Commit 5cf1f572 authored by Patrick's avatar Patrick
Browse files

Highlight area

parent 14fd1377
......@@ -244,6 +244,51 @@
"properties": [],
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 30",
"minLeft": "70",
"allAvailable": true,
"properties": [
"title": "creationDate",
"name": "creationDate"
"title": "gml:name",
"name": "gml:name"
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
......@@ -318,6 +363,7 @@
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Infos klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<button id='newP' onclick='newPlan()'>Neue Planung</button>",
"<button id='oldZ' onclick='oldZust()'>Ist Zustand</button>",
"<button id='high' onclick='highlightStuff()'>Highlight</button>",
"<% %>"
......@@ -251,3 +251,37 @@ var layerStock = layersZus[3];
layerStock.hideObjects(["DEBW522AA00022dcc", "DEBW522AA0003bf3b","DEBW522AA0000976a","DEBW522AA00001d00"]);
function highlightStuff() {
highlightBuildings(3,["DEBW522AA00022dcc", "DEBW522AA0003bf3b","DEBW522AA0000976a","DEBW522AA00001d00"]);
function highlightBuildings(layerIndex, id){
var Framework = vcs.vcm.Framework.getInstance();
var layers = Framework.getLayers();
var layer = layers[layerIndex];
layer2 = layers[2];
var tileset = layer2.getCesium3DTileset(); = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
color: {
conditions: [
["true", "rgb(127, 59, 8)"],
// ----------why does this not work?
// for (i = 0; i < id.length - 1; i++){
// idtext = '' + id[i]
// layer.highlight({idtext:Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString("#BB8FCE")})
// console.log("layer.highlight({" + idtext + ":Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#BB8FCE')})")
// }
\ No newline at end of file
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