Commit b9fea9e5 authored by Mandic's avatar Mandic
Browse files

Update colorbrewer.html

parent 99f856de
Showing with 152 additions and 139 deletions
+152 -139
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Material brewer</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="x3dom.css">
<body class="ui-widget-content" style="border:0;">
<table width="100%" height="85%" border="0">
<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top" scope="col">
<X3D id="shapedata" width="600px" height="600px" style="float:left">
<Material id="material"> </Material>
<Sphere radius="2.0"> </Sphere>
<td width="50%" align="left" valign="top" scope="col">
The following example will show you haw to interactively modify the 3D scene.
See <a href=""
X3D Material node definition </a> for an explanation of the different color attributes.
ambientIntensity: 0 <input type="range" id="ambientIntensity" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.2"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<b>diffue color</b>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<br><b>emissive color</b><br>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<b>specular color</b>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
shininess: 0 <input type="range" id="shininess" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.2"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
transparency : 0 <input type="range" id="transparency" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
The diffuse color of a material will be interactively changed.
A JavaScript <a href=" target=" _blank"> RGB color picker </a> is used
and modified.
If the RGB color value is changed, the diffuse material of the sphere shall be changed as well. So we need to
get the Material node first.
This is done by the getElementById function in X3DOM. Of course, the Material node needs to have an unique id.
&lt;X3D id="shapedata" width="600px" height="600px" style="float:left"&gt;
&lt;Material id="material" diffuseColor="0.980, 0.502, 0.447"&gt; &lt;/Material&gt;
&lt;Sphere radius="2.0"&gt; &lt;/Sphere&gt;
For example, if the diffuse color should be set to red, the Material node is referenced by its id and the
attribute diffuseColor is set to
"1.0 0.0 0.0". The attribute value is always a string.
var mat = document.getElementById("material");
mat.setAttribute("diffuseColor", "1.0 0.0 0.0");
In the example, the RGB value is fetched from the slider.
var mat = document.getElementById("material");
rgbstring = " "+ red + " " + green + " " + blue;
mat.setAttribute("diffuseColor", rgbstring);
<script type="text/javascript" src="x3dom.js"></script>
* Change the settings of the directional light
* @param field string: Name of the field
* @param value number: New value to set
function changeColor() {
var material = document.getElementById("material");
var emissive_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("emissive_r").value;
emissive_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("emissive_g").value;
emissive_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("emissive_b").value;
material.setAttribute("emissiveColor", emissive_rgb);
var diffuse_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_r").value;
diffuse_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_g").value;
diffuse_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_b").value;
material.setAttribute("diffuseColor", diffuse_rgb);
var specular_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("specular_r").value;
specular_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("specular_g").value;
specular_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("specular_b").value;
material.setAttribute("specularColor", specular_rgb);
var ambientIntensity = " " + document.getElementById("ambientIntensity").value;
material.setAttribute("ambientIntensity", ambientIntensity);
var shininess = " " + document.getElementById("shininess").value;
material.setAttribute("shininess", shininess);
var transparency = " " + document.getElementById("transparency").value;
material.setAttribute("transparency", transparency);
\ No newline at end of file
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Material brewer</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="x3dom.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<body class="ui-widget-content" style="border:0;">
<table width="100%" height="85%" border="0">
<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top" scope="col">
<X3D id="shapedata" width="600px" height="600px" style="float:left">
<Material id="material"> </Material>
<Sphere radius="2.0"> </Sphere>
<td width="50%" align="left" valign="top" scope="col">
The following example will show you how to interactively modify the 3D scene.
See <a href=""
X3D Material node definition </a> for an explanation of the different color attributes.
ambientIntensity: 0 <input type="range" id="ambientIntensity" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.2"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<b>diffue color</b>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="diffuse_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.8"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<br><b>emissive color</b><br>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="emissive_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
<b>specular color</b>
red: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_r" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
green: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_g" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
blue: 0 <input type="range" id="specular_b" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
shininess: 0 <input type="range" id="shininess" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.2"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
transparency : 0 <input type="range" id="transparency" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.05" value="0.0"
onchange="changeColor()" />1<br>
The diffuse color of a material will be interactively changed.
A JavaScript <a href=" target=" _blank"> RGB color picker </a> is used
and modified.
If the RGB color value is changed, the diffuse material of the sphere shall be changed as well. So we need to
get the Material node first.
This is done by the getElementById function in X3DOM. Of course, the Material node needs to have an unique id.
<code class="language-html">
&lt;script type='text/javascript' src=''&gt; &lt;/script&gt;
&lt;link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
&lt;X3D id="shapedata" width="600px" height="600px" style="float:left"&gt;
&lt;Material id="material" diffuseColor="0.980, 0.502, 0.447"&gt; &lt;/Material&gt;
&lt;Sphere radius="2.0"&gt; &lt;/Sphere&gt;
For example, if the diffuse color should be set to red, the Material node is referenced by its id and the
attribute diffuseColor is set to
"1.0 0.0 0.0". The attribute value is always a string.
var mat = document.getElementById("material");
mat.setAttribute("diffuseColor", "1.0 0.0 0.0");
In the example, the RGB value is fetched from the slider.
var mat = document.getElementById("material");
rgbstring = " "+ red + " " + green + " " + blue;
mat.setAttribute("diffuseColor", rgbstring);
<script type="text/javascript" src="x3dom.js"></script>
* Change the settings of the directional light
* @param field string: Name of the field
* @param value number: New value to set
function changeColor() {
var material = document.getElementById("material");
var emissive_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("emissive_r").value;
emissive_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("emissive_g").value;
emissive_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("emissive_b").value;
material.setAttribute("emissiveColor", emissive_rgb);
var diffuse_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_r").value;
diffuse_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_g").value;
diffuse_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("diffuse_b").value;
material.setAttribute("diffuseColor", diffuse_rgb);
var specular_rgb = " " + document.getElementById("specular_r").value;
specular_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("specular_g").value;
specular_rgb += " " + document.getElementById("specular_b").value;
material.setAttribute("specularColor", specular_rgb);
var ambientIntensity = " " + document.getElementById("ambientIntensity").value;
material.setAttribute("ambientIntensity", ambientIntensity);
var shininess = " " + document.getElementById("shininess").value;
material.setAttribute("shininess", shininess);
var transparency = " " + document.getElementById("transparency").value;
material.setAttribute("transparency", transparency);
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