Commit d27c335f authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files

update required modules

parent e7c08cdb
// These are all the basic types that's compatible with all supported TypeScript versions.
export * from './base';
MIT License
Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus <> (https:/
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"name": "type-fest",
"version": "0.20.2",
"description": "A collection of essential TypeScript types",
"license": "(MIT OR CC0-1.0)",
"repository": "sindresorhus/type-fest",
"funding": "",
"author": {
"name": "Sindre Sorhus",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"engines": {
"node": ">=10"
"scripts": {
"//test": "xo && tsd && tsc",
"test": "xo && tsc"
"files": [
"keywords": [
"devDependencies": {
"@sindresorhus/tsconfig": "~0.7.0",
"tsd": "^0.13.1",
"typescript": "^4.1.2",
"xo": "^0.35.0"
"types": "./index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
">=4.1": {
"*": [
"xo": {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/ban-types": "off",
"@typescript-eslint/indent": "off",
"node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins": "off"
<div align="center">
<img src="media/logo.svg" alt="type-fest" height="300">
<b>A collection of essential TypeScript types</b>
<!-- Commented out until they actually show anything
[![npm dependents](]( [![npm downloads](](
Many of the types here should have been built-in. You can help by suggesting some of them to the [TypeScript project](
Either add this package as a dependency or copy-paste the needed types. No credit required. 👌
PR welcome for additional commonly needed types and docs improvements. Read the [contributing guidelines](.github/ first.
## Install
$ npm install type-fest
*Requires TypeScript >=3.4*
## Usage
import {Except} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
unicorn: string;
rainbow: boolean;
type FooWithoutRainbow = Except<Foo, 'rainbow'>;
//=> {unicorn: string}
## API
Click the type names for complete docs.
### Basic
- [`Primitive`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [primitive value](
- [`Class`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a [`class` constructor](
- [`TypedArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any [typed array](, like `Uint8Array` or `Float64Array`.
- [`JsonObject`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON object.
- [`JsonArray`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a JSON array.
- [`JsonValue`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches any valid JSON value.
- [`ObservableLike`](source/basic.d.ts) - Matches a value that is like an [Observable](
### Utilities
- [`Except`](source/except.d.ts) - Create a type from an object type without certain keys. This is a stricter version of [`Omit`](
- [`Mutable`](source/mutable.d.ts) - Convert an object with `readonly` keys into a mutable object. The inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
- [`Merge`](source/merge.d.ts) - Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the first type.
- [`MergeExclusive`](source/merge-exclusive.d.ts) - Create a type that has mutually exclusive keys.
- [`RequireAtLeastOne`](source/require-at-least-one.d.ts) - Create a type that requires at least one of the given keys.
- [`RequireExactlyOne`](source/require-exactly-one.d.ts) - Create a type that requires exactly a single key of the given keys and disallows more.
- [`PartialDeep`](source/partial-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply optional version of another type. Use [`Partial<T>`]( if you only need one level deep.
- [`ReadonlyDeep`](source/readonly-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply immutable version of an `object`/`Map`/`Set`/`Array` type. Use [`Readonly<T>`]( if you only need one level deep.
- [`LiteralUnion`](source/literal-union.d.ts) - Create a union type by combining primitive types and literal types without sacrificing auto-completion in IDEs for the literal type part of the union. Workaround for [Microsoft/TypeScript#29729](
- [`Promisable`](source/promisable.d.ts) - Create a type that represents either the value or the value wrapped in `PromiseLike`.
- [`Opaque`](source/opaque.d.ts) - Create an [opaque type](
- [`SetOptional`](source/set-optional.d.ts) - Create a type that makes the given keys optional.
- [`SetRequired`](source/set-required.d.ts) - Create a type that makes the given keys required.
- [`ValueOf`](source/value-of.d.ts) - Create a union of the given object's values, and optionally specify which keys to get the values from.
- [`PromiseValue`](source/promise-value.d.ts) - Returns the type that is wrapped inside a `Promise`.
- [`AsyncReturnType`](source/async-return-type.d.ts) - Unwrap the return type of a function that returns a `Promise`.
- [`ConditionalKeys`](source/conditional-keys.d.ts) - Extract keys from a shape where values extend the given `Condition` type.
- [`ConditionalPick`](source/conditional-pick.d.ts) - Like `Pick` except it selects properties from a shape where the values extend the given `Condition` type.
