Commit f5ecdc42 authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files

Merge branch 'testing' into 'MLAB-667'


See merge request !150
parents 961ab112 de3756a3
const menu = [{ name: 'Informationen', combos: [{ name: 'Projekte', link: '/project' }, { name: 'Über das M4_LAB', link: '/projectoverview?projectID=1' }], type: 'dropdown', link: '#' }, { name: 'Zusammenarbeit', combos: [{ name: 'Mailinglisten', link: '/mailinglists' }, { name: 'Videokonferenzen', link: '/videoconference.html' }/* {'name':'...', 'link':'#'} */], type: 'dropdown', link: '#' }, { name: 'Events', combos: [{ name: 'Veranstaltungen der HfT', link: '' }/*, {'name':'...', 'link':'#'} */], type: 'dropdown', link: '#' }, /* {'name':'Bürgerbeteiligung', 'combos':[{'name':'...', 'link':'#'}, {'name':'...', 'link':'#'}], 'type':'dropdown', 'link':'#'}, */{ name: 'Logout', combos: [], type: 'logoutbutton', link: '/logout' }]
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function userAuthenticated () {
const params = new URLSearchParams(
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let isEmailValid = false
let isPasswordValid = false
// check if email already exist
$('#inputEmail').change(function () {
const email = $('#inputEmail').val()
$.get('email/' + email, function (data) {
isEmailValid = data
if (!isEmailValid) {
$('#emailWarning').html('Mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse existiert bereits ein Benutzerkonto in unserem Transferportal.')
.fail(function () {
console.log('cannot check email')
// check password
$('#inputPassword').on('keyup', function () {
isPasswordValid = checkPasswordReq($('#inputPassword').val())
if (!isPasswordValid) {
// $('#passwordWarning').html('Must be at least 8 characters')
$('#passwordWarning').html('Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen haben')
function switchSubmitButton () {
if (isEmailValid && isPasswordValid) {
$('#submitBtn').prop('disabled', false)
} else {
$('#submitBtn').prop('disabled', true)
// check password and password confirmation input fields
// used in Security and Reset Password
$('#inputNewPwd, #inputConfirm').on('keyup', function () {
let isBest, isMatch
isBest = checkPasswordReq($('#inputNewPwd').val())
if (!isBest) {
// $('#recommendation').html('Must be at least 8 characters').css('color', 'red');
$('#recommendation').html('Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen haben').css('color', 'red')
// match or not?
if ($('#inputNewPwd').val() === $('#inputConfirm').val()) {
// $('#message').html('Matching').css('color', 'green');
$('#message').html('Übereinstimmend').css('color', 'green')
isMatch = true
} else {
// $('#message').html('Not Matching').css('color', 'red');
$('#message').html('Nicht übereinstimmend').css('color', 'red')
isMatch = false
// enable/disable update button
if (isBest && isMatch) {
$('#updateBtn').prop('disabled', false)
} else {
$('#updateBtn').prop('disabled', true)
...@@ -2,63 +2,62 @@ import fs from 'fs' ...@@ -2,63 +2,62 @@ import fs from 'fs'
import async from 'async' import async from 'async'
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs' import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'
import * as passportSaml from 'passport-saml' import * as passportSaml from 'passport-saml'
import dbconn from '../config/dbconn' import { dbConnection } from '../config/dbconn'
import methods from '../functions/methods' import { dbController } from '../controller/dbController'
import gitlab from '../functions/gitlab' import { gitlabController } from '../controller/gitlabController'
import constants from '../config/const' import { miscConst } from '../config/const'
import mailer from '../config/mailer' import { mailer } from '../config/mailer'
import portalUser from '../classes/user' import { User } from '../classes/user'
import projectInformation from '../classes/website' import { Website } from '../classes/website'
import projectRepo from '../classes/repo' import { Repo } from '../classes/repo'
const SamlStrategy = passportSaml.Strategy const SamlStrategy = passportSaml.Strategy
const saltRounds = 10; const saltRounds = 10
const salt = 64; // salt length const salt = 64 // salt length
const logoDir = 'public/upload/' const logoDir = 'public/upload/'
const defaultLogo:any = 'public/default/logo.png' const defaultLogo: any = 'public/default/logo.png'
export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
module.exports = function (app: any, config: any, passport: any, lang: string) {
// =========== PASSPORT ======= // =========== PASSPORT =======
passport.serializeUser(function (user:any, done:any) { passport.serializeUser(function (user: any, done: any) {
done(null, user); done(null, user)
}); })
passport.deserializeUser(function (user:any, done:any) { passport.deserializeUser(function (user: any, done: any) {
done(null, user); done(null, user)
}); })
