Commit 5a0bec3d authored by eric.duminil's avatar eric.duminil
Browse files

Removing CRLF from repository.

parent 3f54801c
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
This script compiles and deploys SimStadt Platform (GUI and Building Library Editors) and all required modules
to the directory specified in property "deploy.dir.path". It can be used to perform a headless build.
Before executing check that all required modules/projects are enumerated in property "projects".
<project default="deploy" name="RegionChooser" basedir="..">
Create a Jar file with RegionChooser libraries and executables
<property name="target.path" value="lib/region-chooser" />
<property name="projects" value="RegionChooser,GeoLibs" />
<import file="../SimStadt/deploy-common.xml" />
<target name="deploy" depends="unit-test">
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.bat">
java -classpath lib/* -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
pause > nul
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/">
java -classpath 'lib/*' -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
<chmod file="${deploy.dir}/" perm="u+x" />
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.command">
cd "$(dirname "$0")" # set the current working directory to the directory this script is in
java -classpath lib/* -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
<chmod file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.command" perm="u+x" />
<target name="unit-test" depends="test-common" unless="doNotTest">
<jacoco:coverage destfile="${reports.dir}/${}.exec" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" fork="true">
<classpath refid="test-classpath" />
<formatter type="xml" usefile="true" />
<formatter type="plain" usefile="true" />
<!-- RegionExtractor -->
<test name="eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionExtractorTests" haltonfailure="no" todir="${reports.dir}" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
This script compiles and deploys SimStadt Platform (GUI and Building Library Editors) and all required modules
to the directory specified in property "deploy.dir.path". It can be used to perform a headless build.
Before executing check that all required modules/projects are enumerated in property "projects".
<project default="deploy" name="RegionChooser" basedir="..">
Create a Jar file with RegionChooser libraries and executables
<property name="target.path" value="lib/region-chooser" />
<property name="projects" value="RegionChooser,GeoLibs" />
<import file="../SimStadt/deploy-common.xml" />
<target name="deploy" depends="unit-test">
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.bat">
java -classpath lib/* -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
pause > nul
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/">
java -classpath 'lib/*' -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
<chmod file="${deploy.dir}/" perm="u+x" />
<echo file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.command">
cd "$(dirname "$0")" # set the current working directory to the directory this script is in
java -classpath lib/* -Xms512m -Xmx2g eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionChooserFX
<chmod file="${deploy.dir}/RegionChooser.command" perm="u+x" />
<target name="unit-test" depends="test-common" unless="doNotTest">
<jacoco:coverage destfile="${reports.dir}/${}.exec" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" fork="true">
<classpath refid="test-classpath" />
<formatter type="xml" usefile="true" />
<formatter type="plain" usefile="true" />
<!-- RegionExtractor -->
<test name="eu.simstadt.regionchooser.RegionExtractorTests" haltonfailure="no" todir="${reports.dir}" />
\ No newline at end of file
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* NFConnector lets you communicate with your novaFACTORY (nF) server instance.
* @param <I> The import job implementation which can be handled by the connector.
* @param <E> The export job implementation which can be handled by the connector.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface Connector<I extends ImportJob<?>, E extends ExportJob<?>> {
* Callers of this NFConnector want to know the actual version of the novaFACTORY and the versions of its
* HTTP/FTP/WPS/etc. interfaces against which this interface has been implemented.
* The various NovaFACTORY interfaces may change over time. Such changes force the SimStadt programmers to
* implement different versions of this NFConnector interface while keeping old implementations due to
* backward compatibility.
* @return The supported version of the novaFACTORY.
public String supportsNFVersion();
* Sends an export job to nF. The job has to be passed to the nF in an appropriate XML job file.
* The DTD of the XML format can be obtained from the nF installation or documentation.
* The contents of the XML job file are detailed in the job's descriptor instance. This method is supposed to
* update the status of the job and the job id.
* @param job The nF export job with description. If the job description is invalid, you will receive an
* InvalidJobDescriptorException.
public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(E exportJob)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Sends an import job to nF. A given import job descriptor has to describe the import job file. This
* method has to build the file and to zip it. The zip file has to obey the internal structure defined
* in the nF manuals. Short description:
* Import jobs enable you to add, alter and delete CityGML top level objects (like buildings) in the nF.
* Every import job file has to contain a start file. Start files control the import process through their
* file names and their contents. The name of a start file has the following structure
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML
* file and the ZIP archive to be sent has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
* Here operation can be ...
* - 'REP': Replaces whole existing buildings only,
* - 'REPUPD': Replaces whole existing buildings and adds new buildings,
* - 'UPD': Update, same as REP,
* - 'CHG': Change, same as REPUPD,
* - 'DEL': Deletes the geometry of a particular LOD,
* - 'DELALL': Deletes a whole building
* @param job The nF import job to be sent. It has to contain a valid description.
public void sendAndUpdateImportJob(I importJob)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Returns the status of any existing export nF job.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing export nF job.
public E requestExportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Returns the status of any existing import nF job.
* @param jobId The id of the import job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing import nF job.
public I requestImportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Downloads the result for a given nF export job and hands over the corresponding file handle.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which the result should be loaded.
* @return A file handle to the result of the nF export job.
public File requestExportJobResult(E exportJob) throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* NFConnector lets you communicate with your novaFACTORY (nF) server instance.
* @param <I> The import job implementation which can be handled by the connector.
* @param <E> The export job implementation which can be handled by the connector.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface Connector<I extends ImportJob<?>, E extends ExportJob<?>> {
* Callers of this NFConnector want to know the actual version of the novaFACTORY and the versions of its
* HTTP/FTP/WPS/etc. interfaces against which this interface has been implemented.
* The various NovaFACTORY interfaces may change over time. Such changes force the SimStadt programmers to
* implement different versions of this NFConnector interface while keeping old implementations due to
* backward compatibility.
* @return The supported version of the novaFACTORY.
public String supportsNFVersion();
* Sends an export job to nF. The job has to be passed to the nF in an appropriate XML job file.
* The DTD of the XML format can be obtained from the nF installation or documentation.
* The contents of the XML job file are detailed in the job's descriptor instance. This method is supposed to
* update the status of the job and the job id.
* @param job The nF export job with description. If the job description is invalid, you will receive an
* InvalidJobDescriptorException.
public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(E exportJob)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Sends an import job to nF. A given import job descriptor has to describe the import job file. This
* method has to build the file and to zip it. The zip file has to obey the internal structure defined
* in the nF manuals. Short description:
* Import jobs enable you to add, alter and delete CityGML top level objects (like buildings) in the nF.
* Every import job file has to contain a start file. Start files control the import process through their
* file names and their contents. The name of a start file has the following structure
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML
* file and the ZIP archive to be sent has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
* Here operation can be ...
* - 'REP': Replaces whole existing buildings only,
* - 'REPUPD': Replaces whole existing buildings and adds new buildings,
* - 'UPD': Update, same as REP,
* - 'CHG': Change, same as REPUPD,
* - 'DEL': Deletes the geometry of a particular LOD,
* - 'DELALL': Deletes a whole building
* @param job The nF import job to be sent. It has to contain a valid description.
public void sendAndUpdateImportJob(I importJob)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Returns the status of any existing export nF job.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing export nF job.
public E requestExportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Returns the status of any existing import nF job.
* @param jobId The id of the import job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing import nF job.
public I requestImportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Downloads the result for a given nF export job and hands over the corresponding file handle.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which the result should be loaded.
* @return A file handle to the result of the nF export job.
public File requestExportJobResult(E exportJob) throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* An export job is a proxy object for an actual nF export job. Export jobs are used to get data from your nF server.
* Every export job has to have a valid job descriptor and/or a job id.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <D> The descriptor type for the export job implementation.
public abstract class ExportJob<D extends ExportJobDescriptor> extends Job {
/** Every job should have a (valid) job descriptor. */
protected D descriptor;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public ExportJob(D descriptor, Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.connector = connector;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public ExportJob(int id, Connector<?, ?> connector) { = id;
this.connector = connector;
* @return Returns the description of this job.
public D getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Once an export job has been finished, the caller should use this method to obtain the actual CityGML file.
* @return A file handle to the resulting CityGML file.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException There could be a problem while accessing or downloading the file.
public abstract File getResult() throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* An export job is a proxy object for an actual nF export job. Export jobs are used to get data from your nF server.
* Every export job has to have a valid job descriptor and/or a job id.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <D> The descriptor type for the export job implementation.
public abstract class ExportJob<D extends ExportJobDescriptor> extends Job {
/** Every job should have a (valid) job descriptor. */
protected D descriptor;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public ExportJob(D descriptor, Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.connector = connector;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public ExportJob(int id, Connector<?, ?> connector) { = id;
this.connector = connector;
* @return Returns the description of this job.
public D getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Once an export job has been finished, the caller should use this method to obtain the actual CityGML file.
* @return A file handle to the resulting CityGML file.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException There could be a problem while accessing or downloading the file.
public abstract File getResult() throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Implementations of this interface are known to be export job descriptions.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface ExportJobDescriptor extends JobDescriptor {}
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Implementations of this interface are known to be export job descriptions.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface ExportJobDescriptor extends JobDescriptor {}
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import netscape.javascript.JSObject;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.AsyncExportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Coord;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.ExportJobDescription;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.HTTPConnection;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusEvent;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusListener;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Layer;
* This class contains client oriented export job tests. It will send an export job and listens to status updates. Every
* of the subsequent status' LOCAL, SENT, PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED and DOWNLOAD have to be signaled to this test
* class.
* @author Marcel Bruse
//TODO: DRY with SuccessfulExportJob
public class ExportJobFromJavaFXRegionChooser implements JobStatusListener
public AsyncExportJob job;
private JSObject novaFactoryOpenLayer;
public void processJob(Geometry poly, String productName, JSObject novaFactoryOpenLayer) throws InterruptedException {
this.novaFactoryOpenLayer = novaFactoryOpenLayer;
ExportJobDescription description = ExportJobDescription.getDefaultDescriptor();
description.setInitiator(String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * 9999)));
String userName = System.getProperty("");
// description.setProduct("WU3");
ArrayList<Coord> regionPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
for (Coordinate point : poly.getCoordinates()) {
regionPolygon.add(new Coord(point.y, point.x));
Layer layer = Layer.getDefaultLayer();
job = new AsyncExportJob(description, new HTTPConnection(""));
try {
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
public void jobStatusChanged(JobStatusEvent event) {
JobStatus status = (JobStatus) event.getSource();
// System.out.println(status);
if (status == JobStatus.LOCAL) {"updateStatus", "REQUEST HAS BEEN PREPARED");
} else if (status == JobStatus.SENT) {"updateStatus", "REQUEST HAS BEEN SENT");
} else if (status == JobStatus.PENDING) {"updateStatus", "PENDING");
} else if (status == JobStatus.RUNNING) {"updateStatus", "SERVER IS BUSY");
} else if (status == JobStatus.FINISHED) {
try {"updateStatus", "SERVER IS DONE");
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.DOWNLOAD) {
try {
File file = job.getResult();"updateStatus", "DOWNLOADED AS ZIP");
//TODO: Call downloadFinished if FAILED
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {"selectSaveFile", file.toString());
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import netscape.javascript.JSObject;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.AsyncExportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Coord;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.ExportJobDescription;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.HTTPConnection;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusEvent;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.JobStatusListener;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.async.Layer;
* This class contains client oriented export job tests. It will send an export job and listens to status updates. Every
* of the subsequent status' LOCAL, SENT, PENDING, RUNNING, FINISHED and DOWNLOAD have to be signaled to this test
* class.
