Commit 23dfbe94 authored by bruse's avatar bruse
Browse files

- Added the first two test cases for export and import job transmissions

- Fixed minor errors
parent a2b74ef7
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(E exportJob)
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML
* file has to be named after the following naming convention:
* file and the ZIP archive to be sent has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ public abstract class Job {
protected Connector<?, ?> connector;
* Every job has it's status. Look up the different possible values in the JobStatus enumeration.
* Every job has a status. This method returns it. Look up the different possible values in the JobStatus
* enumeration.
* @return Returns the status of this job.
......@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ public synchronized void send() throws FailedTransmissionException, InvalidJobDe
* Frequently queries the remote status of the nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously
......@@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ public synchronized void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Convenience method for polling with a predefined default interval.
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously
* started poll threads.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the
* nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
* @see poll(int)
public synchronized void poll() throws FailedTransmissionException {
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public synchronized void send() throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTran
* Frequently queries the remote status of the nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
public interface AsyncJob {
* Frequently queries the remote status of the nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class HTTPConnection implements Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob>
private String context;
* Constructs your NFConnector instance.
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public HTTPConnection(String server) {
* Constructs your NFConnector instance.
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
* @param port The port of the nF web application.
......@@ -298,8 +298,9 @@ private String getResponse(HttpURLConnection httpConnection) throws UnsupportedE
* If everything works as expected, then nF's servlets will respond with XML reports to your requests. The job
* status will be extracted from the response string. The XML reports have a certain structure. Read the nF
* manual for more information about the XML reports and have a look at the DTD of the XML reports.
* id and status will be extracted from the response string. The id of the passed job instance will be updated.
* The XML reports have a certain structure. Read the nF manual for more information about the XML reports and
* have a look at the DTD of the XML reports.
* @param xml A XML string that is supposed to be a XML document.
* @param An empty job status object about to be filled with the actual result. It will be UNKOWN if there was
......@@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(AsyncExportJob job)
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML
* file has to be named after the following naming convention:
* file and the ZIP archive has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
......@@ -466,6 +467,11 @@ public void sendAndUpdateImportJob(AsyncImportJob job)
getJobFromResponse(job, getResponse(connection));
if (job.getId() > 0) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job didn't receive an id from the nF server.");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ public void run() {
try {
HTTPConnection connector = (HTTPConnection) job.getConnector();
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
signalError("Job cancel because of an invalid job description!");
......@@ -46,10 +45,10 @@ public void run() {
* This method is superfluous I guess? Please refactor it.
* This method is superfluous I guess? TODO: Please check and refactor it.
private void signalError(String errorMessage) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.UNKOWN, Optional.of(errorMessage));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ public void run() {
try {
HTTPConnection connector = (HTTPConnection) job.getConnector();
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
signalError("Job cancel because of an invalid job description!");
......@@ -45,8 +44,11 @@ public void run() {
* This method is superfluous I guess? TODO: Please check and refactor it.
private void signalError(String errorMessage) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.UNKOWN, Optional.of(errorMessage));
\ No newline at end of file
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.test;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.AsyncExportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.ExportJobDescription;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.HTTPConnection;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusEvent;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusListener;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Layer;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Unit;
* This is a class for development and test purposes. It is not needed for production. You may want to delete it.
* This class contains client oriented export job tests. It will send an export job and listens to
* status updates. Every of the subsequent status' LOCAL, SENT, PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED and DOWNLOAD
* have to be signaled to this test class.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class Client implements JobStatusListener {
public class SuccessfulExportJob implements JobStatusListener {
public AsyncExportJob job;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client client = new Client();
public void processJob() {
// Describe the export job
public void processJob() throws InterruptedException {
ExportJobDescription description= ExportJobDescription.getDefaultDescriptor();
// Set at least one unit. You could also define a region polygon.
Unit unit = Unit.getDefaultUnit();
// Set at least one layer
Layer layer = Layer.getDefaultLayer();
// Create a new export job with the job description and a HTTP connection
job = new AsyncExportJob(description, new HTTPConnection(""));
// Register a job status listener
try {
// Send the export job to the nF server in a separate thread
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// There was a problem with your connection or the job has been sent twice
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
// The export job description is invalid
// Wait for timeout, failure or that all tests pass
long timeout = 1000 * 60 * 3l; // 3 minutes maximum
long interval = 10000l;
while (!job.hasFinished() && !job.hasFailed() && timeout > 0) {
timeout -= interval;
// This client is a job status listener and will get notified upon job status changes
public void jobStatusChanged(JobStatusEvent event) {
JobStatus status = (JobStatus) event.getSource();
if (status == JobStatus.FINISHED) {
if (status == JobStatus.LOCAL) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.SENT) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.PENDING) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.FINISHED) {
try {
// Start an asynchronous download of the resulting CityGML file
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// Only finished jobs can download files
} else if (status == JobStatus.DOWNLOAD) {
try {
// Obtain the CityGML file handle
File file = job.getResult();
System.out.println("CityGML at " + file.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// Download may have failed
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.AsyncImportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.HTTPConnection;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.ImportJobDescription;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusEvent;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusListener;
* This class contains client oriented import job tests. It will send an import job and listens to
* status updates. Every of the subsequent status' LOCAL, SENT, PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED
* have to be signaled to this test class.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class SuccessfulImportJob implements JobStatusListener {
public AsyncImportJob job;
public void processJob() throws InterruptedException {
ImportJobDescription desc = ImportJobDescription.getDefaultDescriptor();
desc.setCityGMLFile(new File("SomeBuildings.gml"));
HTTPConnection connector = new HTTPConnection("");
job = new AsyncImportJob(desc, connector);
try {
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// Wait for timeout, failure or that all tests pass
long timeout = 1000 * 60 * 5l; // 5 minutes maximum
long interval = 10000l;
while (!job.hasFinished() && !job.hasFailed() && timeout > 0) {
timeout -= interval;
public void jobStatusChanged(JobStatusEvent event) {
JobStatus status = (JobStatus) event.getSource();
if (status == JobStatus.LOCAL) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.SENT) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.PENDING) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.FINISHED) {
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