var samlStrategy = new SamlStrategy({ const samlStrategy = new SamlStrategy({
// URL that goes from the Identity Provider -> Service Provider // URL that goes from the Identity Provider -> Service Provider
callbackUrl: config.passport.saml.path, callbackUrl: config.passport.saml.path,
// Base address to call logout requests // Base address to call logout requests
logoutUrl: config.passport.saml.logoutUrl, logoutUrl: config.passport.saml.logoutUrl,
entryPoint: config.passport.saml.entryPoint, entryPoint: config.passport.saml.entryPoint,
issuer: config.passport.saml.issuer, issuer: config.passport.saml.issuer,
identifierFormat: undefined, identifierFormat: undefined,
// Service Provider private key // Service Provider private key
decryptionPvk: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/key.pem', 'utf8'), decryptionPvk: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/key.pem', 'utf8'),
// Service Provider Certificate // Service Provider Certificate
privateKey: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/key.pem', 'utf8'), privateKey: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/key.pem', 'utf8'),
// Identity Provider's public key // Identity Provider's public key
cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/cert_idp.pem', 'utf8'), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/cert_idp.pem', 'utf8'),
validateInResponseTo: false, validateInResponseTo: false,
disableRequestedAuthnContext: true disableRequestedAuthnContext: true
}, },
function (profile:any, done:any) { function (profile: any, done: any) {
return done(null, { return done(null, {
id: profile.nameID, id: profile.nameID,
idFormat: profile.nameIDFormat, idFormat: profile.nameIDFormat,
email:, email:,
firstName: profile.givenName, firstName: profile.givenName,
lastName: lastName:
}); })
}); })
passport.use(samlStrategy); passport.use(samlStrategy)
// ============= SAML ============== // ============= SAML ==============,,
...@@ -67,33 +66,33 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -67,33 +66,33 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
failureRedirect: '/account/', failureRedirect: '/account/',
failureFlash: true failureFlash: true
}), }),
function (req:any, res:any) { function (req: any, res: any) {
res.redirect('/account/'); res.redirect('/account/')
} }
); )
// to generate Service Provider's XML metadata // to generate Service Provider's XML metadata
app.get('/saml/metadata', app.get('/saml/metadata',
function(req:any, res:any) { function (req: any, res: any) {
res.type('application/xml'); res.type('application/xml')
var spMetadata = samlStrategy.generateServiceProviderMetadata(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/cert.pem', 'utf8')); const spMetadata = samlStrategy.generateServiceProviderMetadata(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert/cert.pem', 'utf8'))
res.status(200).send(spMetadata); res.status(200).send(spMetadata)
} }
); )
// ======== APP ROUTES - ACCOUNT ==================== // ======== APP ROUTES - ACCOUNT ====================
async function getLoggedInUserData(email:string) { async function getLoggedInUserData (email: string) {
let user = await methods.getUserByEmail(email) const user = await dbController.getUserByEmail(email)
if (!user) { if (!user) {
console.log('no user found') console.log('no user found')
return null return null
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = new portalUser( const loggedInUser = new User(, email, user.salutation, user.title, user.firstname, user.lastname, user.industry, user.organisation, user.speciality, user.m4lab_idp, user.verificationStatus, email, user.salutation, user.title, user.firstname, user.lastname, user.industry, user.organisation, user.speciality, user.m4lab_idp, user.verificationStatus
) )
let userGitlabId = await methods.getGitlabId( const userGitlabId = await dbController.getGitlabId(
if (userGitlabId) { if (userGitlabId) {
loggedInUser.setGitlabUserId(userGitlabId) loggedInUser.setGitlabUserId(userGitlabId)
} }
...@@ -101,21 +100,21 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -101,21 +100,21 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
} }
app.get('/', async function (req:any, res:any) { app.get('/', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if ( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
console.error("user data is not found") console.error('user data is not found')
res.status(500).render(lang+'/500', { error: "Your data is not found. Please try again." }) res.status(500).render(lang + '/500', { error: 'Your data is not found. Please try again.' })
} else { } else {
res.render(lang+'/account/home', { res.render(lang + '/account/home', {
user: loggedInUser user: loggedInUser
}); })
} }
} }
}); })
app.get('/login', app.get('/login',
passport.authenticate(config.passport.strategy, { passport.authenticate(config.passport.strategy, {