- [`ConditionalExcept`](source/conditional-except.d.ts) - Like `Omit` except it removes properties from a shape where the values extend the given `Condition` type.
- [`UnionToIntersection`](source/union-to-intersection.d.ts) - Convert a union type to an intersection type.
- [`Stringified`](source/stringified.d.ts) - Create a type with the keys of the given type changed to `string` type.
- [`FixedLengthArray`](source/fixed-length-array.d.ts) - Create a type that represents an array of the given type and length.
- [`IterableElement`](source/iterable-element.d.ts) - Get the element type of an `Iterable`/`AsyncIterable`. For example, an array or a generator.
- [`Entry`](source/entry.d.ts) - Create a type that represents the type of an entry of a collection.
- [`Entries`](source/entries.d.ts) - Create a type that represents the type of the entries of a collection.
- [`SetReturnType`](source/set-return-type.d.ts) - Create a function type with a return type of your choice and the same parameters as the given function type.
- [`Asyncify`](source/asyncify.d.ts) - Create an async version of the given function type.
### Template literal types
*Note:* These require [TypeScript 4.1 or newer](
- [`CamelCase`](ts41/camel-case.d.ts) – Convert a string literal to camel-case (`fooBar`).
- [`KebabCase`](ts41/kebab-case.d.ts) – Convert a string literal to kebab-case (`foo-bar`).
- [`PascalCase`](ts41/pascal-case.d.ts) – Converts a string literal to pascal-case (`FooBar`)
- [`SnakeCase`](ts41/snake-case.d.ts) – Convert a string literal to snake-case (`foo_bar`).
- [`DelimiterCase`](ts41/delimiter-case.d.ts) – Convert a string literal to a custom string delimiter casing.
### Miscellaneous
- [`PackageJson`](source/package-json.d.ts) - Type for [npm's `package.json` file](
- [`TsConfigJson`](source/tsconfig-json.d.ts) - Type for [TypeScript's `tsconfig.json` file]( (TypeScript 3.7).
## Declined types
*If we decline a type addition, we will make sure to document the better solution here.*
- [`Diff` and `Spread`]( - The PR author didn't provide any real-world use-cases and the PR went stale. If you think this type is useful, provide some real-world use-cases and we might reconsider.
- [`Dictionary`]( - You only save a few characters (`Dictionary<number>` vs `Record<string, number>`) from [`Record`](, which is more flexible and well-known. Also, you shouldn't use an object as a dictionary. We have `Map` in JavaScript now.
- [`SubType`]( - The type is powerful, but lacks good use-cases and is prone to misuse.
- [`ExtractProperties` and `ExtractMethods`]( - The types violate the single responsibility principle. Instead, refine your types into more granular type hierarchies.
## Tips
### Built-in types
There are many advanced types most users don't know about.
- [`Partial<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` optional.
interface NodeConfig {
appName: string;
port: number;
class NodeAppBuilder {
private configuration: NodeConfig = {
appName: 'NodeApp',
port: 3000
private updateConfig<Key extends keyof NodeConfig>(key: Key, value: NodeConfig[Key]) {
this.configuration[key] = value;
config(config: Partial<NodeConfig>) {
type NodeConfigKey = keyof NodeConfig;
for (const key of Object.keys(config) as NodeConfigKey[]) {
const updateValue = config[key];
if (updateValue === undefined) {
this.updateConfig(key, updateValue);
return this;
// `Partial<NodeConfig>`` allows us to provide only a part of the
// NodeConfig interface.
new NodeAppBuilder().config({appName: 'ToDoApp'});
- [`Required<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` required.
interface ContactForm {
email?: string;
message?: string;
function submitContactForm(formData: Required<ContactForm>) {
// Send the form data to the server.
email: '',
message: 'Hi! Could you tell me more about…',
// TypeScript error: missing property 'message'
email: '',
- [`Readonly<T>`]( - Make all properties in `T` readonly.
enum LogLevel {
interface LoggerConfig {
name: string;
level: LogLevel;
class Logger {
config: Readonly<LoggerConfig>;
constructor({name, level}: LoggerConfig) {
this.config = {name, level};
const config: LoggerConfig = {
name: 'MyApp',
level: LogLevel.Debug
const logger = new Logger(config);
// TypeScript Error: cannot assign to read-only property.
logger.config.level = LogLevel.Error;
// We are able to edit config variable as we please.
config.level = LogLevel.Error;
- [`Pick<T, K>`]( - From `T`, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union `K`.
interface Article {
title: string;
thumbnail: string;
content: string;
// Creates new type out of the `Article` interface composed
// from the Articles' two properties: `title` and `thumbnail`.