* @author Marcel Bruse
//TODO: DRY with SuccessfulExportJob
public class ExportJobFromJavaFXRegionChooser implements JobStatusListener
public AsyncExportJob job;
private JSObject novaFactoryOpenLayer;
public void processJob(Geometry poly, String productName, JSObject novaFactoryOpenLayer) throws InterruptedException {
this.novaFactoryOpenLayer = novaFactoryOpenLayer;
ExportJobDescription description = ExportJobDescription.getDefaultDescriptor();
description.setInitiator(String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * 9999)));
String userName = System.getProperty("");
// description.setProduct("WU3");
ArrayList<Coord> regionPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
for (Coordinate point : poly.getCoordinates()) {
regionPolygon.add(new Coord(point.y, point.x));
Layer layer = Layer.getDefaultLayer();
job = new AsyncExportJob(description, new HTTPConnection(""));
try {
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
} catch (InvalidJobDescriptorException ex) {
public void jobStatusChanged(JobStatusEvent event) {
JobStatus status = (JobStatus) event.getSource();
// System.out.println(status);
if (status == JobStatus.LOCAL) {"updateStatus", "REQUEST HAS BEEN PREPARED");
} else if (status == JobStatus.SENT) {"updateStatus", "REQUEST HAS BEEN SENT");
} else if (status == JobStatus.PENDING) {"updateStatus", "PENDING");
} else if (status == JobStatus.RUNNING) {"updateStatus", "SERVER IS BUSY");
} else if (status == JobStatus.FINISHED) {
try {"updateStatus", "SERVER IS DONE");
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
} else if (status == JobStatus.DOWNLOAD) {
try {
File file = job.getResult();"updateStatus", "DOWNLOADED AS ZIP");
//TODO: Call downloadFinished if FAILED
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {"selectSaveFile", file.toString());
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
\ No newline at end of file
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* This exception may be thrown by classes of the nf4j package if/on ...
* - the connector is null
* - malformed URLs
* - missing or malformed XML reports
* - HTTP failures
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class FailedTransmissionException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3530932388888249528L;
/** An textual description of the error. */
private String message;
/** Standard constructor. */
public FailedTransmissionException() {}
* Constructor with error message and without nested cause.
* @param message The error message.
public FailedTransmissionException(String message) {
this(message, null);
* Constructor with cause and without error message.
* @param cause The nested cause of this exception.
public FailedTransmissionException(Throwable cause) {
this(null, cause);
* Constructor with error message and nested cause.
* @param message The error message.
* @param cause The nested cause of this exception.
public FailedTransmissionException(String message, Throwable cause) {
this.message = message;
* @return Returns the error message, if present.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* This exception may be thrown by classes of the nf4j package if/on ...
* - the connector is null
* - malformed URLs
* - missing or malformed XML reports
* - HTTP failures
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class FailedTransmissionException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3530932388888249528L;
/** An textual description of the error. */
private String message;
/** Standard constructor. */
public FailedTransmissionException() {}
* Constructor with error message and without nested cause.
* @param message The error message.
public FailedTransmissionException(String message) {
this(message, null);
* Constructor with cause and without error message.
* @param cause The nested cause of this exception.
public FailedTransmissionException(Throwable cause) {
this(null, cause);
* Constructor with error message and nested cause.
* @param message The error message.
* @param cause The nested cause of this exception.
public FailedTransmissionException(String message, Throwable cause) {
this.message = message;
* @return Returns the error message, if present.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* An import job is a proxy object for an actual nF import job. Import jobs are used to store data in your nF database.
* Every import job has to have a valid job descriptor and/or a job id.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <D> The descriptor type for the import job implementation.
public abstract class ImportJob<D extends ImportJobDescriptor> extends Job {
/** Every job should have a (valid) job descriptor. */
protected D descriptor;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public ImportJob(D descriptor, Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.connector = connector;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public ImportJob(int id, Connector<?, ?> connector) { = id;
this.connector = connector;
* @return Returns the description of this job.
public D getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* An import job is a proxy object for an actual nF import job. Import jobs are used to store data in your nF database.
* Every import job has to have a valid job descriptor and/or a job id.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <D> The descriptor type for the import job implementation.
public abstract class ImportJob<D extends ImportJobDescriptor> extends Job {
/** Every job should have a (valid) job descriptor. */
protected D descriptor;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public ImportJob(D descriptor, Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.connector = connector;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public ImportJob(int id, Connector<?, ?> connector) { = id;
this.connector = connector;
* @return Returns the description of this job.
public D getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Implementations of this interface are known to implement import job descriptions.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface ImportJobDescriptor extends JobDescriptor {
* Sets the CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
* @param file The CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
public void setCityGMLFile(File file);
* @return Returns the CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
public File getCityGMLFile();
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Implementations of this interface are known to implement import job descriptions.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface ImportJobDescriptor extends JobDescriptor {
* Sets the CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
* @param file The CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
public void setCityGMLFile(File file);
* @return Returns the CityGML file which is supposed to be imported by the nF.
public File getCityGMLFile();
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* If your export and import job descriptions are invalid due to the job.isValid() method, then it is very likely
* that you will get this exception.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class InvalidJobDescriptorException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2710340003578550634L;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* If your export and import job descriptions are invalid due to the job.isValid() method, then it is very likely
* that you will get this exception.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class InvalidJobDescriptorException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2710340003578550634L;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* This job class bundles the three attributes of every nF job: Id, status and last job related nF (error) message.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public abstract class Job {
/** The status of the job. There are different states for export and import jobs. */
protected JobStatus status;
/** The id of the job. */
protected int id;
/** The connection to the nF. */
protected Connector<?, ?> connector;
* Every job has a status. This method returns it. Look up the different possible values in the JobStatus
* enumeration.
* @return Returns the status of this job.
public JobStatus getStatus() {
return status;
* Lets you set the status of this job.
* @param status The status of this job.
protected void setStatus(JobStatus status) {
this.status = status;
* @return Returns the id of this job.
public int getId() {
return id;
* Sets the id of this job.
* @param jobId The job id about to be set.
public void setId(int jobId) { = jobId;
* @return Returns the nF connector of this job.
public Connector<?, ?> getConnector() {
return connector;
* Sets the nF connector of this job.
* @param nFConnector The connector of this job.
public void setConnector(Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.connector = connector;
* This method reads the job description, builds a job file from it and uses the connector to send the
* job file to nF. You may want to implement the file building and file sending parts in the
* connector in order to reuse them here.
* This method is a object oriented convenience method for NFConnector.sendXXXJobFile(). It is sensible
* to have this convenience method, because it offers the API user centralized controls over the jobs
* status chain without switching between job instances and connector instances. In the end, the user is
* not interested in the connection to the nF, but in the job itself.
public abstract void send() throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set, or the job id
* is unkown by the nF, then this operation will throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the connection to the nF is broken you will get some of this.
public abstract void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent
* to you in http responses. Export jobs and import jobs have different states. Consider this fact
* in your implementation.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public abstract void setStatusForCode(int statusCode);
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* This job class bundles the three attributes of every nF job: Id, status and last job related nF (error) message.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public abstract class Job {
/** The status of the job. There are different states for export and import jobs. */
protected JobStatus status;
/** The id of the job. */
protected int id;
/** The connection to the nF. */
protected Connector<?, ?> connector;
* Every job has a status. This method returns it. Look up the different possible values in the JobStatus
* enumeration.
* @return Returns the status of this job.
public JobStatus getStatus() {
return status;
* Lets you set the status of this job.
* @param status The status of this job.
protected void setStatus(JobStatus status) {
this.status = status;
* @return Returns the id of this job.
public int getId() {
return id;
* Sets the id of this job.
* @param jobId The job id about to be set.
public void setId(int jobId) { = jobId;
* @return Returns the nF connector of this job.
public Connector<?, ?> getConnector() {
return connector;
* Sets the nF connector of this job.
* @param nFConnector The connector of this job.
public void setConnector(Connector<?, ?> connector) {
this.connector = connector;
* This method reads the job description, builds a job file from it and uses the connector to send the
* job file to nF. You may want to implement the file building and file sending parts in the
* connector in order to reuse them here.
* This method is a object oriented convenience method for NFConnector.sendXXXJobFile(). It is sensible
* to have this convenience method, because it offers the API user centralized controls over the jobs
* status chain without switching between job instances and connector instances. In the end, the user is
* not interested in the connection to the nF, but in the job itself.
public abstract void send() throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException;
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set, or the job id
* is unkown by the nF, then this operation will throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the connection to the nF is broken you will get some of this.
public abstract void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent
* to you in http responses. Export jobs and import jobs have different states. Consider this fact
* in your implementation.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public abstract void setStatusForCode(int statusCode);
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Every instance of this class describes an export or import job for the novaFACTORY. Instances of JobBuilder
* take JobDescriptions and build XML export and import job files out of it.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface JobDescriptor {
* @return The supported version of the XML import or export job format.
public String supportsJobVersion();
* @return Returns true, if the job description is complete and correct. False, otherwise.
public boolean isValid();
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* Every instance of this class describes an export or import job for the novaFACTORY. Instances of JobBuilder
* take JobDescriptions and build XML export and import job files out of it.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface JobDescriptor {
* @return The supported version of the XML import or export job format.
public String supportsJobVersion();
* @return Returns true, if the job description is complete and correct. False, otherwise.
public boolean isValid();
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* The list of all possible export and import job states.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public enum JobStatus {
UNKNOWN(0), // A local NF4J code, may be set in rare cases, if synchronization with nF fails.
LOCAL(10), // Job has not been sent yet and is known by the local system only.
SENT(20), // Job has been sent or it is assumed that it has been set before.
PENDING(30), // Export job has been enqueued and waits for execution
READY_TO_RUN(31), // Same as PENDING, but for import jobs
APPROVE(32), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
RUNNING(40), // Job is running
APPROVE_RUNNING(41), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
FAILED(50), // Export job failed
ERROR(51), // Same as FAILED, but for import jobs
WARNING(52), // For import jobs only. There has been a minor problem
REJECT(53), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
REJECT_RUNNING(54), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
APPROVE_REJECT_ERROR(55), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
APPROVE_REJECT_OK(56), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
IMPORTED_WARNING(57), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
FINISHED(60), // Job finished
DOWNLOAD(70); // Export jobs only. CityGML has been download to the local file system
public static final String UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = "The state of the job is unknown.";
public static final String LOCAL_MESSAGE = "The job is known locally only. It has not been sent yet.";
public static final String SENT_MESSAGE = "The job has been sent, is enqueued at the nF and has a job id.";
public static final String PENDING_MESSAGE = "Job is pending.";
public static final String RUNNING_MESSAGE = "Job is running.";
public static final String FAILED_MESSAGE = "Job failed.";
public static final String FINISHED_MESSAGE = "Job is finished.";
public static final String WAITING_MESSAGE = "Job is waiting for a response from the remote nF instance.";
* This constructor sets messages for some states.
* @param internalCode Our numerical SimStadt-internal code for the nF status codes.
private JobStatus(int internalCode) {
switch (internalCode) {
case 0:
message = UNKNOWN_MESSAGE; break;
case 10:
message = LOCAL_MESSAGE; break;
case 20:
message = SENT_MESSAGE; break;
case 30:
case 31:
message = PENDING_MESSAGE; break;
case 40:
message = RUNNING_MESSAGE; break;
case 50:
case 51:
message = FAILED_MESSAGE; break;
case 60:
message = FINISHED_MESSAGE; break;
message = "";
* This message describes the status or gives hints about error states. This message may come from a
* nF response.
private String message;
* Sets a message for this status in order to describe the status.
* @param message A message to describe this status.