...@@ -124,106 +123,102 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -124,106 +123,102 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
}) })
) )
app.get('/logout', function (req:any, res:any) { app.get('/logout', function (req: any, res: any) {
if (req.user == null) { if (req.user == null) {
return res.redirect('/'); return res.redirect('/')
} }
req.user.nameID =; req.user.nameID =
req.user.nameIDFormat = req.user.idFormat; req.user.nameIDFormat = req.user.idFormat
return samlStrategy.logout(req, function(err:any, uri:any) { return samlStrategy.logout(req, function (err: any, uri: any) {
req.logout(); req.logout()
if ( req.session ) { if (req.session) {
req.session.destroy((err:any) => { req.session.destroy((err: any) => {
if(err) { if (err) {
return console.log(err); return console.log(err)
} }
}); })
} }
return res.redirect(uri); return res.redirect(uri)
}); })
}); })
app.get('/profile', async function (req:any, res:any) { app.get('/profile', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if ( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { // null user if (loggedInUser == null) { // null user
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
if(loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() != 1) { if (loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() !== 1) {
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
res.render(lang+'/account/profile', { res.render(lang + '/account/profile', {
user: loggedInUser user: loggedInUser
}) })
} }
} }
} }
}) })
app.get('/services', async function(req:any, res:any){ app.get('/services', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { // null user if (loggedInUser == null) { // null user
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
if(loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() != 1) { // unverified users if (loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() !== 1) { // unverified users
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
let gitlabReposArr = [] const gitlabReposArr = []
let gitlabPagesArr = [] const gitlabPagesArr = []
if(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) { // for users who have activated their gitlab account if (loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) { // for users who have activated their gitlab account
let userProjects = await gitlab.getUserProjects(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!) const userProjects = await gitlabController.getUserProjects(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!)
if (!userProjects) { if (userProjects) {
console.error("something went wrong") let project: any
res.status(500).render(lang+'/500', { error: "something went wrong" }) for (project in userProjects) {
} if (userProjects[project].tag_list.includes('website')) {
const page = {
let project:any projectInformation: new Website(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, userProjects[project].name, userProjects[project].description,
for (project in userProjects) { userProjects[project].id, userProjects[project].avatar_url, userProjects[project].path_with_namespace),
if (userProjects[project].tag_list.includes('website')) { pipelineStatus: await gitlabController.getProjectPipelineLatestStatus(userProjects[project].id)
let page = { }
projectInformation: new projectInformation(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, userProjects[project].name, userProjects[project].description, gitlabPagesArr.push(page)
userProjects[project].id, userProjects[project].avatar_url, userProjects[project].path_with_namespace), } else {
pipelineStatus: await gitlab.getProjectPipelineLatestStatus(userProjects[project].id) const repo = new Repo(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, userProjects[project].name, userProjects[project].description,
userProjects[project].id, userProjects[project].avatar_url, userProjects[project].path_with_namespace)
} }
} else {
let repo = new projectRepo(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, userProjects[project].name, userProjects[project].description,
userProjects[project].id, userProjects[project].avatar_url, userProjects[project].path_with_namespace)
} }
} }
res.render(lang + '/account/services', {
res.render(lang+'/account/services', {
user: loggedInUser, user: loggedInUser,
gitlabRepos: gitlabReposArr, gitlabRepos: gitlabReposArr,
gitlabPages: gitlabPagesArr gitlabPages: gitlabPagesArr
}) })
} else { // for users who have not activated their gitlab account yet } else { // for users who have not activated their gitlab account yet
let gitlabUser = await gitlab.getUserByEmail(loggedInUser.getEmail()) const gitlabUser = await gitlabController.getUserByEmail(loggedInUser.getEmail())
if (!gitlabUser) { if (!gitlabUser) {
res.render(lang+'/account/services', { res.render(lang + '/account/services', {