// `ArticlePreview = {title: string; thumbnail: string}`
type ArticlePreview = Pick<Article, 'title' | 'thumbnail'>;
// Render a list of articles using only title and description.
function renderArticlePreviews(previews: ArticlePreview[]): HTMLElement {
const articles = document.createElement('div');
for (const preview of previews) {
// Append preview to the articles.
return articles;
const articles = renderArticlePreviews([
title: 'TypeScript tutorial!',
thumbnail: '/assets/ts.jpg'
- [`Record<K, T>`]( - Construct a type with a set of properties `K` of type `T`.
// Positions of employees in our company.
type MemberPosition = 'intern' | 'developer' | 'tech-lead';
// Interface describing properties of a single employee.
interface Employee {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
yearsOfExperience: number;
// Create an object that has all possible `MemberPosition` values set as keys.
// Those keys will store a collection of Employees of the same position.
const team: Record<MemberPosition, Employee[]> = {
intern: [],
developer: [],
'tech-lead': [],
// Our team has decided to help John with his dream of becoming Software Developer.
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
yearsOfExperience: 0
// `Record` forces you to initialize all of the property keys.
// TypeScript Error: "tech-lead" property is missing
const teamEmpty: Record<MemberPosition, null> = {
intern: null,
developer: null,
- [`Exclude<T, U>`]( - Exclude from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.
interface ServerConfig {
port: null | string | number;
type RequestHandler = (request: Request, response: Response) => void;
// Exclude `null` type from `null | string | number`.
// In case the port is equal to `null`, we will use default value.
function getPortValue(port: Exclude<ServerConfig['port'], null>): number {
if (typeof port === 'string') {
return parseInt(port, 10);
return port;
function startServer(handler: RequestHandler, config: ServerConfig): void {
const server = require('http').createServer(handler);
const port = config.port === null ? 3000 : getPortValue(config.port);
- [`Extract<T, U>`]( - Extract from `T` those types that are assignable to `U`.
declare function uniqueId(): number;
const ID = Symbol('ID');
interface Person {
[ID]: number;
name: string;
age: number;
// Allows changing the person data as long as the property key is of string type.
function changePersonData<
Obj extends Person,
Key extends Extract<keyof Person, string>,
Value extends Obj[Key]
> (obj: Obj, key: Key, value: Value): void {
obj[key] = value;
// Tiny Andrew was born.
const andrew = {
[ID]: uniqueId(),
name: 'Andrew',
age: 0,
// Cool, we're fine with that.
changePersonData(andrew, 'name', 'Pony');
// Goverment didn't like the fact that you wanted to change your identity.
changePersonData(andrew, ID, uniqueId());
- [`NonNullable<T>`]( - Exclude `null` and `undefined` from `T`.
Works with <code>strictNullChecks</code> set to <code>true</code>. (Read more <a href="">here</a>)
type PortNumber = string | number | null;
/** Part of a class definition that is used to build a server */
class ServerBuilder {
portNumber!: NonNullable<PortNumber>;
port(this: ServerBuilder, port: PortNumber): ServerBuilder {
if (port == null) {
this.portNumber = 8000;
} else {
this.portNumber = port;
return this;
const serverBuilder = new ServerBuilder();
.port('8000') // portNumber = '8000'
.port(null) // portNumber = 8000
.port(3000); // portNumber = 3000
// TypeScript error
serverBuilder.portNumber = null;
- [`Parameters<T>`]( - Obtain the parameters of a function type in a tuple.
function shuffle(input: any[]): void {
// Mutate array randomly changing its' elements indexes.
function callNTimes<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any> (func: Fn, callCount: number) {
// Type that represents the type of the received function parameters.
type FunctionParameters = Parameters<Fn>;
return function (...args: FunctionParameters) {
for (let i = 0; i < callCount; i++) {
const shuffleTwice = callNTimes(shuffle, 2);
- [`ConstructorParameters<T>`]( - Obtain the parameters of a constructor function type in a tuple.
class ArticleModel {
title: string;
content?: string;
constructor(title: string) {
this.title = title;
class InstanceCache<T extends (new (...args: any[]) => any)> {
private ClassConstructor: T;
private cache: Map<string, InstanceType<T>> = new Map();
constructor (ctr: T) {
this.ClassConstructor = ctr;
getInstance (...args: ConstructorParameters<T>): InstanceType<T> {
const hash = this.calculateArgumentsHash(...args);
const existingInstance = this.cache.get(hash);
if (existingInstance !== undefined) {
return existingInstance;
return new this.ClassConstructor(...args);
private calculateArgumentsHash(...args: any[]): string {
// Calculate hash.
return 'hash';
const articleCache = new InstanceCache(ArticleModel);
const amazonArticle = articleCache.getInstance('Amazon forests burining!');
- [`ReturnType<T>`]( – Obtain the return type of a function type.
