Commit 476042e0 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

No stdout for now.

parent 4a460949
Pipeline #6951 failed with stage
......@@ -13,14 +13,34 @@
import picocli.CommandLine.Option;
import picocli.CommandLine.Spec;
// Example usage:
// --input /home/ricou/Desktop/CGSC_Repository/Würzburg.proj/LoD2_566_5516_2_BY.gml,/home/ricou/Desktop/CGSC_Repository/Würzburg.proj/LoD2_568_5516_2_BY.gml
// --output /home/ricou/Desktop/output.gml
// --wkt /home/ricou/Desktop/grombuhl.txt
* Command Line Interface for RegionChooser. Could be useful to extract large regions on server, or automate the process
* from batch/python scripts.
// Usage: region_chooser [-hlV] [-e=31467] -o=output.gml -w=polygon.wkt -i=input.
// gml[,input.gml...] [-i=input.gml[,input.gml...]]...
// Extracts a region from one or more citygmls.
// -i, --input=input.gml[,input.gml...]
// Citygml files to extract from
// -o, --output=output.gml Output file
// -e, --epsg=31467 EPSG id for coordinate reference system
// -l, --local Are WKT coordinates in local CRS?
// -w, --wkt=polygon.wkt File containing WKT polygon, or - for stdin
// -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
// -V, --version Print version information and exit.
// Example:
// --input CGSC_Repository/Würzburg.proj/LoD2_566_5516_2_BY.gml,CGSC_Repository/Würzburg.proj/LoD2_568_5516_2_BY.gml
// --output ./output.gml
// --wkt ./grombuhl.txt
@Command(name = "region_chooser", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "regionChooser x.x", description = "Extracts a region from one or more citygmls.", sortOptions = false)
class RegionChooserCommandLineInterface implements Callable<Integer>
class RegionChooserCLI implements Callable<Integer>
CommandSpec spec;
......@@ -100,7 +120,7 @@ private static String getInput() {
// this example implements Callable, so parsing, error handling and handling user
// requests for usage help or version help can be done with one line of code.
public static void main(String... args) {
int exitCode = new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute(args);
int exitCode = new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute(args);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
import picocli.CommandLine;
class RegionChooserCommandLineInterfaceTest
class RegionChooserTests
final PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
final PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public void restore() throws IOException {
void testNoInput() {
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("");
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute("");
String expectedErr = "Missing required options: '--input=input.gml', '--output=output.gml', '--wkt=polygon.wkt'";
assertTrue(err.toString().contains(expectedErr), err.toString() + " should contain " + expectedErr);
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void testExtractRegionFromTwoCitygmls() throws IOException {
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("--input=" + citygml1 + "," + citygml2,
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute("--input=" + citygml1 + "," + citygml2,
"--output=" + outGML, "--wkt=" + inWKT, "--epsg=31463", "--local");
assertTrue(Files.size(outGML) > 600_000);
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void testExtractRegionFromTwoCitygmlsInWGS84() throws IOException {
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("--input=" + citygml1 + "," + citygml2,
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute("--input=" + citygml1 + "," + citygml2,
"--output=" + outGML, "--wkt=" + inWKT);
String expectedLog = "EPSG:31463";
assertTrue(err.toString().contains(expectedLog), err.toString() + " should contain " + expectedLog);
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void testExtractRegionWithStandardInput() throws IOException {
InputStream stdin = new ByteArrayInputStream(wktPolygon.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("--input=" + citygml, "--output=" + outGML,
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute("--input=" + citygml, "--output=" + outGML,
String expectedLog = "EPSG:32118";
assertTrue(err.toString().contains(expectedLog), err.toString() + " should contain " + expectedLog);
......@@ -113,21 +113,6 @@ void testExtractRegionWithStandardInput() throws IOException {
assertEquals(2, countBuildings(outGML));
void testExtractRegionWithStandardInputAndStandardOutput() throws IOException {
String wktPolygon = "POLYGON((-73.9959209576448 40.73286384885367, -73.996317924579 40.732359794090684, -73.9947515145143 40.7315061442504, -73.99422580154739 40.73214841515045, -73.9959209576448 40.73286384885367))";
Path citygml = TEST_REPOSITORY.resolve("NewYork.proj/ManhattanSmall.gml");
InputStream stdin = new ByteArrayInputStream(wktPolygon.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("--input=" + citygml, "--output=-", "--wkt=-");
String expectedLog = "EPSG:32118";
assertTrue(err.toString().contains(expectedLog), err.toString() + " should contain " + expectedLog);
void testExtractRegionWithMissingInput() throws IOException {
String wktPolygon = "POLYGON((-73.9959209576448 40.73286384885367, -73.996317924579 40.732359794090684, -73.9947515145143 40.7315061442504, -73.99422580154739 40.73214841515045, -73.9959209576448 40.73286384885367))";
......@@ -136,7 +121,7 @@ void testExtractRegionWithMissingInput() throws IOException {
try (BufferedWriter wkt = Files.newBufferedWriter(inWKT)) {
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCommandLineInterface()).execute("--input=" + citygml, "--output=" + outGML,
new CommandLine(new RegionChooserCLI()).execute("--input=" + citygml, "--output=" + outGML,
String expectedLog = "EPSG:32118";
assertTrue(err.toString().contains(expectedLog), err.toString() + " should contain " + expectedLog);
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