerowattributes;
$tmp = "";
$tmp .= html_writer::tag("td", get_string("comp" . $index, self::COMPONENT_NAME), $resultrowattributes);
$tmp = "";
$tmp .= html_writer::tag("td",
// floatval($shown)/floatval ($comp) . "% " .
"(" . $shown . " / " . $comp . ")",
$tmp .= html_writer::tag("td", floatval($shown)/floatval ($comp) . "% " .
"(" . $shown . " / " . $comp . ")", $resultrowattributes);
$body .= html_writer::tag("tr", $tmp, $resultrowattributes);
Supports Markdown
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