Commit a20b0ff3 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Updated documentation

parent c66f1d56
......@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ As an example:
> POLYGON((9.176194 48.779168, 9.171473 48.775265, 9.176923 48.772890, 9.179842 48.774474, 9.181043 48.774134, 9.183103 48.775661, 9.182073 48.776962, 9.176194 48.779168))
### Import a polygon
If no polygon has been drawn yet, "WKT Polygon" input field can be used. Simply copy a [WKT]( polygon into the field, click on `Import Polygon`, and the geometry should be imported into RegionChooser.
With this feature, it should be easy to share geometry between users.
## Command-line
RegionChooser can also be called from the command-line:
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