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
* @return Returns a message which describes this status.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j;
* The list of all possible export and import job states.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public enum JobStatus {
UNKNOWN(0), // A local NF4J code, may be set in rare cases, if synchronization with nF fails.
LOCAL(10), // Job has not been sent yet and is known by the local system only.
SENT(20), // Job has been sent or it is assumed that it has been set before.
PENDING(30), // Export job has been enqueued and waits for execution
READY_TO_RUN(31), // Same as PENDING, but for import jobs
APPROVE(32), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
RUNNING(40), // Job is running
APPROVE_RUNNING(41), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
FAILED(50), // Export job failed
ERROR(51), // Same as FAILED, but for import jobs
WARNING(52), // For import jobs only. There has been a minor problem
REJECT(53), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
REJECT_RUNNING(54), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
APPROVE_REJECT_ERROR(55), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
APPROVE_REJECT_OK(56), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
IMPORTED_WARNING(57), // (?) For import jobs only. Read the nF documentation, seams to be never used.
FINISHED(60), // Job finished
DOWNLOAD(70); // Export jobs only. CityGML has been download to the local file system
public static final String UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = "The state of the job is unknown.";
public static final String LOCAL_MESSAGE = "The job is known locally only. It has not been sent yet.";
public static final String SENT_MESSAGE = "The job has been sent, is enqueued at the nF and has a job id.";
public static final String PENDING_MESSAGE = "Job is pending.";
public static final String RUNNING_MESSAGE = "Job is running.";
public static final String FAILED_MESSAGE = "Job failed.";
public static final String FINISHED_MESSAGE = "Job is finished.";
public static final String WAITING_MESSAGE = "Job is waiting for a response from the remote nF instance.";
* This constructor sets messages for some states.
* @param internalCode Our numerical SimStadt-internal code for the nF status codes.
private JobStatus(int internalCode) {
switch (internalCode) {
case 0:
message = UNKNOWN_MESSAGE; break;
case 10:
message = LOCAL_MESSAGE; break;
case 20:
message = SENT_MESSAGE; break;
case 30:
case 31:
message = PENDING_MESSAGE; break;
case 40:
message = RUNNING_MESSAGE; break;
case 50:
case 51:
message = FAILED_MESSAGE; break;
case 60:
message = FINISHED_MESSAGE; break;
message = "";
* This message describes the status or gives hints about error states. This message may come from a
* nF response.
private String message;
* Sets a message for this status in order to describe the status.
* @param message A message to describe this status.
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
* @return Returns a message which describes this status.
public String getMessage() {
return message;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Connector;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ExportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* Export jobs are requests for CityGML models. Every valid export job has an id and a status. This implementation
* offers non-blocking asynchronous send, poll and download operations, so that your main application has not to wait
* for the results. You may want to register your main application as a job status listeners at this job to get status
* updates from the asynchronous operations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class AsyncExportJob extends ExportJob<ExportJobDescription> implements AsyncJob
* While polling for the current job status, the polling thread will sleep for this amount of seconds before each
* status update request.
private final int DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5; // seconds
/** There can only be one sending thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread sendThread;
/** There can only be one polling thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread pollThread;
/** There can only be one download thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread downloadThread;
* Once the send() operation has been triggered, this member will be true. No subsequent invocations of send() will
* be possible then.
private boolean jobTransmissionTriggered = false;
/** As long as this variable is true, the polling thread will be kept alive. */
private boolean keepPolling = true;
* List of all registered job status listeners. Whenever the state of this job changes, these listeners will get
* informed.
private LinkedList<JobStatusListener> jobListenerList = new LinkedList<>();
* This job will be send and observed asynchronously. Its results will be downloaded asynchronously also. If an
* asynchronous operation breaks, then the last encountered problem will be described here.
private Optional<String> lastEncounteredProblem = Optional.empty();
* The last job status which has been sent to all registered job status listeners.
private JobStatus lastPublishedJobStatus;
/** Once the CityGML file has been download, it should be referenced here. */
private File result;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "local", because it is assumed that it has an unsent description and no job id
* yet.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public AsyncExportJob(ExportJobDescription descriptor, Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob> connector) {
super(descriptor, connector);
status = JobStatus.LOCAL;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "sent", because it is assumed that the job is already enqueued at the nF job
* queue.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status will be
* updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public AsyncExportJob(int id, Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob> connector) {
super(id, connector);
status = JobStatus.SENT;
* Builds an XML job file from the job description and sends it to the nF server which has been configured in your
* connector instance. This will be done asynchronously within a SendExportJobTask.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If this method has been called before, then you will receive this.
* @throws InvalidJobDescriptorException If the job description is invalid or null, then you will receive this.
public synchronized void send() throws FailedTransmissionException, InvalidJobDescriptorException {
if (jobTransmissionTriggered) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Jobs cannot be sent twice!");
if (Objects.isNull(descriptor) || !descriptor.isValid()) {
throw new InvalidJobDescriptorException();
jobTransmissionTriggered = true;
notifyJobStatusListeners(); // Force the job to signal the LOCAL status
sendThread = new Thread(new SendExportJobTask(this));
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly. The queries
* will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified upon every new status
* change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously started
* poll threads.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public synchronized void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
keepPolling = true;
pollThread = new Thread(new PollJobStatusTask(this, interval));
* Convenience method for polling with a predefined default interval.
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly. The queries
* will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified upon every new status
* change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously started
* poll threads.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
* @see poll(int)
public synchronized void poll() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set, this operation will
* throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException You will receive this exception if no connector is present, the connection to
* the nF is broken, the job has not been sent to the nF yet, or another update request is ongoing. In the
* two latter cases, job will either have the status "LOCAL" or "WAITING".
public synchronized void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (Objects.isNull(connector)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("No connector set for this job!");
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
AsyncExportJob job = ((HTTPConnection) connector).requestExportJob(id);
JobStatus newStatus = job.getStatus();
if (newStatus.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) > 0) {
setStatus(job.getStatus(), Optional.empty());
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the asynchronous
* PollJobStatusTask class.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent to you in http
* responses.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public synchronized void setStatusForCode(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case 0:
case 10:
case 20:
case 30:
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done. This is also the case, if the resulting CityGML file has been
* download. False, otherwise.
public boolean hasFinished() {
return status == JobStatus.FINISHED || status == JobStatus.DOWNLOAD;
* @return Returns true, if the job has been failed. You may want to look up the "last encountered problem" string.
public boolean hasFailed() {
return status == JobStatus.FAILED;
* Registers a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered. This listener will receive updates about every
* progressing change of the job status. Meaning, the change to a particular status will only be signaled
* once to the listener.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Unregisters a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified. Listeners will only be
* notified of the status updates where the status of the job progresses and they will only be notified once about
* every singular status. If this status has been signaled already, then the listeners will not be notified again.
public synchronized void notifyJobStatusListeners() {
if (Objects.isNull(lastPublishedJobStatus) || status.compareTo(lastPublishedJobStatus) > 0) {
JobStatusEvent event = new JobStatusEvent(status, this, lastEncounteredProblem);
for (JobStatusListener listener : jobListenerList) {
lastPublishedJobStatus = status;
* Cancels all ongoing send, poll and download operations as soon as possible.
public void cancel() {
keepPolling = false;
if (Objects.nonNull(sendThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(downloadThread)) {
* @return Returns true, if the polling thread should go on with its polling job. Otherwise, false.
public boolean keepPolling() {
return keepPolling;
* Starts downloading the export job result, if there is any. As soon as the download has been finished, the job
* status will be set to DOWNLOADED. All registered job status listeners will get notified about the it. Afterwards,
* you may want to obtain a handle to the download CityGML file with getResult().
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the job has not been finished yet, then you will get some of this.
public void downloadResult() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job has not been finished!");
downloadThread = new Thread(new DownloadTask(this));
* This method is used by the download task to set the CityGML file handle as soon as the file has been download.
* @param result The file handle of the download CityGML file.
protected void setResult(File result) {
this.result = result;
* This method will return the download CityGML file for this export job, but only if the export job has actually
* been finished before.
* @return Returns a file handle to the download CityGML file.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the job result has not been download yet, then you will get some of this.
public File getResult() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job has not been finished!");
if (Objects.isNull(result)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job result has not been downloaded!");
return result;
* The asynchronous send, poll and download tasks cannot throw exceptions. If something goes wrong during the save,
* poll or download operation, then you may want to submit at lease a textual description of the problem here. This
* message will be sent to all registered job status listeners on the next status update. This is why you can use the
* convenience method setStatus(jobStatus, message), to do both at the same time.
* @param errorMessage The description of the encountered problem. This could be the exception message or a more user
* friendly message.
protected synchronized void setLastEncounteredProblem(Optional<String> errorMessage) {
this.lastEncounteredProblem = errorMessage;
* A convenience method to set a new job status and a status message at the same time. Status messages will be passed
* by asynchronous tasks instead of exception, because they cannot throw exceptions.
* @param jobStatus The new status of this job.
* @param message A status message. This message may describe a problem which occurred during an asynchronous task.
protected synchronized void setStatus(JobStatus jobStatus, Optional<String> message) {
lastEncounteredProblem = message;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Connector;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ExportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* Export jobs are requests for CityGML models. Every valid export job has an id and a status. This implementation
* offers non-blocking asynchronous send, poll and download operations, so that your main application has not to wait
* for the results. You may want to register your main application as a job status listeners at this job to get status
* updates from the asynchronous operations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class AsyncExportJob extends ExportJob<ExportJobDescription> implements AsyncJob
* While polling for the current job status, the polling thread will sleep for this amount of seconds before each
* status update request.
private final int DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5; // seconds
/** There can only be one sending thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread sendThread;
/** There can only be one polling thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread pollThread;
/** There can only be one download thread for each job at a time. */
private Thread downloadThread;
* Once the send() operation has been triggered, this member will be true. No subsequent invocations of send() will
* be possible then.
private boolean jobTransmissionTriggered = false;
/** As long as this variable is true, the polling thread will be kept alive. */
private boolean keepPolling = true;
* List of all registered job status listeners. Whenever the state of this job changes, these listeners will get
* informed.
private LinkedList<JobStatusListener> jobListenerList = new LinkedList<>();
* This job will be send and observed asynchronously. Its results will be downloaded asynchronously also. If an
* asynchronous operation breaks, then the last encountered problem will be described here.
private Optional<String> lastEncounteredProblem = Optional.empty();
* The last job status which has been sent to all registered job status listeners.
private JobStatus lastPublishedJobStatus;
/** Once the CityGML file has been download, it should be referenced here. */
private File result;
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "local", because it is assumed that it has an unsent description and no job id
* yet.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public AsyncExportJob(ExportJobDescription descriptor, Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob> connector) {
super(descriptor, connector);
status = JobStatus.LOCAL;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "sent", because it is assumed that the job is already enqueued at the nF job
* queue.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status will be
* updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public AsyncExportJob(int id, Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob> connector) {
super(id, connector);
status = JobStatus.SENT;
* Builds an XML job file from the job description and sends it to the nF server which has been configured in your
* connector instance. This will be done asynchronously within a SendExportJobTask.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If this method has been called before, then you will receive this.
* @throws InvalidJobDescriptorException If the job description is invalid or null, then you will receive this.
public synchronized void send() throws FailedTransmissionException, InvalidJobDescriptorException {
if (jobTransmissionTriggered) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Jobs cannot be sent twice!");
if (Objects.isNull(descriptor) || !descriptor.isValid()) {
throw new InvalidJobDescriptorException();
jobTransmissionTriggered = true;
notifyJobStatusListeners(); // Force the job to signal the LOCAL status
sendThread = new Thread(new SendExportJobTask(this));
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly. The queries
* will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified upon every new status
* change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously started
* poll threads.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public synchronized void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
keepPolling = true;
pollThread = new Thread(new PollJobStatusTask(this, interval));
* Convenience method for polling with a predefined default interval.