/** Provides every element of the iterable `iter` into the `callback` function and stores the results in an array. */
function mapIter<
Func extends (elem: Elem) => any,
Ret extends ReturnType<Func>
>(iter: Iterable<Elem>, callback: Func): Ret[] {
const mapped: Ret[] = [];
for (const elem of iter) {
return mapped;
const setObject: Set<string> = new Set();
const mapObject: Map<number, string> = new Map();
mapIter(setObject, (value: string) => value.indexOf('Foo')); // number[]
mapIter(mapObject, ([key, value]: [number, string]) => {
return key % 2 === 0 ? value : 'Odd';
}); // string[]
- [`InstanceType<T>`]( – Obtain the instance type of a constructor function type.
class IdleService {
doNothing (): void {}
class News {
title: string;
content: string;
constructor(title: string, content: string) {
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
const instanceCounter: Map<Function, number> = new Map();
interface Constructor {
new(...args: any[]): any;
// Keep track how many instances of `Constr` constructor have been created.
function getInstance<
Constr extends Constructor,
Args extends ConstructorParameters<Constr>
>(constructor: Constr, ...args: Args): InstanceType<Constr> {
let count = instanceCounter.get(constructor) || 0;
const instance = new constructor(...args);
instanceCounter.set(constructor, count + 1);
console.log(`Created ${count + 1} instances of ${} class`);
return instance;
const idleService = getInstance(IdleService);
// Will log: `Created 1 instances of IdleService class`
const newsEntry = getInstance(News, 'New ECMAScript proposals!', 'Last month...');
// Will log: `Created 1 instances of News class`
- [`Omit<T, K>`]( – Constructs a type by picking all properties from T and then removing K.
interface Animal {
imageUrl: string;
species: string;
images: string[];
paragraphs: string[];
// Creates new type with all properties of the `Animal` interface
// except 'images' and 'paragraphs' properties. We can use this
// type to render small hover tooltip for a wiki entry list.
type AnimalShortInfo = Omit<Animal, 'images' | 'paragraphs'>;
function renderAnimalHoverInfo (animals: AnimalShortInfo[]): HTMLElement {
const container = document.createElement('div');
// Internal implementation.
return container;
You can find some examples in the [TypeScript docs](
## Maintainers
- [Sindre Sorhus](
- [Jarek Radosz](
- [Dimitri Benin](
- [Pelle Wessman](
## License
(MIT OR CC0-1.0)
<div align="center">
<a href="">Get professional support for this package with a Tidelift subscription</a>
Tidelift helps make open source sustainable for maintainers while giving companies<br>assurances about security, maintenance, and licensing for their dependencies.
import {PromiseValue} from './promise-value';
type AsyncFunction = (...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>;
Unwrap the return type of a function that returns a `Promise`.
There has been [discussion]( about implementing this type in TypeScript.
import {AsyncReturnType} from 'type-fest';
import {asyncFunction} from 'api';
// This type resolves to the unwrapped return type of `asyncFunction`.
type Value = AsyncReturnType<typeof asyncFunction>;
async function doSomething(value: Value) {}
asyncFunction().then(value => doSomething(value));
export type AsyncReturnType<Target extends AsyncFunction> = PromiseValue<ReturnType<Target>>;
import {PromiseValue} from './promise-value';
import {SetReturnType} from './set-return-type';
Create an async version of the given function type, by boxing the return type in `Promise` while keeping the same parameter types.
Use-case: You have two functions, one synchronous and one asynchronous that do the same thing. Instead of having to duplicate the type definition, you can use `Asyncify` to reuse the synchronous type.
import {Asyncify} from 'type-fest';
// Synchronous function.
function getFooSync(someArg: SomeType): Foo {
// …
type AsyncifiedFooGetter = Asyncify<typeof getFooSync>;
//=> type AsyncifiedFooGetter = (someArg: SomeType) => Promise<Foo>;
// Same as `getFooSync` but asynchronous.
const getFooAsync: AsyncifiedFooGetter = (someArg) => {
// TypeScript now knows that `someArg` is `SomeType` automatically.