user: loggedInUser, user: loggedInUser,
gitlabRepos: null, gitlabRepos: null,
gitlabPages: null gitlabPages: null
}) })
} else { } else {
let gitlabActivationData = { const gitlabActivationData = {
user_id: loggedInUser.getId(), user_id: loggedInUser.getId(),
gitlab_userId:} gitlab_userId:
methods.addGitlabUser(gitlabActivationData, function(err:any){ dbController.addGitlabUser(gitlabActivationData, function (err: any) {
if(err) { if (err) {
res.status(500).render(lang+'/500', { error: err }) res.status(500).render(lang + '/500', { error: err })
} else { } else {
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} }
...@@ -235,16 +230,16 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -235,16 +230,16 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
}) })
app.get('/security', async function (req:any, res:any) { app.get('/security', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if ( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { // null user if (loggedInUser == null) { // null user
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
if(loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() == 1 && loggedInUser.getIdpStatus() == 1) { if (loggedInUser.getVerificationStatus() === 1 && loggedInUser.getIdpStatus() === 1) {
res.render(lang+'/account/security', { res.render(lang + '/account/security', {
user: loggedInUser user: loggedInUser
}) })
} else { } else {
...@@ -254,15 +249,15 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -254,15 +249,15 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
}) })'/updateProfile', async function (req:any, res:any) {'/updateProfile', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if ( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { // null user if (loggedInUser == null) { // null user
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
let userData = { const userData = {
salutation: req.body.inputSalutation, salutation: req.body.inputSalutation,
title: req.body.inputTitle, title: req.body.inputTitle,
firstname: req.body.inputFirstname, firstname: req.body.inputFirstname,
...@@ -270,11 +265,11 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -270,11 +265,11 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
email: req.body.inputEmail, email: req.body.inputEmail,
organisation: req.body.inputOrganisation, organisation: req.body.inputOrganisation,
industry: req.body.inputIndustry, industry: req.body.inputIndustry,
speciality: req.body.inputSpeciality, speciality: req.body.inputSpeciality
} }
let result = await methods.updateUserById(loggedInUser.getId(), userData) const result = await dbController.updateUserById(loggedInUser.getId(), userData)
if (!result) { if (!result) {
res.flash('error', "Failed") res.flash('error', 'Failed')
} else { } else {
loggedInUser.updateProfile(userData.salutation, userData.title, userData.firstname, userData.lastname,, loggedInUser.updateProfile(userData.salutation, userData.title, userData.firstname, userData.lastname,,
userData.organisation, userData.industry, userData.speciality) userData.organisation, userData.industry, userData.speciality)
...@@ -282,101 +277,99 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -282,101 +277,99 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
res.redirect('/account/profile') res.redirect('/account/profile')
} }
} }
}); })'/changePwd', async function (req:any, res:any) {'/changePwd', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { // null user if (loggedInUser == null) { // null user
res.redirect('/account/') res.redirect('/account/')
} else { } else {
let currPwd = req.body.inputCurrPwd const currPwd = req.body.inputCurrPwd
let newPwd = req.body.inputNewPwd const newPwd = req.body.inputNewPwd
let retypePwd = req.body.inputConfirm const retypePwd = req.body.inputConfirm
dbconn.user.query('SELECT password FROM credential WHERE user_id='+loggedInUser.getId(), function (err:any, rows:any) { dbConnection.user.query('SELECT password FROM credential WHERE user_id=' + loggedInUser.getId(), function (err: any, rows: any) {
if (err) { if (err) {
console.error(err) console.error(err)
res.status(500).render(lang+'/500', { error: err }) res.status(500).render(lang + '/500', { error: err })
} }
let userPwd = rows[0].password const userPwd = rows[0].password
// check if the password is correct // check if the password is correct, userPwd, function(err, isMatch) {, userPwd, function (err, isMatch) {
if (err) { if (err) {
console.error(err) console.error(err)
res.status(500).render(lang+'/500', { error: err }) res.status(500).render(lang + '/500', { error: err })
} else if (!isMatch) { } else if (!isMatch) {
res.flash('error', "Das Passwort ist leider falsch. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe.") res.flash('error', 'Das Passwort ist leider falsch. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe.')