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly. The queries
* will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listeners will be notified upon every new status
* change.
* Note, there can only be one polling thread at a time. Subsequent calls of poll() will stop the previously started
* poll threads.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
* @see poll(int)
public synchronized void poll() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set, this operation will
* throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException You will receive this exception if no connector is present, the connection to
* the nF is broken, the job has not been sent to the nF yet, or another update request is ongoing. In the
* two latter cases, job will either have the status "LOCAL" or "WAITING".
public synchronized void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (Objects.isNull(connector)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("No connector set for this job!");
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
AsyncExportJob job = ((HTTPConnection) connector).requestExportJob(id);
JobStatus newStatus = job.getStatus();
if (newStatus.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) > 0) {
setStatus(job.getStatus(), Optional.empty());
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the asynchronous
* PollJobStatusTask class.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent to you in http
* responses.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public synchronized void setStatusForCode(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case 0:
case 10:
case 20:
case 30:
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done. This is also the case, if the resulting CityGML file has been
* download. False, otherwise.
public boolean hasFinished() {
return status == JobStatus.FINISHED || status == JobStatus.DOWNLOAD;
* @return Returns true, if the job has been failed. You may want to look up the "last encountered problem" string.
public boolean hasFailed() {
return status == JobStatus.FAILED;
* Registers a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered. This listener will receive updates about every
* progressing change of the job status. Meaning, the change to a particular status will only be signaled
* once to the listener.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Unregisters a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified. Listeners will only be
* notified of the status updates where the status of the job progresses and they will only be notified once about
* every singular status. If this status has been signaled already, then the listeners will not be notified again.
public synchronized void notifyJobStatusListeners() {
if (Objects.isNull(lastPublishedJobStatus) || status.compareTo(lastPublishedJobStatus) > 0) {
JobStatusEvent event = new JobStatusEvent(status, this, lastEncounteredProblem);
for (JobStatusListener listener : jobListenerList) {
lastPublishedJobStatus = status;
* Cancels all ongoing send, poll and download operations as soon as possible.
public void cancel() {
keepPolling = false;
if (Objects.nonNull(sendThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(downloadThread)) {
* @return Returns true, if the polling thread should go on with its polling job. Otherwise, false.
public boolean keepPolling() {
return keepPolling;
* Starts downloading the export job result, if there is any. As soon as the download has been finished, the job
* status will be set to DOWNLOADED. All registered job status listeners will get notified about the it. Afterwards,
* you may want to obtain a handle to the download CityGML file with getResult().
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the job has not been finished yet, then you will get some of this.
public void downloadResult() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job has not been finished!");
downloadThread = new Thread(new DownloadTask(this));
* This method is used by the download task to set the CityGML file handle as soon as the file has been download.
* @param result The file handle of the download CityGML file.
protected void setResult(File result) {
this.result = result;
* This method will return the download CityGML file for this export job, but only if the export job has actually
* been finished before.
* @return Returns a file handle to the download CityGML file.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the job result has not been download yet, then you will get some of this.
public File getResult() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job has not been finished!");
if (Objects.isNull(result)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job result has not been downloaded!");
return result;
* The asynchronous send, poll and download tasks cannot throw exceptions. If something goes wrong during the save,
* poll or download operation, then you may want to submit at lease a textual description of the problem here. This
* message will be sent to all registered job status listeners on the next status update. This is why you can use the
* convenience method setStatus(jobStatus, message), to do both at the same time.
* @param errorMessage The description of the encountered problem. This could be the exception message or a more user
* friendly message.
protected synchronized void setLastEncounteredProblem(Optional<String> errorMessage) {
this.lastEncounteredProblem = errorMessage;
* A convenience method to set a new job status and a status message at the same time. Status messages will be passed
* by asynchronous tasks instead of exception, because they cannot throw exceptions.
* @param jobStatus The new status of this job.
* @param message A status message. This message may describe a problem which occurred during an asynchronous task.
protected synchronized void setStatus(JobStatus jobStatus, Optional<String> message) {
lastEncounteredProblem = message;
\ No newline at end of file
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ImportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* Import jobs are requests to store, change or delete CityGML models. Every valid import job has an id and a status.
* This implementation offers non-blocking asynchronous send and poll operations, so that your main application has
* not to wait for the results. You may want to register your main application as a job status listeners at this job
* to get status updates from the asynchronous operations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class AsyncImportJob extends ImportJob<ImportJobDescription> implements AsyncJob {
* While polling for the current job status, the polling thread will sleep for this amount of seconds
* before each status update request.
private final int DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5; // seconds
private boolean jobTransmissionTriggered = false;
private JobStatus lastPublishedJobStatus;
private Optional<String> lastEncounteredProblem = Optional.empty();
private Thread sendThread;
private Thread pollThread;
/** As long as this variable is true, the polling thread will be kept alive. */
private boolean keepPolling = true;
* List of all registered job status listeners. Whenever the state of this job changes, these listeners
* will get informed.
private LinkedList<JobStatusListener> jobListenerList = new LinkedList<>();
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance. Every job which
* is created by this constructor will have the status "local", because it is assumed that it has an unsent
* description and no job id yet.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public AsyncImportJob(ImportJobDescription descriptor, HTTPConnection connector) {
super(descriptor, connector);
status = JobStatus.LOCAL;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "sent", because it is assumed that the job is already enqueued at the
* nF job queue.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public AsyncImportJob(int id, HTTPConnection connector) {
super(id, connector);
status = JobStatus.SENT;
* This method zips up an archive which includes the CityGML file to be imported as well as a nF start
* file. Both files will be preprocessed according to the set attributes of the job description.
public synchronized void send() throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
if (jobTransmissionTriggered) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Jobs cannot be sent twice!");
if (Objects.isNull(descriptor) || !descriptor.isValid()) {
throw new InvalidJobDescriptorException();
jobTransmissionTriggered = true;
notifyJobStatusListeners(); // Force the job to signal the LOCAL status
sendThread = new Thread(new SendImportJobTask(this));
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the
* nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public synchronized void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
keepPolling = true;
pollThread = new Thread(new PollJobStatusTask(this, interval));
* Convenience method for polling with a predefined default interval.
* @see poll(int)
public synchronized void poll() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set,
* this operation will throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the connection to the nF is broken you will get some of this.
public synchronized void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (Objects.nonNull(connector)) {
AsyncImportJob job = ((HTTPConnection) connector).requestImportJob(id);
JobStatus newStatus = job.getStatus();
if (newStatus.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) > 0) {
setStatus(job.getStatus(), Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException();
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent
* to you in HTTP responses. Note, the nF status code differ from the internal job status codes of
* this library. Read the nF documentation for more information.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public synchronized void setStatusForCode(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case 0:
setStatus(JobStatus.PENDING); break;
case 10:
setStatus(JobStatus.RUNNING); break;
case 20:
setStatus(JobStatus.ERROR); break;
case 25:
setStatus(JobStatus.WARNING); break;
case 30:
setStatus(JobStatus.FINISHED); break;
case 40:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE); break;
case 45:
setStatus(JobStatus.REJECT); break;
case 50:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_RUNNING); break;
case 55:
setStatus(JobStatus.REJECT_RUNNING); break;
case 60:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_REJECT_ERROR); break;
case 70:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_REJECT_OK); break;
case 80:
setStatus(JobStatus.IMPORTED_WARNING); break;
* Registers a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered. This listener will receive updates about every
* progressing change of the job status. Meaning, the change to a particular status will only be signaled once
* to the listener.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Unregisters a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified.
* Listeners will only be notified of the status updates where the status of the job progresses and they will
* only be notified once about every singular status. If this status has been signaled already, then the
* listeners will not be notified again.
public synchronized void notifyJobStatusListeners() {
if (Objects.isNull(lastPublishedJobStatus) || status.compareTo(lastPublishedJobStatus) > 0) {
JobStatusEvent event = new JobStatusEvent(status, this, lastEncounteredProblem);
for (JobStatusListener listener : jobListenerList) {
lastPublishedJobStatus = status;
* A convenience method to set a new job status and a status message at the same time. Status messages will be passed
* by asynchronous tasks instead of exception, because they cannot throw exceptions.
* @param jobStatus The new status of this job.
* @param message A status message. This message may describe a problem which occurred during an asynchronous task.
protected synchronized void setStatus(JobStatus jobStatus, Optional<String> message) {
lastEncounteredProblem = message;
* Cancels all ongoing send and poll operations as soon as possible.
public void cancel() {
keepPolling = false;
if (Objects.nonNull(sendThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
* @return Returns true, if the polling thread should go on with its polling job. Otherwise, false.
public boolean keepPolling() {
return keepPolling;
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done. This is also the case, if the resulting CityGML
* file has been download. False, otherwise.
public boolean hasFinished() {
return status == JobStatus.FINISHED;
* @return Returns true, if the job has been failed. You may want to look up the "last encountered problem"
* string.
public boolean hasFailed() {
return status == JobStatus.FAILED || status == JobStatus.ERROR;
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the
* asynchronous PollJobStatusTask class.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException {
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ImportJob;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* Import jobs are requests to store, change or delete CityGML models. Every valid import job has an id and a status.
* This implementation offers non-blocking asynchronous send and poll operations, so that your main application has
* not to wait for the results. You may want to register your main application as a job status listeners at this job
* to get status updates from the asynchronous operations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class AsyncImportJob extends ImportJob<ImportJobDescription> implements AsyncJob {
* While polling for the current job status, the polling thread will sleep for this amount of seconds
* before each status update request.
private final int DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5; // seconds
private boolean jobTransmissionTriggered = false;
private JobStatus lastPublishedJobStatus;
private Optional<String> lastEncounteredProblem = Optional.empty();
private Thread sendThread;
private Thread pollThread;
/** As long as this variable is true, the polling thread will be kept alive. */
private boolean keepPolling = true;
* List of all registered job status listeners. Whenever the state of this job changes, these listeners
* will get informed.
private LinkedList<JobStatusListener> jobListenerList = new LinkedList<>();
* This constructor forces the job to have a description and a connector instance. Every job which
* is created by this constructor will have the status "local", because it is assumed that it has an unsent
* description and no job id yet.
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
* @param descriptor The description of this job.
public AsyncImportJob(ImportJobDescription descriptor, HTTPConnection connector) {
super(descriptor, connector);
status = JobStatus.LOCAL;
* This constructor forces the job to have a id and a connector instance. Every job which is created by this
* constructor will have the status "sent", because it is assumed that the job is already enqueued at the
* nF job queue.
* @param id The job id. If you call updateStatus() and the nF "knows" the job id, then the job status
* will be updated. If you call updateStatus() and the job id is "unkown" on the server side, then
* @param connector The job will use this connector to synchronize itself with the nF.
public AsyncImportJob(int id, HTTPConnection connector) {
super(id, connector);
status = JobStatus.SENT;
* This method zips up an archive which includes the CityGML file to be imported as well as a nF start
* file. Both files will be preprocessed according to the set attributes of the job description.
public synchronized void send() throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
if (jobTransmissionTriggered) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Jobs cannot be sent twice!");
if (Objects.isNull(descriptor) || !descriptor.isValid()) {
throw new InvalidJobDescriptorException();
jobTransmissionTriggered = true;
notifyJobStatusListeners(); // Force the job to signal the LOCAL status
sendThread = new Thread(new SendImportJobTask(this));
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the
* nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public synchronized void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (status.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) < 0) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("The job has not been sent to the nF yet!");
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
keepPolling = true;
pollThread = new Thread(new PollJobStatusTask(this, interval));
* Convenience method for polling with a predefined default interval.