// It also knows that this function must return `Promise<Foo>`.
// If you have `@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async` linter rule enabled, it will even report that "Functions that return promises must be async.".
// …
export type Asyncify<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any> = SetReturnType<Fn, Promise<PromiseValue<ReturnType<Fn>>>>;
/// <reference lib="esnext"/>
// TODO: This can just be `export type Primitive = not object` when the `not` keyword is out.
Matches any [primitive value](
export type Primitive =
| null
| undefined
| string
| number
| boolean
| symbol
| bigint;
// TODO: Remove the `= unknown` sometime in the future when most users are on TS 3.5 as it's now the default
Matches a [`class` constructor](
export type Class<T = unknown, Arguments extends any[] = any[]> = new(...arguments_: Arguments) => T;
Matches any [typed array](, like `Uint8Array` or `Float64Array`.
export type TypedArray =
| Int8Array
| Uint8Array
| Uint8ClampedArray
| Int16Array
| Uint16Array
| Int32Array
| Uint32Array
| Float32Array
| Float64Array
| BigInt64Array
| BigUint64Array;
Matches a JSON object.
This type can be useful to enforce some input to be JSON-compatible or as a super-type to be extended from. Don't use this as a direct return type as the user would have to double-cast it: `jsonObject as unknown as CustomResponse`. Instead, you could extend your CustomResponse type from it to ensure your type only uses JSON-compatible types: `interface CustomResponse extends JsonObject { … }`.
export type JsonObject = {[Key in string]?: JsonValue};
Matches a JSON array.
export interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
Matches any valid JSON value.
export type JsonValue = string | number | boolean | null | JsonObject | JsonArray;
declare global {
interface SymbolConstructor {
readonly observable: symbol;
Matches a value that is like an [Observable](
export interface ObservableLike {
subscribe(observer: (value: unknown) => void): void;
[Symbol.observable](): ObservableLike;
import {Except} from './except';
import {ConditionalKeys} from './conditional-keys';
Exclude keys from a shape that matches the given `Condition`.
This is useful when you want to create a new type with a specific set of keys from a shape. For example, you might want to exclude all the primitive properties from a class and form a new shape containing everything but the primitive properties.
import {Primitive, ConditionalExcept} from 'type-fest';
class Awesome {
name: string;
successes: number;
failures: bigint;
run() {}
type ExceptPrimitivesFromAwesome = ConditionalExcept<Awesome, Primitive>;
//=> {run: () => void}
import {ConditionalExcept} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
a: string;
b: string | number;
c: () => void;
d: {};
type NonStringKeysOnly = ConditionalExcept<Example, string>;
//=> {b: string | number; c: () => void; d: {}}
export type ConditionalExcept<Base, Condition> = Except<
ConditionalKeys<Base, Condition>
Extract the keys from a type where the value type of the key extends the given `Condition`.
Internally this is used for the `ConditionalPick` and `ConditionalExcept` types.
import {ConditionalKeys} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
a: string;
b: string | number;
c?: string;
d: {};
type StringKeysOnly = ConditionalKeys<Example, string>;
//=> 'a'
To support partial types, make sure your `Condition` is a union of undefined (for example, `string | undefined`) as demonstrated below.
type StringKeysAndUndefined = ConditionalKeys<Example, string | undefined>;
//=> 'a' | 'c'
export type ConditionalKeys<Base, Condition> = NonNullable<
// Wrap in `NonNullable` to strip away the `undefined` type from the produced union.
// Map through all the keys of the given base type.
[Key in keyof Base]:
// Pick only keys with types extending the given `Condition` type.
Base[Key] extends Condition
// Retain this key since the condition passes.
? Key
// Discard this key since the condition fails.
: never;
// Convert the produced object into a union type of the keys which passed the conditional test.
}[keyof Base]
import {ConditionalKeys} from './conditional-keys';
Pick keys from the shape that matches the given `Condition`.
