Commit d0303c67 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
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# RegionChooser
[RegionChooser]( is a Java project. Its graphical interface allows to extract a specific region from [CityGML]( and save it as a smaller CityGML file.
[RegionChooser]({target=_blank} is a Java project. Its graphical interface allows to extract a specific region from [CityGML]({target=_blank} and save it as a smaller CityGML file.
It uses:
* Java 8
* [Java 8]({target=_blank}
* JavaFX
* [Openlayers](
* [Openlayers]({target=_blank}
RegionChooser was developed during [SimStadt & SimStadt II]( projects.
RegionChooser was developed during [SimStadt & SimStadt II]({target=_blank} projects.
## Installation
`mvn clean package`
The easiest way to install RegionChooser is to [install SimStadt]({target=_blank}.
RegionChooser executables are packaged inside file.
## Usage
`RegionChooser.bat` in Windows
`./` in Linux
`./RegionChooser.command` in macOS
### Select a repository
You first need to run SimStadt in order to select a [repository]({target=_blank}. Once a repository is selected, SimStadt can be closed.
### Start RegionChooser
* `RegionChooser.bat` in Windows
* `./` in Linux
* `./RegionChooser.command` in macOS
## Development
In order to compile, test and install RegionChooser into your local Maven repository:
git clone
cd regionchooser
mvn clean install
The RegionChooser jar will then be available to SimStadt for packaging, when a SimStadt+RegionChooser bundle is created.
## Author
Eric Duminil, [HfT Stuttgart](
Eric Duminil, [HfT Stuttgart]({target=_blank}
## Contributors
Matthias Betz, [HfT Stuttgart](
Matthias Betz, [HfT Stuttgart]({target=_blank}
## License
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