* @see poll(int)
public synchronized void poll() throws FailedTransmissionException {
* Connects to the nF and refreshes the status of this job. If there is no nF connector set,
* this operation will throw a FailedTransmissionException.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If the connection to the nF is broken you will get some of this.
public synchronized void updateStatus() throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (Objects.nonNull(connector)) {
AsyncImportJob job = ((HTTPConnection) connector).requestImportJob(id);
JobStatus newStatus = job.getStatus();
if (newStatus.compareTo(JobStatus.SENT) > 0) {
setStatus(job.getStatus(), Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException();
* Sets the status of this job depending on the given nF status code. nF status codes will be sent
* to you in HTTP responses. Note, the nF status code differ from the internal job status codes of
* this library. Read the nF documentation for more information.
* @param statusCode The nF status code for this job.
public synchronized void setStatusForCode(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case 0:
setStatus(JobStatus.PENDING); break;
case 10:
setStatus(JobStatus.RUNNING); break;
case 20:
setStatus(JobStatus.ERROR); break;
case 25:
setStatus(JobStatus.WARNING); break;
case 30:
setStatus(JobStatus.FINISHED); break;
case 40:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE); break;
case 45:
setStatus(JobStatus.REJECT); break;
case 50:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_RUNNING); break;
case 55:
setStatus(JobStatus.REJECT_RUNNING); break;
case 60:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_REJECT_ERROR); break;
case 70:
setStatus(JobStatus.APPROVE_REJECT_OK); break;
case 80:
setStatus(JobStatus.IMPORTED_WARNING); break;
* Registers a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered. This listener will receive updates about every
* progressing change of the job status. Meaning, the change to a particular status will only be signaled once
* to the listener.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Unregisters a job status listener.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener) {
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified.
* Listeners will only be notified of the status updates where the status of the job progresses and they will
* only be notified once about every singular status. If this status has been signaled already, then the
* listeners will not be notified again.
public synchronized void notifyJobStatusListeners() {
if (Objects.isNull(lastPublishedJobStatus) || status.compareTo(lastPublishedJobStatus) > 0) {
JobStatusEvent event = new JobStatusEvent(status, this, lastEncounteredProblem);
for (JobStatusListener listener : jobListenerList) {
lastPublishedJobStatus = status;
* A convenience method to set a new job status and a status message at the same time. Status messages will be passed
* by asynchronous tasks instead of exception, because they cannot throw exceptions.
* @param jobStatus The new status of this job.
* @param message A status message. This message may describe a problem which occurred during an asynchronous task.
protected synchronized void setStatus(JobStatus jobStatus, Optional<String> message) {
lastEncounteredProblem = message;
* Cancels all ongoing send and poll operations as soon as possible.
public void cancel() {
keepPolling = false;
if (Objects.nonNull(sendThread)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(pollThread)) {
* @return Returns true, if the polling thread should go on with its polling job. Otherwise, false.
public boolean keepPolling() {
return keepPolling;
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done. This is also the case, if the resulting CityGML
* file has been download. False, otherwise.
public boolean hasFinished() {
return status == JobStatus.FINISHED;
* @return Returns true, if the job has been failed. You may want to look up the "last encountered problem"
* string.
public boolean hasFailed() {
return status == JobStatus.FAILED || status == JobStatus.ERROR;
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the
* asynchronous PollJobStatusTask class.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException {
\ No newline at end of file
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
* An asynchronous job will be sent in a non-blocking fashion, so that the main thread can proceed after calling
* the send() operation. It queries the status of its remote nF counterpart frequently in a separate thread, so that
* the job operations don't have to wait. Every asynchronous job should maintain a list of job status listeners.
* Every registered job status listener should be notified upon significant and new job status changes.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface AsyncJob {
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the
* nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Cancels all ongoing asynchronous operations of this job as soon as possible. Operations to be canceled
* might be send, poll and download operations.
public void cancel();
* Registers a job status listener at this job. The listener will then be notified upon job status changes.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered at this job.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener);
* Unregisters a job status listener for this job. The listener will not be notified about job status changes
* anymore.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener);
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified.
public void notifyJobStatusListeners();
* Convenience method.
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done.
public boolean hasFinished();
* Convenience method.
* @return Returns true, if the job was unable to recover from a serious problem.
public boolean hasFailed();
* Asynchronous polling tasks may query this flag frequently in order to decide to proceed or not.
* @return Returns true, if the polling task should continue polling for status updates.
public boolean keepPolling();
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the
* asynchronous PollJobStatusTask class.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If something goes wrong during the update process, you will get some
* of this.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
* An asynchronous job will be sent in a non-blocking fashion, so that the main thread can proceed after calling
* the send() operation. It queries the status of its remote nF counterpart frequently in a separate thread, so that
* the job operations don't have to wait. Every asynchronous job should maintain a list of job status listeners.
* Every registered job status listener should be notified upon significant and new job status changes.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public interface AsyncJob {
* Frequently queries the status of the remote nF export job and updates the local status accordingly.
* The queries will be performed asynchronously in a separate thread. Job status listener will be notified
* upon every new status change.
* @param interval Amount of seconds to wait before the next status update request will be sent to the
* nF server.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If your job has not been sent yet, then you will get some of this.
public void poll(int interval) throws FailedTransmissionException;
* Cancels all ongoing asynchronous operations of this job as soon as possible. Operations to be canceled
* might be send, poll and download operations.
public void cancel();
* Registers a job status listener at this job. The listener will then be notified upon job status changes.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be registered at this job.
public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener);
* Unregisters a job status listener for this job. The listener will not be notified about job status changes
* anymore.
* @param jobListener The job status listener to be unregistered.
public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobListener);
* Once the status of this job changes, all registered job status listeners will be notified.
public void notifyJobStatusListeners();
* Convenience method.
* @return Returns true, if the job is definitely done.
public boolean hasFinished();
* Convenience method.
* @return Returns true, if the job was unable to recover from a serious problem.
public boolean hasFailed();
* Asynchronous polling tasks may query this flag frequently in order to decide to proceed or not.
* @return Returns true, if the polling task should continue polling for status updates.
public boolean keepPolling();
* Calls updateStatus() for you, since updateStatus() is a protected method. This method is used by the
* asynchronous PollJobStatusTask class.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException If something goes wrong during the update process, you will get some
* of this.
public void triggerStatusUpdate() throws FailedTransmissionException;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
* This enumeration lists some of the "well known texts" (WKT) which are used to identify
* coordinate reference systems (CRS).
* @author Marcel Bruse
public enum CRSWKT {
EPSG_31467("EPSG:31467"), // DHDN Gauss-Kruger zone 3
EPSG_4326("EPSG:4326"); // WGS 84
/** The well known texts for a CRS. */
public String wkt;
/** Constructor for well known texts. */
private CRSWKT(String wkt) {
this.wkt = wkt;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
* This enumeration lists some of the "well known texts" (WKT) which are used to identify
* coordinate reference systems (CRS).
* @author Marcel Bruse
public enum CRSWKT {
EPSG_31467("EPSG:31467"), // DHDN Gauss-Kruger zone 3
EPSG_4326("EPSG:4326"); // WGS 84
/** The well known texts for a CRS. */
public String wkt;
/** Constructor for well known texts. */
private CRSWKT(String wkt) {
this.wkt = wkt;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
* Another class for coordinates. Is there a general purpose class for this kind of applications?
* This might be an intermediate representation for WGS 84 coordinates.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class Coord {
/** The latitude of the geographic position. */
public double latitude;
/** The longitude of the geographic position. */
public double longitude;
/** Standard constructor.
* @param latitude The latitude of the WGS 84 coordinate.
* @param longitude The longitude of the WGS 84 coordinate.
public Coord(double latitude, double longitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
* Another class for coordinates. Is there a general purpose class for this kind of applications?
* This might be an intermediate representation for WGS 84 coordinates.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class Coord {
/** The latitude of the geographic position. */
public double latitude;
/** The longitude of the geographic position. */
public double longitude;
/** Standard constructor.
* @param latitude The latitude of the WGS 84 coordinate.
* @param longitude The longitude of the WGS 84 coordinate.
public Coord(double latitude, double longitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* This task downloads export job results asynchronously within its jobs separate download thread.
* You can cancel this task by calling job.cancel().
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class DownloadTask implements Runnable {
/** The finished export job for which you want to download a CityGML result. */
private AsyncExportJob job;
* Constructor with finished(!) asynchronous export job.
* @param job The export job for which you want to download the CityGML result.
public DownloadTask(AsyncExportJob job) {
this.job = job;
* This method performs the download operation asynchronously in the export jobs download thread.
* Job status listeners will be notified upon the finished download.
public void run() {
HTTPConnection connector = (HTTPConnection) job.getConnector();
try {
File file = connector.requestExportJobResult(job);
job.setStatus(JobStatus.DOWNLOAD, Optional.empty());
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// Conditions have been checked by main thread. No exception handling needed.
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.Optional;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* This task downloads export job results asynchronously within its jobs separate download thread.
* You can cancel this task by calling job.cancel().
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class DownloadTask implements Runnable {
/** The finished export job for which you want to download a CityGML result. */
private AsyncExportJob job;
* Constructor with finished(!) asynchronous export job.
* @param job The export job for which you want to download the CityGML result.
public DownloadTask(AsyncExportJob job) {
this.job = job;
* This method performs the download operation asynchronously in the export jobs download thread.
* Job status listeners will be notified upon the finished download.
public void run() {
HTTPConnection connector = (HTTPConnection) job.getConnector();
try {
File file = connector.requestExportJobResult(job);
job.setStatus(JobStatus.DOWNLOAD, Optional.empty());
} catch (FailedTransmissionException ex) {
// Conditions have been checked by main thread. No exception handling needed.