This is useful when you want to create a new type from a specific subset of an existing type. For example, you might want to pick all the primitive properties from a class and form a new automatically derived type.
import {Primitive, ConditionalPick} from 'type-fest';
class Awesome {
name: string;
successes: number;
failures: bigint;
run() {}
type PickPrimitivesFromAwesome = ConditionalPick<Awesome, Primitive>;
//=> {name: string; successes: number; failures: bigint}
import {ConditionalPick} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
a: string;
b: string | number;
c: () => void;
d: {};
type StringKeysOnly = ConditionalPick<Example, string>;
//=> {a: string}
export type ConditionalPick<Base, Condition> = Pick<
ConditionalKeys<Base, Condition>
import {ArrayEntry, MapEntry, ObjectEntry, SetEntry} from './entry';
type ArrayEntries<BaseType extends readonly unknown[]> = Array<ArrayEntry<BaseType>>;
type MapEntries<BaseType> = Array<MapEntry<BaseType>>;
type ObjectEntries<BaseType> = Array<ObjectEntry<BaseType>>;
type SetEntries<BaseType extends Set<unknown>> = Array<SetEntry<BaseType>>;
Many collections have an `entries` method which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs. The `Entries` type will return the type of that collection's entries.
For example the {@link|`Object`}, {@link|`Map`}, {@link|`Array`}, and {@link|`Set`} collections all have this method. Note that `WeakMap` and `WeakSet` do not have this method since their entries are not enumerable.
@see `Entry` if you want to just access the type of a single entry.
import {Entries} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
someKey: number;
const manipulatesEntries = (examples: Entries<Example>) => => [
// Does some arbitrary processing on the key (with type information available)
// Does some arbitrary processing on the value (with type information available)
const example: Example = {someKey: 1};
const entries = Object.entries(example) as Entries<Example>;
const output = manipulatesEntries(entries);
// Objects
const objectExample = {a: 1};
const objectEntries: Entries<typeof objectExample> = [['a', 1]];
// Arrays
const arrayExample = ['a', 1];
const arrayEntries: Entries<typeof arrayExample> = [[0, 'a'], [1, 1]];
// Maps
const mapExample = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const mapEntries: Entries<typeof map> = [['a', 1]];
// Sets
const setExample = new Set(['a', 1]);
const setEntries: Entries<typeof setExample> = [['a', 'a'], [1, 1]];
export type Entries<BaseType> =
BaseType extends Map<unknown, unknown> ? MapEntries<BaseType>
: BaseType extends Set<unknown> ? SetEntries<BaseType>
: BaseType extends unknown[] ? ArrayEntries<BaseType>
: BaseType extends object ? ObjectEntries<BaseType>
: never;
type MapKey<BaseType> = BaseType extends Map<infer KeyType, unknown> ? KeyType : never;
type MapValue<BaseType> = BaseType extends Map<unknown, infer ValueType> ? ValueType : never;
export type ArrayEntry<BaseType extends readonly unknown[]> = [number, BaseType[number]];
export type MapEntry<BaseType> = [MapKey<BaseType>, MapValue<BaseType>];
export type ObjectEntry<BaseType> = [keyof BaseType, BaseType[keyof BaseType]];
export type SetEntry<BaseType> = BaseType extends Set<infer ItemType> ? [ItemType, ItemType] : never;
Many collections have an `entries` method which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs. The `Entry` type will return the type of that collection's entry.
For example the {@link|`Object`}, {@link|`Map`}, {@link|`Array`}, and {@link|`Set`} collections all have this method. Note that `WeakMap` and `WeakSet` do not have this method since their entries are not enumerable.
@see `Entries` if you want to just access the type of the array of entries (which is the return of the `.entries()` method).
import {Entry} from 'type-fest';
interface Example {
someKey: number;
const manipulatesEntry = (example: Entry<Example>) => [
// Does some arbitrary processing on the key (with type information available)
// Does some arbitrary processing on the value (with type information available)
const example: Example = {someKey: 1};
const entry = Object.entries(example)[0] as Entry<Example>;
const output = manipulatesEntry(entry);
// Objects
const objectExample = {a: 1};
const objectEntry: Entry<typeof objectExample> = ['a', 1];
// Arrays
const arrayExample = ['a', 1];
const arrayEntryString: Entry<typeof arrayExample> = [0, 'a'];
const arrayEntryNumber: Entry<typeof arrayExample> = [1, 1];
// Maps
const mapExample = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const mapEntry: Entry<typeof map> = ['a', 1];
// Sets
const setExample = new Set(['a', 1]);
const setEntryString: Entry<typeof setExample> = ['a', 'a'];
const setEntryNumber: Entry<typeof setExample> = [1, 1];
export type Entry<BaseType> =
BaseType extends Map<unknown, unknown> ? MapEntry<BaseType>
: BaseType extends Set<unknown> ? SetEntry<BaseType>
: BaseType extends unknown[] ? ArrayEntry<BaseType>
: BaseType extends object ? ObjectEntry<BaseType>
: never;
Create a type from an object type without certain keys.