res.redirect('/account/security') res.redirect('/account/security')
} else { } else {
if ( newPwd != retypePwd ) { if (newPwd !== retypePwd) {
res.flash('error', 'Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das Passwort beide Male genau gleich eingeben.') res.flash('error', 'Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das Passwort beide Male genau gleich eingeben.')
res.redirect('/account/security') res.redirect('/account/security')
} else { } else {
// update password // update password
bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds, function(err, salt) { bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds, function (err, salt) {
bcrypt.hash(newPwd, salt, async function(err, hash) { bcrypt.hash(newPwd, salt, async function (err, hash) {
var credentialData = { const credentialData = {
password: hash, password: hash,
user_id: loggedInUser!.getId() user_id: loggedInUser.getId()
} }
let result = await methods.updateCredential(credentialData) const result = await dbController.updateCredential(credentialData)
if (!result) { if (!result) {
console.log('Failed to reset password') console.log('Failed to reset password')
res.flash('error', "Datenbankfehler: Passwort kann nicht geändert werden.") res.flash('error', 'Datenbankfehler: Passwort kann nicht geändert werden.')
} else { } else {
res.flash('success', "Passwort aktualisiert!") res.flash('success', 'Passwort aktualisiert!')
// send notifiaction email // send notifiaction email = loggedInUser!.getEmail() = loggedInUser.getEmail()
mailer.options.subject = constants.updatePasswordMailSubject mailer.options.subject = miscConst.updatePasswordMailSubject
mailer.options.html = constants.updatePasswordMailContent+'<div>'+constants.mailSignature+'</div>' mailer.options.html = miscConst.updatePasswordMailContent + '<div>' + miscConst.mailSignature + '</div>'
mailer.transporter.sendMail(mailer.options, function(err:any) { mailer.transporter.sendMail(mailer.options, function (err: any) {
if (err) { console.log(err) } if (err) { console.log(err) }
}) })
} }
res.redirect('/account/security') res.redirect('/account/security')
}); })
} }
} }
}) })
}) })
} }
} }
}); })
app.get('/resendVerificationEmail', async function(req:any, res:any){ app.get('/resendVerificationEmail', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if (!req.isAuthenticated) { if (!req.isAuthenticated) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let token = await methods.getVerificationTokenByUserId( const token = await dbController.getVerificationTokenByUserId(
if (!token) { if (!token) {
res.send(false) res.send(false)
} else { } else {
// send email // send email
var emailSubject = "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr M4_LAB Benutzerkonto" const emailSubject = 'Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr M4_LAB Benutzerkonto'
var emailContent = '<div>Lieber Nutzer,<br/><br/>' + const emailContent = '<div>Lieber Nutzer,<br/><br/>' +
'<p>vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung am Transferportal der HFT Stuttgart. <br/>' + '<p>vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung am Transferportal der HFT Stuttgart. <br/>' +
'Um Ihre Anmeldung zu bestätigen, klicken Sie bitte diesen Link: ' + + '/verifyAccount?token=' + token + 'Um Ihre Anmeldung zu bestätigen, klicken Sie bitte diesen Link: ' + + '/verifyAccount?token=' + token +
'<br/><br/>' + '<br/><br/>' +
'Ohne Bestätigung Ihres Kontos müssen wir Ihr Konto leider nach 7 Tagen löschen.</p><br/>' + constants.mailSignature + 'Ohne Bestätigung Ihres Kontos müssen wir Ihr Konto leider nach 7 Tagen löschen.</p><br/>' + miscConst.mailSignature +
'</div>'; '</div>' =; =
mailer.options.subject = emailSubject; mailer.options.subject = emailSubject
mailer.options.html = emailContent; mailer.options.html = emailContent
mailer.transport.sendMail(mailer.options, function(err:any) { mailer.transport.sendMail(mailer.options, function (err: any) {
if (err) { if (err) {
console.log('cannot send email') console.log('cannot send email')