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ExportJobDescriptor;
* Every instance of this class describes an export job for the novaFACTORY. Instances of JobBuilder
* take JobDescriptions and build XML export job files out of it.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class ExportJobDescription implements ExportJobDescriptor {
private static final String DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = "Marcel";
private static final String DEFAULT_XMETA_DATA = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_CALIBRATION = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_PRODUCT = "WUDEV";
private static final String DEFAULT_ZIP_RESULT = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_DHK_RESOLVE_REFERENCES = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_USE_PDCT_BORDER_POLY = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_USE_NO_DATA_MASK = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_ECK = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_COL = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_EXPORT_META_DATA = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_FORMAT = "CityGML";
private static final String DEFAULT_SCALE = "10000.0";
private static final String DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = "100.0";
private static final String DEFAULT_MERGE_MAP_SHEETS = "off";
private static final String DEFAULT_TILE1ASGN = "false";
private static final String DEFAULT_SRS = "31467";
private static final String DEFAULT_SINGLE = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_PLOTFRAME = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_PLOT_LABEL_SRS = "-1";
private static final String DEFAULT_MONO = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_COLOR = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_JOBNUMBER = "GR_EXPORT_CITYGML_LOD1";
private static final String DEFAULT_INITIATOR = "2758";
private static final String DEFAULT_LODS = "12";
/** The version of the novaFACTORY XML export job format. */
public static final String EXPORT_JOB_VERSION = "1.0.0";
/** TODO: Who or what is this initiator? */
private String initiator;
/** The number of the job which can actually be a string. */
private String jobnumber;
/** The account or user for which a job should be executed. */
private String account;
/** The product for which a job should be executed. */
private String product;
/** Color attribute of the layers tag. */
private String color;
/** The mono attribute of the layers tag. */
private String mono;
/** The plotLabelSrs flag of the layers tag. */
private String plotLabelSrs;
/** The plotframe flag of the layers tag. */
private String plotframe;
/** The single flag of the layers tag. */
private String single;
/** The layers which will be involved in a job. */
private ArrayList<Layer> layerList = new ArrayList<>();
/** The SRS for the job. */
private String srs;
/** The merge_mapsheets attribute of the extent tag. */
private String mergeMapsheets;
/** The tile1asgn attribute of the extent tag. */
private String tile1asgn;
/** The unit tag of the extent. */
private ArrayList<Unit> unitList = new ArrayList<>();
/** The polygon of the selected region which should be exported. */
ArrayList<Coord> regionPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
/** The resolution for the job. */
private String resolution;
/** The scale for the job. */
private String scale;
/** The format for the job. E.g. CityGML. */
private String format;
/** The exportmetadata flag for the job. */
private String exportmetadata;
/** The col attribute of the addfile tag. */
private String col;
/** The eck attribute of the addfile tag. */
private String eck;
/** The usenodatamask flag for the job. */
private String usenodatamask;
/** The usepdctborderpoly flag for the job. */
private String usepdctborderpoly;
/** The dhkresolvereferences flag for the job. */
private String dhkresolvereferences;
/** Flag for zipped results. */
private String zipresult;
/** The calibration attribute of the exportmetadata tag. */
private String calibration;
/** The xmetadata attribute of the exportmetadata tag. */
private String xmetadata;
/** The LOD or LODs which should be exported. Set it to "1", if you want LOD1.
* Set it to "12", if you want the LOD1 and LOD2.
private String lods;
public String getInitiator() {
return initiator;
public void setInitiator(String initiator) {
this.initiator = initiator;
public String getJobnumber() {
return jobnumber;
public void setJobnumber(String jobnumber) {
this.jobnumber = jobnumber;
public String getAccount() {
return account;
public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
public String getMono() {
return mono;
public void setMono(String mono) {
this.mono = mono;
public String getPlotLabelSrs() {
return plotLabelSrs;
public void setPlotLabelSrs(String plotLabelSrs) {
this.plotLabelSrs = plotLabelSrs;
public String getPlotframe() {
return plotframe;
public void setPlotframe(String plotframe) {
this.plotframe = plotframe;
public String getSingle() {
return single;
public void setSingle(String single) {
this.single = single;
public ArrayList<Layer> getLayerList() {
return layerList;
public void setLayerList(ArrayList<Layer> layerList) {
this.layerList = layerList;
public void addLayer(Layer layer) {
public String getSrs() {
return srs;
public void setSrs(String srs) {
this.srs = srs;
public String getMergeMapsheets() {
return mergeMapsheets;
public void setMergeMapsheets(String mergeMapsheets) {
this.mergeMapsheets = mergeMapsheets;
public ArrayList<Unit> getUnitList() {
return unitList;
public void addUnit(Unit unit) {
public String getTile1asgn() {
return tile1asgn;
public void setTile1asgn(String tile1asgn) {
this.tile1asgn = tile1asgn;
public String getResolution() {
return resolution;
public void setResolution(String resolution) {
this.resolution = resolution;
public String getScale() {
return scale;
public void setScale(String scale) {
this.scale = scale;
public String getFormat() {
return format;
public void setFormat(String format) {
this.format = format;
public String getExportmetadata() {
return exportmetadata;
public void setExportmetadata(String exportmetadata) {
this.exportmetadata = exportmetadata;
public String getCol() {
return col;
public void setCol(String col) {
this.col = col;
public String getEck() {
return eck;
public void setEck(String eck) {
this.eck = eck;
public String getUsenodatamask() {
return usenodatamask;
public void setUsenodatamask(String usenodatamask) {
this.usenodatamask = usenodatamask;
public String getUsepdctborderpoly() {
return usepdctborderpoly;
public void setUsepdctborderpoly(String usepdctborderpoly) {
this.usepdctborderpoly = usepdctborderpoly;
public String getDhkresolvereferences() {
return dhkresolvereferences;
public void setDhkresolvereferences(String dhkresolvereferences) {
this.dhkresolvereferences = dhkresolvereferences;
public String getZipresult() {
return zipresult;
public void setZipresult(String zipresult) {
this.zipresult = zipresult;
public String getCalibration() {
return calibration;
public void setCalibration(String calibration) {
this.calibration = calibration;
public String getXmetadata() {
return xmetadata;
public void setXmetadata(String xmetadata) {
this.xmetadata = xmetadata;
public String getLODs() {
return lods;
public void setLODs(String lods) {
this.lods = lods;
public String supportsJobVersion() {
* Adds a new coordinate to the region polygon. A region polygon is only used for export jobs.
* @param coordinate The new coordiante of the region polygon of a export job.
public void addCoordinateToRegionPolygon(Coord coordinate) {
* Sets the whole region polygon for an export job.
* @param regionPolygon The region polygon to be used for an export job.
public void setRegionPolygon(List<Coord> regionPolygon) {
* @return Returns the region polygon.
public ArrayList<Coord> getRegionPolygon() {
return regionPolygon;
* @return Returns true, if all mandatory elements and attributes are set. Otherwise, false.
public boolean isValid() {
if ((regionPolygon.isEmpty() && (unitList.isEmpty()))
|| layerList.isEmpty()
|| initiator.isEmpty()
|| account.isEmpty()
|| jobnumber.isEmpty()
|| product.isEmpty()
|| color.isEmpty()
|| mono.isEmpty()
|| plotLabelSrs.isEmpty()
|| plotframe.isEmpty()
|| single.isEmpty()
|| srs.isEmpty()
|| resolution.isEmpty()
|| scale.isEmpty()
|| format.isEmpty()
|| exportmetadata.isEmpty()
|| col.isEmpty()
|| eck.isEmpty()
|| lods.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static ExportJobDescription getDefaultDescriptor() {
ExportJobDescription descriptor = new ExportJobDescription();
return descriptor;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.ExportJobDescriptor;
* Every instance of this class describes an export job for the novaFACTORY. Instances of JobBuilder
* take JobDescriptions and build XML export job files out of it.
* @author Marcel Bruse
public class ExportJobDescription implements ExportJobDescriptor {
private static final String DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = "Marcel";
private static final String DEFAULT_XMETA_DATA = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_CALIBRATION = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_PRODUCT = "WUDEV";
private static final String DEFAULT_ZIP_RESULT = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_DHK_RESOLVE_REFERENCES = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_USE_PDCT_BORDER_POLY = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_USE_NO_DATA_MASK = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_ECK = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_COL = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_EXPORT_META_DATA = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_FORMAT = "CityGML";
private static final String DEFAULT_SCALE = "10000.0";
private static final String DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = "100.0";
private static final String DEFAULT_MERGE_MAP_SHEETS = "off";
private static final String DEFAULT_TILE1ASGN = "false";
private static final String DEFAULT_SRS = "31467";
private static final String DEFAULT_SINGLE = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_PLOTFRAME = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_PLOT_LABEL_SRS = "-1";
private static final String DEFAULT_MONO = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_COLOR = "0";
private static final String DEFAULT_JOBNUMBER = "GR_EXPORT_CITYGML_LOD1";
private static final String DEFAULT_INITIATOR = "2758";
private static final String DEFAULT_LODS = "12";
/** The version of the novaFACTORY XML export job format. */
public static final String EXPORT_JOB_VERSION = "1.0.0";
/** TODO: Who or what is this initiator? */
private String initiator;
/** The number of the job which can actually be a string. */
private String jobnumber;
/** The account or user for which a job should be executed. */
private String account;
/** The product for which a job should be executed. */
private String product;
/** Color attribute of the layers tag. */
private String color;
/** The mono attribute of the layers tag. */
private String mono;
/** The plotLabelSrs flag of the layers tag. */
private String plotLabelSrs;
/** The plotframe flag of the layers tag. */
private String plotframe;
/** The single flag of the layers tag. */
private String single;
/** The layers which will be involved in a job. */
private ArrayList<Layer> layerList = new ArrayList<>();
/** The SRS for the job. */
private String srs;
/** The merge_mapsheets attribute of the extent tag. */
private String mergeMapsheets;
/** The tile1asgn attribute of the extent tag. */
private String tile1asgn;
/** The unit tag of the extent. */
private ArrayList<Unit> unitList = new ArrayList<>();
/** The polygon of the selected region which should be exported. */
ArrayList<Coord> regionPolygon = new ArrayList<>();
/** The resolution for the job. */
private String resolution;
/** The scale for the job. */
private String scale;
/** The format for the job. E.g. CityGML. */
private String format;
/** The exportmetadata flag for the job. */
private String exportmetadata;
/** The col attribute of the addfile tag. */
private String col;
/** The eck attribute of the addfile tag. */
private String eck;
/** The usenodatamask flag for the job. */
private String usenodatamask;
/** The usepdctborderpoly flag for the job. */
private String usepdctborderpoly;
/** The dhkresolvereferences flag for the job. */
private String dhkresolvereferences;
/** Flag for zipped results. */
private String zipresult;
/** The calibration attribute of the exportmetadata tag. */
private String calibration;
/** The xmetadata attribute of the exportmetadata tag. */
private String xmetadata;
/** The LOD or LODs which should be exported. Set it to "1", if you want LOD1.
* Set it to "12", if you want the LOD1 and LOD2.
private String lods;
public String getInitiator() {
return initiator;
public void setInitiator(String initiator) {
this.initiator = initiator;
public String getJobnumber() {
return jobnumber;
public void setJobnumber(String jobnumber) {
this.jobnumber = jobnumber;
public String getAccount() {
return account;
public void setAccount(String account) {
this.account = account;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
public String getMono() {
return mono;
public void setMono(String mono) {
this.mono = mono;
public String getPlotLabelSrs() {
return plotLabelSrs;
public void setPlotLabelSrs(String plotLabelSrs) {
this.plotLabelSrs = plotLabelSrs;
public String getPlotframe() {
return plotframe;
public void setPlotframe(String plotframe) {
this.plotframe = plotframe;
public String getSingle() {
return single;
public void setSingle(String single) {
this.single = single;
public ArrayList<Layer> getLayerList() {
return layerList;
public void setLayerList(ArrayList<Layer> layerList) {
this.layerList = layerList;
public void addLayer(Layer layer) {
public String getSrs() {
return srs;
public void setSrs(String srs) {
this.srs = srs;
public String getMergeMapsheets() {
return mergeMapsheets;
public void setMergeMapsheets(String mergeMapsheets) {
this.mergeMapsheets = mergeMapsheets;
public ArrayList<Unit> getUnitList() {
return unitList;
public void addUnit(Unit unit) {
public String getTile1asgn() {
return tile1asgn;
public void setTile1asgn(String tile1asgn) {
this.tile1asgn = tile1asgn;
public String getResolution() {
return resolution;
public void setResolution(String resolution) {
this.resolution = resolution;
public String getScale() {
return scale;
public void setScale(String scale) {
this.scale = scale;
public String getFormat() {
return format;
public void setFormat(String format) {
this.format = format;
public String getExportmetadata() {
return exportmetadata;
public void setExportmetadata(String exportmetadata) {
this.exportmetadata = exportmetadata;
public String getCol() {
return col;
public void setCol(String col) {
this.col = col;
public String getEck() {
return eck;
public void setEck(String eck) {
this.eck = eck;
public String getUsenodatamask() {
return usenodatamask;
public void setUsenodatamask(String usenodatamask) {
this.usenodatamask = usenodatamask;
public String getUsepdctborderpoly() {
return usepdctborderpoly;
public void setUsepdctborderpoly(String usepdctborderpoly) {
this.usepdctborderpoly = usepdctborderpoly;
public String getDhkresolvereferences() {
return dhkresolvereferences;
public void setDhkresolvereferences(String dhkresolvereferences) {
this.dhkresolvereferences = dhkresolvereferences;
public String getZipresult() {
return zipresult;
public void setZipresult(String zipresult) {
this.zipresult = zipresult;
public String getCalibration() {
return calibration;
public void setCalibration(String calibration) {
this.calibration = calibration;
public String getXmetadata() {
return xmetadata;
public void setXmetadata(String xmetadata) {
this.xmetadata = xmetadata;
public String getLODs() {
return lods;
public void setLODs(String lods) {
this.lods = lods;
public String supportsJobVersion() {
* Adds a new coordinate to the region polygon. A region polygon is only used for export jobs.