This type is a stricter version of [`Omit`]( The `Omit` type does not restrict the omitted keys to be keys present on the given type, while `Except` does. The benefits of a stricter type are avoiding typos and allowing the compiler to pick up on rename refactors automatically.
Please upvote [this issue]( if you want to have the stricter version as a built-in in TypeScript.
import {Except} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
a: number;
b: string;
c: boolean;
type FooWithoutA = Except<Foo, 'a' | 'c'>;
//=> {b: string};
export type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType> = Pick<ObjectType, Exclude<keyof ObjectType, KeysType>>;
Methods to exclude.
type ArrayLengthMutationKeys = 'splice' | 'push' | 'pop' | 'shift' | 'unshift';
Create a type that represents an array of the given type and length. The array's length and the `Array` prototype methods that manipulate its length are excluded in the resulting type.
Please participate in [this issue]( if you want to have a similiar type built into TypeScript.
- Declaring fixed-length tuples or arrays with a large number of items.
- Creating a range union (for example, `0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4` from the keys of such a type) without having to resort to recursive types.
- Creating an array of coordinates with a static length, for example, length of 3 for a 3D vector.
import {FixedLengthArray} from 'type-fest';
type FencingTeam = FixedLengthArray<string, 3>;
const guestFencingTeam: FencingTeam = ['Josh', 'Michael', 'Robert'];
const homeFencingTeam: FencingTeam = ['George', 'John'];
//=> error TS2322: Type string[] is not assignable to type 'FencingTeam'
//=> error TS2339: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'FencingTeam'
export type FixedLengthArray<Element, Length extends number, ArrayPrototype = [Element, ...Element[]]> = Pick<
Exclude<keyof ArrayPrototype, ArrayLengthMutationKeys>
> & {
[index: number]: Element;
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Element>;
readonly length: Length;
Get the element type of an `Iterable`/`AsyncIterable`. For example, an array or a generator.
This can be useful, for example, if you want to get the type that is yielded in a generator function. Often the return type of those functions are not specified.
This type works with both `Iterable`s and `AsyncIterable`s, so it can be use with synchronous and asynchronous generators.
Here is an example of `IterableElement` in action with a generator function:
function * iAmGenerator() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
type MeNumber = IterableElement<ReturnType<typeof iAmGenerator>>
And here is an example with an async generator:
async function * iAmGeneratorAsync() {
yield 'hi';
yield true;
type MeStringOrBoolean = IterableElement<ReturnType<typeof iAmGeneratorAsync>>
Many types in JavaScript/TypeScript are iterables. This type works on all types that implement those interfaces. For example, `Array`, `Set`, `Map`, `stream.Readable`, etc.
An example with an array of strings:
type MeString = IterableElement<string[]>
export type IterableElement<TargetIterable> =
TargetIterable extends Iterable<infer ElementType> ?
ElementType :
TargetIterable extends AsyncIterable<infer ElementType> ?
ElementType :
import {Primitive} from './basic';
Allows creating a union type by combining primitive types and literal types without sacrificing auto-completion in IDEs for the literal type part of the union.
Currently, when a union type of a primitive type is combined with literal types, TypeScript loses all information about the combined literals. Thus, when such type is used in an IDE with autocompletion, no suggestions are made for the declared literals.
This type is a workaround for [Microsoft/TypeScript#29729]( It will be removed as soon as it's not needed anymore.
import {LiteralUnion} from 'type-fest';
// Before
type Pet = 'dog' | 'cat' | string;
const pet: Pet = '';
// Start typing in your TypeScript-enabled IDE.
// You **will not** get auto-completion for `dog` and `cat` literals.
// After
type Pet2 = LiteralUnion<'dog' | 'cat', string>;
const pet: Pet2 = '';
// You **will** get auto-completion for `dog` and `cat` literals.
export type LiteralUnion<
BaseType extends Primitive
> = LiteralType | (BaseType & {_?: never});
// Helper type. Not useful on its own.
type Without<FirstType, SecondType> = {[KeyType in Exclude<keyof FirstType, keyof SecondType>]?: never};
Create a type that has mutually exclusive keys.