throw err throw err
...@@ -389,20 +382,20 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -389,20 +382,20 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
}) })
// ============= NEW GITLAB PAGES =========================== // ============= NEW GITLAB PAGES ===========================
app.get('/newInformation', async function(req:any, res:any){ app.get('/newInformation', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if ( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let gitlabUser = await gitlab.getUserByEmail(loggedInUser.getEmail()) const gitlabUser = await gitlabController.getUserByEmail(loggedInUser.getEmail())
if (!gitlabUser) { // no user found if (!gitlabUser) { // no user found
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} else { } else {
res.render(lang+'/account/newInformation', { res.render(lang + '/account/newInformation', {
user: loggedInUser, user: loggedInUser,
gitlabUsername: gitlabUser.username gitlabUsername: gitlabUser.username
}) })
...@@ -410,58 +403,58 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -410,58 +403,58 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
} }
}) })'/newInformation', async function(req:any, res:any) {'/newInformation', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
if (! && !req.body.description) { if (! && !req.body.description) {
res.flash('error', 'Bitte geben Sie die benötigten Daten ein') res.flash('error', 'Bitte geben Sie die benötigten Daten ein')
res.redirect('/account/newInformation') res.redirect('/account/newInformation')
} else { } else {
let projectName =\s/g, '-') const projectName =\s/g, '-')
let projectDesc = req.body.description const projectDesc = req.body.description
let projectTemplate = req.body.template const projectTemplate = req.body.template
let newInformation = new projectInformation(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, projectName, projectDesc) const newInformation = new Website(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, projectName, projectDesc)
let newLogoFile = defaultLogo let newLogoFile = defaultLogo
if (req.files) { newLogoFile = req.files.logo } if (req.files) { newLogoFile = req.files.logo }
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
function(callback:any){ // upload logo function (callback: any) { // upload logo
if (!req.files) { if (!req.files) {
callback(null, newLogoFile) callback(null, newLogoFile)
} else { } else { +, function(err:any) { +, function (err: any) {
newLogoFile = newLogoFile = logoDir +
callback(err, newLogoFile) callback(err, newLogoFile)
}) })
} }
}, },
async function(newLogoFile:any){ // create a new GitLab Page async function (newLogoFile: any) { // create a new GitLab Page
let newPages = await gitlab.createNewPages(newInformation, newLogoFile, projectTemplate) const newPages = await gitlabController.createNewPages(newInformation, newLogoFile, projectTemplate)
if (newPages.status) { if (newPages.status) {
if( == "has already been taken") { if ( === 'has already been taken') {
res.flash("error", "Der Projektname '"+newInformation.getName()+"' ist bereits vergeben, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.") res.flash('error', "Der Projektname '" + newInformation.getName() + "' ist bereits vergeben, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.")
} else { } else {
res.flash("error", "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. ") res.flash('error', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. ')
} }
res.redirect('/account/newInformation') res.redirect('/account/newInformation')
} else { } else {
res.flash("success", "Ihre Webseite wurde erstellt, aber noch nicht veröffentlicht. Um Ihre Webseite endgültig zu veröffentlichen, "+ res.flash('success', 'Ihre Webseite wurde erstellt, aber noch nicht veröffentlicht. Um Ihre Webseite endgültig zu veröffentlichen, ' +
"schließen Sie die Einrichtung gemäß unten stehender Anleitung ab.") 'schließen Sie die Einrichtung gemäß unten stehender Anleitung ab.')