* @param coordinate The new coordiante of the region polygon of a export job.
public void addCoordinateToRegionPolygon(Coord coordinate) {
* Sets the whole region polygon for an export job.
* @param regionPolygon The region polygon to be used for an export job.
public void setRegionPolygon(List<Coord> regionPolygon) {
* @return Returns the region polygon.
public ArrayList<Coord> getRegionPolygon() {
return regionPolygon;
* @return Returns true, if all mandatory elements and attributes are set. Otherwise, false.
public boolean isValid() {
if ((regionPolygon.isEmpty() && (unitList.isEmpty()))
|| layerList.isEmpty()
|| initiator.isEmpty()
|| account.isEmpty()
|| jobnumber.isEmpty()
|| product.isEmpty()
|| color.isEmpty()
|| mono.isEmpty()
|| plotLabelSrs.isEmpty()
|| plotframe.isEmpty()
|| single.isEmpty()
|| srs.isEmpty()
|| resolution.isEmpty()
|| scale.isEmpty()
|| format.isEmpty()
|| exportmetadata.isEmpty()
|| col.isEmpty()
|| eck.isEmpty()
|| lods.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static ExportJobDescription getDefaultDescriptor() {
ExportJobDescription descriptor = new ExportJobDescription();
return descriptor;
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Connector;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Job;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* NFConnector lets you communicate with your novaFACTORY (nF) server instance. It supports nF version For more
* technical details about the NFConnector interface @see NFConnector.
* Please note, that this connector doesn't act asynchronously. This connector is safe, but will block your main
* application. You may rather want to use the asynchronous job implementations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <I> The import job descriptor implementation for this connector.
* @param <E> The export job descriptor implementation for this connector.
public class HTTPConnection implements Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob>
/** Supported version of the novaFACTORY. */
public static final String NOVA_FACTORY_VERSION = "";
/** The default context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server. */
public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT = "novaFACTORY";
/** The default port number of the nF web application. */
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 80;
/** The default protocol for requests. */
public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "http";
/** The standard char set for requests. */
public static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
/** The standard line separator required for file transmission via multipart/form-data. */
public static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
/** The name of nF's remote order servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_ORDER_SERVLET = "RemoteOrder";
/** The name of nF's remote status servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_STATUS_SERVLET = "RemoteStatus";
/** The name of nF's remote import servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET = "RemoteImport";
/** Default parser error message. */
public static final String XML_PARSER_ERROR = "Request failed due to an unknown XML parser error.";
/** Default IO exception occurred message. */
public static final String IO_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED =
"Request failed due to an IO exception. Check the host and port.";
/** Default malformed URL message. */
public static final String MALFORMED_URL = "Request failed due to a malformed URL.";
/** Default unknown error message. */
public static final String UNKNOWN_ERROR_OCCURRED = "An unknown error occurred.";
/** The server or host name of the nF server. */
private String server;
/** The port of the nF server. */
private int port;
/** The protocol of the data connection. */
private String protocol;
/** The context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server. */
private String context;
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
public HTTPConnection(String server) {
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
* @param port The port of the nF web application.
* @param context The context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server.
public HTTPConnection(String server, int port, String context, String protocol) {
this.server = server;
this.port = port;
this.context = context;
this.protocol = protocol;
* Callers of this NFConnector want to know the actual version of the novaFACTORY and the versions of its
* HTTP/FTP/WPS/etc. interfaces against which this interface has been implemented.
* The NovaFACTORY interfaces may change over time. Such changes force the SimStadt programmers to implement
* different versions of this NFConnector interface while keeping old implementations in order to ensure backward
* compatibility.
* @return The supported version of the novaFACTORY.
public String supportsNFVersion() {
* Returns the status of any existing nF export job.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing nF export job.
* @throws IOException An error occurred during the request. This could be a malformed URL or a network failure.
public AsyncExportJob requestExportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException {
AsyncExportJob result = new AsyncExportJob(jobId, this);
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(buildParameter("jobid", jobId));
getJobFromResponse(result, getResponse(buildURL(REMOTE_STATUS_SERVLET, parameters)));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Returns the status of any existing nF import job.
* @param jobId The id of the import job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing nF import job.
* @throws IOException An error occurred during the request. This could be a malformed URL or a network failure.
public AsyncImportJob requestImportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException {
AsyncImportJob result = new AsyncImportJob(jobId, this);
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("jobid", jobId),
buildParameter("request", "status"));
getJobFromResponse(result, getResponse(buildURL(REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET, parameters)));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Downloads the result for a given nF export job and hands over the corresponding file handle.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which the result should be loaded.
* @return A file handle to the result of the nF export job.
public File requestExportJobResult(AsyncExportJob job) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!job.hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job is not finished yet!");
File result = null;
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("request", "downloadJob"),
buildParameter("mode", 0),
buildParameter("jobId", job.getId()));
result = downloadFile(buildURL(REMOTE_ORDER_SERVLET, parameters));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Builds a simple parameter string for a HTTP GET request string.
* @param key The parameter name.
* @param value The value of the parameter.
* @return The HTTP GET request parameter as concatenated key and value.
private String buildParameter(String key, Object value) {
return key + "=" + value;
* Builds a HTTP GET request URL out of the used protocol, nF server, port, context, servlet and existing parameters.
* @param servlet One of the supported nF servlets RemoteOrder, RemoteStatus or RemoteImport.
* @param parameters List of parameters to be send to the servlet.
* @return The built URL instance.
* @throws MalformedURLException You will get some of this, if you mess up any part of the URL.
private URL buildURL(String servlet, List<String> parameters) throws MalformedURLException {
String url = String.format("%s://%s:%s/%s/%s", protocol, server, port, context, servlet);
if (Objects.nonNull(parameters) && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
url += "?" + String.join("&", parameters);
return new URL(url);
* Requests a response from the given URL. The response is expected to be returned as nF XML report.
* @param url The URL of the nF servlet with all its necessary parameters. Read the nF handbook for more details
* about the usage of nF servlets.
* @return The response is expected to be a XML report, which will then be returned as a String.
* @throws IOException You will get some of this, if anything goes wrong with your data connection to your nF
* instance.
private String getResponse(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET);
return getResponse(httpConnection);
* Requests a response from the given HTTP connection. The response is expected to be a XML document.
* @param httpConnection The HTTP Connection to the nF servlet. Read the nF handbook for more details about the usage
* of the nF servlets.
* @return The response is expected to be a XML report, which will then be returned as a String.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException You will get some of this, if your connection uses wrong encodings.
* @throws IOException You will get some of this, if anything goes wrong with your data connection to your nF
* instance.
private String getResponse(HttpURLConnection httpConnection) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
String xml = "";
if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
String contentType = httpConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Type");
String charset = null;
for (String param : contentType.replace(" ", "").split(";")) {
if (param.startsWith("charset=")) {
charset = param.split("=", 2)[1];
InputStream response = httpConnection.getInputStream();
if (Objects.nonNull(charset)) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response, charset));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
xml += line;
} else {
throw new IOException();
return xml;
* If everything works as expected, then nF's servlets will respond with XML reports to your requests. The job id and
* status will be extracted from the response string. The id of the passed job instance will be updated. The XML
* reports have a certain structure. Read the nF manual for more information about the XML reports and have a look at
* the DTD of the XML reports.
* @param xml A XML string that is supposed to be a XML document.
* @param An empty job status object about to be filled with the actual result. It will be UNKOWN if there was no XML
* report in the response.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException Something went wrong.
* @throws SAXException Some parse error.
* @throws IOException Some parse error.
private void getJobFromResponse(Job job, String xml)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, FailedTransmissionException {
SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(xml);
ReportHandler handler = new ReportHandler();
parser.parse(new InputSource(reader), handler);
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.statusId)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.jobId)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.serviceException)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(handler.serviceException);
* Downloads a (zipped) CityGML file from the nF server. The file will be the result of an export job.
* @param url The URL of the remote order servlet that points at the CityGML file on the nF server.
* @return Returns a handle to the downloaded (zipped) CityGML file. Will be null if no file has been downloaded (due
* to errors).
* @throws IOException Something went wrong with your data connection. Check your server and the port.
private File downloadFile(URL url) throws IOException {
File handle = null;
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET);
if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
String filename = "result.gml";
String disposition = httpConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Disposition");
if (disposition != null) {
int index = disposition.indexOf("filename=");
if (index > -1) {
filename = disposition.
substring(index + 9, disposition.length()).
replaceAll("\"", "").
replaceAll(";", "");
InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();
handle = Files.createTempDirectory("nfDownload").resolve(filename).toFile();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(handle);
int bytesRead = -1;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} else {
throw new IOException();
return handle;
* Sends an export job to the nF. This job will be enqueued in the queue of export jobs.
* @param file The XML file which describes the nF export job.
* @return Returns the status of the export job you just sent.
* @throws InvalidJobDescriptorException
public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(AsyncExportJob job)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
JobFileBuilderImpl jobFileBuilder = new JobFileBuilderImpl();
File exportJobFile = jobFileBuilder.buildExportJobFile(job.getDescriptor());
try {
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
connection.setDoOutput(true); // Sends export job file
connection.setDoInput(true); // Expects XML response
OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), true);
Files.copy(exportJobFile.toPath(), os);
getJobFromResponse(job, getResponse(connection));
if (job.getId() > 0) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job didn't receive an id from the nF server.");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
* Sends an import job to nF. The given import job file has to be a zip file and has to obey the internal structure
* defined in the nF manuals. Short description:
* Import jobs enable you to add, alter and delete CityGML top level objects (like buildings) in the nF. Every import
* job file has to contain a start file. Start files control the import process through their file names and their
* contents. The name of a start file has the following structure
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML file
* and the ZIP archive has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
* Here operation can be ... - 'REP': Replaces whole existing buildings only, - 'REPUPD': Replaces whole existing
* buildings and adds new buildings, - 'UPD': Update, same as REP, - 'CHG': Change, same as REPUPD, - 'DEL': Deletes
* the geometry of a particular LOD, - 'DELALL': Deletes a whole building
* @param file The nF import job as a prepared ZIP file. It has to contain the CityGML file and the start file.