This type was inspired by [this comment](
This type works with a helper type, called `Without`. `Without<FirstType, SecondType>` produces a type that has only keys from `FirstType` which are not present on `SecondType` and sets the value type for these keys to `never`. This helper type is then used in `MergeExclusive` to remove keys from either `FirstType` or `SecondType`.
import {MergeExclusive} from 'type-fest';
interface ExclusiveVariation1 {
exclusive1: boolean;
interface ExclusiveVariation2 {
exclusive2: string;
type ExclusiveOptions = MergeExclusive<ExclusiveVariation1, ExclusiveVariation2>;
let exclusiveOptions: ExclusiveOptions;
exclusiveOptions = {exclusive1: true};
//=> Works
exclusiveOptions = {exclusive2: 'hi'};
//=> Works
exclusiveOptions = {exclusive1: true, exclusive2: 'hi'};
//=> Error
export type MergeExclusive<FirstType, SecondType> =
(FirstType | SecondType) extends object ?
(Without<FirstType, SecondType> & SecondType) | (Without<SecondType, FirstType> & FirstType) :
FirstType | SecondType;
import {Except} from './except';
Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the first type.
import {Merge} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
a: number;
b: string;
type Bar = {
b: number;
const ab: Merge<Foo, Bar> = {a: 1, b: 2};
export type Merge<FirstType, SecondType> = Except<FirstType, Extract<keyof FirstType, keyof SecondType>> & SecondType;
Convert an object with `readonly` keys into a mutable object. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
This can be used to [store and mutate options within a class](, [edit `readonly` objects within tests](, and [construct a `readonly` object within a function](
import {Mutable} from 'type-fest';
type Foo = {
readonly a: number;
readonly b: string;
const mutableFoo: Mutable<Foo> = {a: 1, b: '2'};
mutableFoo.a = 3;
export type Mutable<ObjectType> = {
// For each `Key` in the keys of `ObjectType`, make a mapped type by removing the `readonly` modifier from the key.
-readonly [KeyType in keyof ObjectType]: ObjectType[KeyType];
Create an opaque type, which hides its internal details from the public, and can only be created by being used explicitly.
The generic type parameter can be anything. It doesn't have to be an object.
[Read more about opaque types.](
There have been several discussions about adding this feature to TypeScript via the `opaque type` operator, similar to how Flow does it. Unfortunately, nothing has (yet) moved forward:
- [Microsoft/TypeScript#15408](
- [Microsoft/TypeScript#15807](
import {Opaque} from 'type-fest';
type AccountNumber = Opaque<number, 'AccountNumber'>;
type AccountBalance = Opaque<number, 'AccountBalance'>;
// The Token parameter allows the compiler to differentiate between types, whereas "unknown" will not. For example, consider the following structures:
type ThingOne = Opaque<string>;
type ThingTwo = Opaque<string>;
// To the compiler, these types are allowed to be cast to each other as they have the same underlying type. They are both `string & { __opaque__: unknown }`.
// To avoid this behaviour, you would instead pass the "Token" parameter, like so.
type NewThingOne = Opaque<string, 'ThingOne'>;
type NewThingTwo = Opaque<string, 'ThingTwo'>;
// Now they're completely separate types, so the following will fail to compile.
function createNewThingOne (): NewThingOne {
// As you can see, casting from a string is still allowed. However, you may not cast NewThingOne to NewThingTwo, and vice versa.
return 'new thing one' as NewThingOne;
// This will fail to compile, as they are fundamentally different types.
const thingTwo = createNewThingOne() as NewThingTwo;
// Here's another example of opaque typing.
function createAccountNumber(): AccountNumber {
return 2 as AccountNumber;
function getMoneyForAccount(accountNumber: AccountNumber): AccountBalance {
return 4 as AccountBalance;
// This will compile successfully.
// But this won't, because it has to be explicitly passed as an `AccountNumber` type.
// You can use opaque values like they aren't opaque too.
const accountNumber = createAccountNumber();
// This will not compile successfully.
const newAccountNumber = accountNumber + 2;
// As a side note, you can (and should) use recursive types for your opaque types to make them stronger and hopefully easier to type.
type Person = {
id: Opaque<number, Person>;
name: string;
export type Opaque<Type, Token = unknown> = Type & {readonly __opaque__: Token};
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