res.redirect('/account/updateInformation?id=' res.redirect('/account/updateInformation?id=' + String(
} }
} }
], function (err) { ], function (err) {
if(err) console.log(err) if (err != null) console.log(err)
// remove logo // remove logo
if (req.files) { if (req.files) {
fs.unlink(newLogoFile, (err) => { fs.unlink(newLogoFile, (err) => {
if(err) console.log(err) if (err != null) console.log(err)
}) })
} }
}) })
...@@ -470,33 +463,33 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -470,33 +463,33 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
}) })
app.get('/updateInformation', async function(req:any, res:any){ app.get('/updateInformation', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
if(! { if (! {
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} else { } else {
let project = await gitlab.getProjectById( const project = await gitlabController.getProjectById(
if (!project) { if (!project) {
console.log(" ========= Error or no project found") console.log(' ========= Error or no project found')
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} else if (!project.owner) { } else if (!project.owner) {
console.log(" ========= Project cannot be accessed, since it does not have an owner") console.log(' ========= Project cannot be accessed, since it does not have an owner')
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} else if ( != loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) { } else if ( !== loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) {
console.log(" ========= Access denied: Not your project") console.log(' ========= Access denied: Not your project')
res.redirect('/account/services') res.redirect('/account/services')
} else { } else {
let curInformation = new projectInformation(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!,, project.description, const curInformation = new Website(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!,, project.description,, project.avatar_url, project.path_with_namespace), project.avatar_url, project.path_with_namespace)
res.render(lang+'/account/updateInformation', { res.render(lang + '/account/updateInformation', {
user: loggedInUser, user: loggedInUser,
information: curInformation information: curInformation
}) })
...@@ -506,58 +499,58 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -506,58 +499,58 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
}) })
// update a website // update a website'/updateInformation', async function(req:any, res:any){'/updateInformation', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
if (! && !req.body.description) { if (! && !req.body.description) {
res.flash('error', 'Bitte geben Sie die benötigten Daten ein') res.flash('error', 'Bitte geben Sie die benötigten Daten ein')
res.redirect('/account/updateInformation') res.redirect('/account/updateInformation')
} else { } else {
let projectName =\s/g, '-') const projectName =\s/g, '-')
let projectDesc = req.body.description const projectDesc = req.body.description
let updatedInformation = new projectInformation(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, projectName, projectDesc, const updatedInformation = new Website(loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()!, projectName, projectDesc,
let newLogoFile:any let newLogoFile: any
async.waterfall([ async.waterfall([
function(callback:any){ // upload logo function (callback: any) { // upload logo
if(!req.files) { if (!req.files) {
callback(null, newLogoFile) callback(null, newLogoFile)
} else { } else {
newLogoFile = req.files.logo newLogoFile = req.files.logo +, function(err:any) { + String(, function (err: any) {
newLogoFile = logoDir + newLogoFile = logoDir + String(
callback(err, newLogoFile) callback(err, newLogoFile)
}) })
} }
}, },
async function(newLogoFile:any){ // update gitlab page async function (newLogoFile: any) { // update gitlab page
let updatedPages = await gitlab.updateProject(updatedInformation, newLogoFile) const updatedPages = await gitlabController.updateProject(updatedInformation, newLogoFile)
if (updatedPages.status) { if (updatedPages.status) {
if( == "has already been taken") { if ( === 'has already been taken') {
res.flash("error", "Der Projektname '"+projectName+"' ist bereits vergeben, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.") res.flash('error', "Der Projektname '" + String(projectName) + "' ist bereits vergeben, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.")
} else { } else {
res.flash("error", "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. ") res.flash('error', 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. ')
} }
} else { } else {
updatedInformation.setLogo(updatedPages.avatar_url) updatedInformation.setLogo(updatedPages.avatar_url)
updatedInformation.setPath(updatedPages.path) updatedInformation.setPath(updatedPages.path)
res.flash("success", "Ihre Website wurde aktualisiert") res.flash('success', 'Ihre Website wurde aktualisiert')
} }
res.redirect('/account/updateInformation?id='+updatedInformation.getId()) res.redirect('/account/updateInformation?id=' + String(updatedInformation.getId()))
} }
], function (err) { ], function (err) {
if(err) console.log(err) if (err != null) console.log(err)
if(newLogoFile){ // remove logo if (newLogoFile) { // remove logo
fs.unlink(newLogoFile, (err) => { fs.unlink(newLogoFile, (err) => {
if(err) console.log(err) if (err != null) console.log(err)
}) })
} }
}) })
...@@ -566,29 +559,29 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -566,29 +559,29 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
}) })
app.delete('/deleteProject', async function(req:any, res:any){ app.delete('/deleteProject', async function (req: any, res: any) {
if( !req.isAuthenticated() ) { if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData( const loggedInUser = await getLoggedInUserData(
if (!loggedInUser) { if (loggedInUser == null) {
res.redirect('/login') res.redirect('/login')
} else { } else {
let projectId = const projectId =
if (projectId) { if (projectId) {
// check if the owner is valid // check if the owner is valid
let project = await gitlab.getProjectById(projectId) const project = await gitlabController.getProjectById(projectId)
if (!project) { if (!project) {
console.log(" ========= Error or no project found") console.log(' ========= Error or no project found')
} else if (!project.owner) { } else if (!project.owner) {
console.log(" ========= Project cannot be accessed, since it does not have an owner") console.log(' ========= Project cannot be accessed, since it does not have an owner')
} else if ( != loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) { } else if ( !== loggedInUser.getGitlabUserId()) {
console.log(" ========= Access denied: Not your project") console.log(' ========= Access denied: Not your project')
} else { } else {
let isDeleted = await gitlab.deleteProjectById(projectId) const isDeleted = await gitlabController.deleteProjectById(projectId)
if (!isDeleted) { if (!isDeleted) {
res.flash("error", "Project cannot be deleted. Please try again.") res.flash('error', 'Project cannot be deleted. Please try again.')
