Commit 9c83040c authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Tooltip cannot be shown

parent 9ad9f295
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ const regionChooser = (function(){
dataPanel.append("More info is available in the ");
dataPanel.append("<a href=''>SimStadt documentation</a><br>\n");
//TODO: Show tooltip above.
dataPanel.append("<form id='importWKT' style='position:fixed; bottom:0;'>\n" +
dataPanel.append("<form id='importWKT'>\n" +
"<input id='wktPolygon' type='text' placeholder='WKT Polygon' " +
"required pattern=' *POLYGON *\\( *\\([\\-0-9\., \)\()]+\\) *\\) *' " +
"title='Please input a valid WKT Polygon. Example : POLYGON((9.961675 49.807053, 9.951375 49.798521, 9.969486 49.797746, 9.961675 49.807053)) '/>\n" +
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