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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06May530Apr21131Mar26252484318Feb1211518Dec1149Nov629Oct118Sep161017Jul151332129Jun2622191826May181514430Apr292724171614986226Mar2524232019181312654328Feb241714518Dec17161110964rename and deleteset env back to testingrestructure the routesadd new constantscosmetic correctionremove unused variablessmall cosmetic correctionrestructure the projectadd a new routedelete unused filesremove an obsolete methodMerge branch 'MLAB-501' into 'testing'small updates & add German wordingsadd /deleteProjectadd deleteProjectById functionadd a new packageupdate delete sectionadd button and confirmation to delete a websiteMerge branch 'MLAB-383' into 'testing'handle new gitlab usersupdate test unitMerge branch 'MLAB-383' into 'testing'add default logoupdate name parametersMerge branch 'MLAB-383' of into MLAB-383small updateupdate user feedback after creating and updating a websiteMerge branch 'testing' into 'MLAB-383'Merge branch '92srva1mst-testing-patch-55838' into 'testing'Update profile.pug to resolve merge conflictMerge branch '92srva1mst-testing-patch-40401' into 'testing'Update contact.pug to resolve conflictMerge branch 'devel_varun' into 'testing'Merge branch 'testing' into 'devel_varun'styling changesMerge branch 'MLAB-486' into 'testing'delete loggedInUser (global variable) and add getLoggedInUserData(email)rewrite getUserByEmail using mysql2DB connection using mysql2delete unused codes