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -596,5 +589,4 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) { ...@@ -596,5 +589,4 @@ export = function (app:any, config:any, passport:any, lang:string) {
} }
} }
}) })
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
import { publicController } from '../controller/publicController'
module.exports = function (app: any, config: any, lang: any) {
// ================== NEW USERS REGISTRATION ======================
app.get('/registration', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.showRegistrationPage(res, lang)
})'/registration', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.registerUser(req, res, config)
// to check whether or not an account is already exist
app.get('/email/:email', async function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.checkUserEmail(req, res)
// =================== USERS VERIFICATION =========================
app.get('/verifyAccount', async function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.verifyAccount(req, res, lang)
// ==================== FORGOT PASSWORD ===========================
app.get('/forgotPwd', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.showForgotPwdPage(req, res, lang)
})'/forgotPwd', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.generateNewToken(req, res, config)
// reset
app.get('/reset/:token', async function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.showResetPassword(req, res, lang)
})'/reset/:token', async function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.resetPassword(req, res)
// ======================= CONTACT FORM ===========================
app.get('/contact', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.showContactPage(req, res, lang)
})'/contact', function (req: any, res: any) {
publicController.sendContactMessage(req, res)
...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ html(lang="de") ...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ html(lang="de")
a(class="nav-link pl-0 text-nowrap" href="/account/") a(class="nav-link pl-0 text-nowrap" href="/account/")
span(class="font-weight-bold color_black") #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName} span(class="font-weight-bold color_black") #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName}
li(class="nav-item") li(class="nav-item")
a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="/account/profile") a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="#")
i(class="fa fa-user fa-fw color_black") i(class="fa fa-user fa-fw color_black")
span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Benutzerprofil span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Benutzerprofil
if user.is_m4lab_idp if user.is_m4lab_idp
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ html(lang="de") ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ html(lang="de")
i(class="fa fa-user fa-fw") i(class="fa fa-user fa-fw")
span(class="d-none d-md-inline") Benutzerprofil span(class="d-none d-md-inline") Benutzerprofil
li(class="nav-item") li(class="nav-item")
a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="/account/security") a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="#")
i(class="fa fa-lock fa-fw color_black") i(class="fa fa-lock fa-fw color_black")
span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Sicherheitseinstellungen span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Sicherheitseinstellungen
li(class="nav-item") li(class="nav-item")
...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ html(lang="de") ...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ html(lang="de")
i(class="fa fa-lock fa-fw") i(class="fa fa-lock fa-fw")
span(class="d-none d-md-inline") Sicherheitseinstellungen span(class="d-none d-md-inline") Sicherheitseinstellungen
li(class="nav-item") li(class="nav-item")
a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="/account/services") a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="#")
i(class="fa fa-tasks fa-fw color_black") i(class="fa fa-tasks fa-fw color_black")
span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Projekte und Dienste span(class="d-none d-md-inline color_black") Projekte und Dienste
li(class="nav-item") li(class="nav-item")
...@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ html(lang="de") ...@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ html(lang="de")
div(class="col text-right") div(class="col text-right")
button(type="button", class="btn btn-sm btn-success" disabled) Neuer Projektdatensatz button(type="button", class="btn btn-sm btn-success" disabled) Neuer Projektdatensatz
table(class="table") table(class="table")
if gitlabRepos.length == 0
td Currently you have no project codes/data
for item in gitlabRepos for item in gitlabRepos
- let img = item.logo - let img = item.logo
tr tr
...@@ -95,4 +98,4 @@ html(lang="de") ...@@ -95,4 +98,4 @@ html(lang="de")
script(src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous") script(src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous")
// M4_LAB // M4_LAB
script(src="/js/headfoot.js") script(src="/js/headfoot.js")
script(src="/js/mobile.js") script(src="/js/mobile.js")
\ No newline at end of file
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