Wolfgang Knopki's avatar
deleted branch knopkiwg-master-patch-26861 at m4lab_tv1 / customization simpleSAMLphp
Wolfgang Knopki's avatar
accepted merge request !65 "Update base.twig inserted Login-Form-Clean.css to force positioning of footer..." at m4lab_tv1 / customization simpleSAMLphp
Wolfgang Knopki's avatar
Wolfgang Knopki's avatar
opened merge request !65 "Update base.twig inserted Login-Form-Clean.css to force positioning of footer..." at m4lab_tv1 / customization simpleSAMLphp
Wolfgang Knopki's avatar
pushed new branch knopkiwg-master-patch-26861 at m4lab_tv1 / customization simpleSAMLphp
Wolfgang Knopki's avatar