Commit dd1aeb90 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Trying another api

parent 4cbddaab
......@@ -7,22 +7,24 @@
import picocli.CommandLine;
import picocli.CommandLine.Command;
import picocli.CommandLine.Option;
import picocli.CommandLine.Parameters;
@Command(name = "region_chooser", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "regionChooser x.x", description = "Extracts a region from one or more citygmls.")
@Command(name = "region_chooser", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "regionChooser x.x", description = "Extracts a region from one or more citygmls.", sortOptions = false)
class RegionChooserCommandLineInterface implements Callable<Integer>
@Parameters(index = "0", description = "SRS Name : 'EPSG:31467' or just 31467")
String srsName;
@Option(names = { "-i",
"--input" }, required = true, split = ",", description = "Citygml files to extract from", paramLabel = "input.gml")
List<Path> citygmls;
@Parameters(index = "1", description = "Output file : output.gml", paramLabel = "<output_citygml>")
@Option(names = { "-o",
"--output" }, required = true, description = "Output file", paramLabel = "output.gml")
Path outputCityGML;
@Parameters(index = "2..*", arity = "1..*", description = "The citygml files to extract from : input1.gml input2.gml")
List<Path> citygmls;
@Option(names = { "-e", "--epsg" }, description = "EPSG id for coordinate reference system", paramLabel = "31467")
Integer espgId;
@Option(names = "--wkt", description = "File containing WKT polygon, or - for stdin", paramLabel = "file")
@Option(names = { "-w",
"--wkt" }, description = "File containing WKT polygon, or - for stdin", paramLabel = "polygon.wkt")
String wktFile = "-";
......@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ public Integer call() throws Exception { // your business logic goes here...
System.out.print("And write to : ");
System.out.print("in ");
System.out.println(srsName + " coordinates.");
System.out.println(espgId + " coordinates.");
if ( == 0) {
System.out.println("OH NOEs, NO INPUT!");
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