* @return Returns the job status of your import job.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException
public void sendAndUpdateImportJob(AsyncImportJob job)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
if (job.getStatus() != JobStatus.LOCAL) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job cannot be sent twice!");
JobFileBuilderImpl jobFileBuilder = new JobFileBuilderImpl();
File importJobFile = jobFileBuilder.buildImportJobFile(job.getDescriptor());
try {
String product = job.getDescriptor().getProduct();
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("request", "imp"), // trigger import
buildParameter("pdctKrz", product), // the nF product to import to
buildParameter("createjob", "1")); // force nF to create an import job with a job number
URL url = buildURL(REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET, parameters);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/zip");
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*");
connection.setRequestProperty("", "");
connection.setDoOutput(true); // Sends export job file
connection.setDoInput(true); // Expects XML response
OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), true);
Files.copy(importJobFile.toPath(), os);
getJobFromResponse(job, getResponse(connection));
if (job.getId() > 0) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job didn't receive an id from the nF server.");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (SAXException | ParserConfigurationException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
package eu.simstadt.nf4j.async;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Connector;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.FailedTransmissionException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.InvalidJobDescriptorException;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.Job;
import eu.simstadt.nf4j.JobStatus;
* NFConnector lets you communicate with your novaFACTORY (nF) server instance. It supports nF version For more
* technical details about the NFConnector interface @see NFConnector.
* Please note, that this connector doesn't act asynchronously. This connector is safe, but will block your main
* application. You may rather want to use the asynchronous job implementations.
* @author Marcel Bruse
* @param <I> The import job descriptor implementation for this connector.
* @param <E> The export job descriptor implementation for this connector.
public class HTTPConnection implements Connector<AsyncImportJob, AsyncExportJob>
/** Supported version of the novaFACTORY. */
public static final String NOVA_FACTORY_VERSION = "";
/** The default context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server. */
public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT = "novaFACTORY";
/** The default port number of the nF web application. */
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 80;
/** The default protocol for requests. */
public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "http";
/** The standard char set for requests. */
public static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
/** The standard line separator required for file transmission via multipart/form-data. */
public static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
/** The name of nF's remote order servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_ORDER_SERVLET = "RemoteOrder";
/** The name of nF's remote status servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_STATUS_SERVLET = "RemoteStatus";
/** The name of nF's remote import servlet. */
public static final String REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET = "RemoteImport";
/** Default parser error message. */
public static final String XML_PARSER_ERROR = "Request failed due to an unknown XML parser error.";
/** Default IO exception occurred message. */
public static final String IO_EXCEPTION_OCCURRED =
"Request failed due to an IO exception. Check the host and port.";
/** Default malformed URL message. */
public static final String MALFORMED_URL = "Request failed due to a malformed URL.";
/** Default unknown error message. */
public static final String UNKNOWN_ERROR_OCCURRED = "An unknown error occurred.";
/** The server or host name of the nF server. */
private String server;
/** The port of the nF server. */
private int port;
/** The protocol of the data connection. */
private String protocol;
/** The context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server. */
private String context;
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
public HTTPConnection(String server) {
* Constructs your Connector instance.
* @param server The host name of the nF server with which you want to establish a data connection.
* @param port The port of the nF web application.
* @param context The context of the nF web application. It is part of any request URL directed at the nF server.
public HTTPConnection(String server, int port, String context, String protocol) {
this.server = server;
this.port = port;
this.context = context;
this.protocol = protocol;
* Callers of this NFConnector want to know the actual version of the novaFACTORY and the versions of its
* HTTP/FTP/WPS/etc. interfaces against which this interface has been implemented.
* The NovaFACTORY interfaces may change over time. Such changes force the SimStadt programmers to implement
* different versions of this NFConnector interface while keeping old implementations in order to ensure backward
* compatibility.
* @return The supported version of the novaFACTORY.
public String supportsNFVersion() {
* Returns the status of any existing nF export job.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing nF export job.
* @throws IOException An error occurred during the request. This could be a malformed URL or a network failure.
public AsyncExportJob requestExportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException {
AsyncExportJob result = new AsyncExportJob(jobId, this);
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(buildParameter("jobid", jobId));
getJobFromResponse(result, getResponse(buildURL(REMOTE_STATUS_SERVLET, parameters)));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Returns the status of any existing nF import job.
* @param jobId The id of the import job for which you want to request the status.
* @return The status of any existing nF import job.
* @throws IOException An error occurred during the request. This could be a malformed URL or a network failure.
public AsyncImportJob requestImportJob(int jobId) throws FailedTransmissionException {
AsyncImportJob result = new AsyncImportJob(jobId, this);
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("jobid", jobId),
buildParameter("request", "status"));
getJobFromResponse(result, getResponse(buildURL(REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET, parameters)));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Downloads the result for a given nF export job and hands over the corresponding file handle.
* @param jobId The id of the export job for which the result should be loaded.
* @return A file handle to the result of the nF export job.
public File requestExportJobResult(AsyncExportJob job) throws FailedTransmissionException {
if (!job.hasFinished()) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job is not finished yet!");
File result = null;
try {
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("request", "downloadJob"),
buildParameter("mode", 0),
buildParameter("jobId", job.getId()));
result = downloadFile(buildURL(REMOTE_ORDER_SERVLET, parameters));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Builds a simple parameter string for a HTTP GET request string.
* @param key The parameter name.
* @param value The value of the parameter.
* @return The HTTP GET request parameter as concatenated key and value.
private String buildParameter(String key, Object value) {
return key + "=" + value;
* Builds a HTTP GET request URL out of the used protocol, nF server, port, context, servlet and existing parameters.
* @param servlet One of the supported nF servlets RemoteOrder, RemoteStatus or RemoteImport.
* @param parameters List of parameters to be send to the servlet.
* @return The built URL instance.
* @throws MalformedURLException You will get some of this, if you mess up any part of the URL.
private URL buildURL(String servlet, List<String> parameters) throws MalformedURLException {
String url = String.format("%s://%s:%s/%s/%s", protocol, server, port, context, servlet);
if (Objects.nonNull(parameters) && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
url += "?" + String.join("&", parameters);
return new URL(url);
* Requests a response from the given URL. The response is expected to be returned as nF XML report.
* @param url The URL of the nF servlet with all its necessary parameters. Read the nF handbook for more details
* about the usage of nF servlets.
* @return The response is expected to be a XML report, which will then be returned as a String.
* @throws IOException You will get some of this, if anything goes wrong with your data connection to your nF
* instance.
private String getResponse(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET);
return getResponse(httpConnection);
* Requests a response from the given HTTP connection. The response is expected to be a XML document.
* @param httpConnection The HTTP Connection to the nF servlet. Read the nF handbook for more details about the usage
* of the nF servlets.
* @return The response is expected to be a XML report, which will then be returned as a String.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException You will get some of this, if your connection uses wrong encodings.
* @throws IOException You will get some of this, if anything goes wrong with your data connection to your nF
* instance.
private String getResponse(HttpURLConnection httpConnection) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
String xml = "";
if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
String contentType = httpConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Type");
String charset = null;
for (String param : contentType.replace(" ", "").split(";")) {
if (param.startsWith("charset=")) {
charset = param.split("=", 2)[1];
InputStream response = httpConnection.getInputStream();
if (Objects.nonNull(charset)) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response, charset));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
xml += line;
} else {
throw new IOException();
return xml;
* If everything works as expected, then nF's servlets will respond with XML reports to your requests. The job id and
* status will be extracted from the response string. The id of the passed job instance will be updated. The XML
* reports have a certain structure. Read the nF manual for more information about the XML reports and have a look at
* the DTD of the XML reports.
* @param xml A XML string that is supposed to be a XML document.
* @param An empty job status object about to be filled with the actual result. It will be UNKOWN if there was no XML
* report in the response.
* @throws ParserConfigurationException Something went wrong.
* @throws SAXException Some parse error.
* @throws IOException Some parse error.
private void getJobFromResponse(Job job, String xml)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, FailedTransmissionException {
SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(xml);
ReportHandler handler = new ReportHandler();
parser.parse(new InputSource(reader), handler);
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.statusId)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.jobId)) {
if (Objects.nonNull(handler.serviceException)) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(handler.serviceException);
* Downloads a (zipped) CityGML file from the nF server. The file will be the result of an export job.
* @param url The URL of the remote order servlet that points at the CityGML file on the nF server.
* @return Returns a handle to the downloaded (zipped) CityGML file. Will be null if no file has been downloaded (due
* to errors).
* @throws IOException Something went wrong with your data connection. Check your server and the port.
private File downloadFile(URL url) throws IOException {
File handle = null;
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", DEFAULT_CHARSET);
if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
String filename = "result.gml";
String disposition = httpConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Disposition");
if (disposition != null) {
int index = disposition.indexOf("filename=");
if (index > -1) {
filename = disposition.
substring(index + 9, disposition.length()).
replaceAll("\"", "").
replaceAll(";", "");
InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();
handle = Files.createTempDirectory("nfDownload").resolve(filename).toFile();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(handle);
int bytesRead = -1;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
} else {
throw new IOException();
return handle;
* Sends an export job to the nF. This job will be enqueued in the queue of export jobs.
* @param file The XML file which describes the nF export job.
* @return Returns the status of the export job you just sent.
* @throws InvalidJobDescriptorException
public void sendAndUpdateExportJob(AsyncExportJob job)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
JobFileBuilderImpl jobFileBuilder = new JobFileBuilderImpl();
File exportJobFile = jobFileBuilder.buildExportJobFile(job.getDescriptor());
try {
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
connection.setDoOutput(true); // Sends export job file
connection.setDoInput(true); // Expects XML response
OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), true);
Files.copy(exportJobFile.toPath(), os);
getJobFromResponse(job, getResponse(connection));
if (job.getId() > 0) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job didn't receive an id from the nF server.");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
* Sends an import job to nF. The given import job file has to be a zip file and has to obey the internal structure
* defined in the nF manuals. Short description:
* Import jobs enable you to add, alter and delete CityGML top level objects (like buildings) in the nF. Every import
* job file has to contain a start file. Start files control the import process through their file names and their
* contents. The name of a start file has the following structure
* <Product>_<Tile>.start
* The start file should contain the level to which your manipulated CityGML should be imported. Your CityGML file
* and the ZIP archive has to be named after the following naming convention:
* <Product>_<Tile>_<Level>_<Operation>.gml
* Here operation can be ... - 'REP': Replaces whole existing buildings only, - 'REPUPD': Replaces whole existing
* buildings and adds new buildings, - 'UPD': Update, same as REP, - 'CHG': Change, same as REPUPD, - 'DEL': Deletes
* the geometry of a particular LOD, - 'DELALL': Deletes a whole building
* @param file The nF import job as a prepared ZIP file. It has to contain the CityGML file and the start file.
* @return Returns the job status of your import job.
* @throws FailedTransmissionException
public void sendAndUpdateImportJob(AsyncImportJob job)
throws InvalidJobDescriptorException, FailedTransmissionException {
if (job.getStatus() != JobStatus.LOCAL) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job cannot be sent twice!");
JobFileBuilderImpl jobFileBuilder = new JobFileBuilderImpl();
File importJobFile = jobFileBuilder.buildImportJobFile(job.getDescriptor());
try {
String product = job.getDescriptor().getProduct();
List<String> parameters = Arrays.asList(
buildParameter("request", "imp"), // trigger import
buildParameter("pdctKrz", product), // the nF product to import to
buildParameter("createjob", "1")); // force nF to create an import job with a job number
URL url = buildURL(REMOTE_IMPORT_SERVLET, parameters);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/zip");
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*");
connection.setRequestProperty("", "");
connection.setDoOutput(true); // Sends export job file
connection.setDoInput(true); // Expects XML response
OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_CHARSET), true);
Files.copy(importJobFile.toPath(), os);
getJobFromResponse(job, getResponse(connection));
if (job.getId() > 0) {
job.setStatus(JobStatus.SENT, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new FailedTransmissionException("Job didn't receive an id from the nF server.");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (SAXException | ParserConfigurationException ex) {
throw new FailedTransmissionException(ex.getMessage());
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