Commit ac61fc1c authored by Patrick's avatar Patrick
Browse files

some css updates

parent b11ce30b
......@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_C.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% showbereich(\"C\") %>",
"<% %>"
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"balloonTypes": [{"template": ["<div class='balloon' onclick='testshow()' id='myBalloon'>"," <h1 class='balloon-title'>'Test'</h1>"," <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'"," </div>","<p class='balloon-text'><span><a href='' target='_blank'q>link text</a>This is a test</span><br></p>",
"<iframe src='' ></iframe>",
"</div>","<% %>"],"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10","minLeft": "70","layerTypes": [""],"layerNames": ["100005"]},
{"template": ["<div class='balloon' onclick='testshow()' id='myBalloon'>"," <h1 class='balloon-title'>'Test'</h1>"," <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'"," </div>","<p class='balloon-text'><span>This is a test</span><br></p>", "<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/Umfrage.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='370'>","</div>","<% %>"],"minTop": "balloonHeight","minLeft": "60","layerTypes": [""],"layerNames": ["100004"]},
{"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='testshow()' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Test</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>","<p class='balloon-text'><span>Das hier ist ein Test Ballon. Er wurde von einem User erstellt.</span><br></p>",
"</div>","<% %>"
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"layerTypes": [""],
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{"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='WeilimdorfAreaText()' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Gebiet Nummer 1</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>","<p class='balloon-text'><span>Das hier ist ein Test Ballon. Es zeigt den Ballon zum Gebiet Nummer 1</span><br></p>",
"</div>","<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight",
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{"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='WeilimdorfAreaText()' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Gebiet Nummer 3</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>","<p class='balloon-text'><span>Das hier ist ein Test Ballon. Es zeigt den Ballon zum Gebiet Nummer 3</span><br></p>",
"</div>","<% %>"
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"layerTypes": [""],
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"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'><%= obj.title %></h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content'>",
" <%= obj.description %>",
" </div>",
" <div class='balloon-close-col'>",
" <button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
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" <div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
" <div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
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"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'><%= %></h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content'>",
" <%= obj.description %>",
" </div>",
" <div class='balloon-close-col'>",
" <button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
" </div>",
" <div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
" <div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
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"comment": "Default Balloon for Planning Vector Layers",
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'><button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"</div><div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div><div class='balloon-left-edge'></div></div>"
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"allAvailable": false,
"properties": [],
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
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"allAvailable": true,
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"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 30",
"minLeft": "70",
"allAvailable": true,
"properties": [
"title": "creationDate",
"name": "creationDate"
"title": "gml:name",
"name": "gml:name"
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 30",
"minLeft": "70",
"allAvailable": true,
"properties": [
"title": "creationDate",
"name": "creationDate"
"title": "gml:name",
"name": "gml:name"
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 30",
"minLeft": "70",
"allAvailable": true,
"properties": [
"title": "creationDate",
"name": "creationDate"
"title": "gml:name",
"name": "gml:name"
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' id='myBalloon'>",
"<div class='balloon-content'>",
"<h1 class='balloon-title'>Balloon header</h1>",
"<% for (var key in obj) { %>",
"<% if (obj[key] instanceof Object){%>",
"<% for (var key2 in obj[key]) { %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%>.<%=key2%> </strong> : <%=obj[key][key2]%></span><br></p>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } else{ %>",
"<p class='balloon-text'>",
"<span class='balloon-street'> <strong> <%=key%> </strong> : <%=obj[key]%></span><br>",
"<% } %>",
"<% } %>",
"<div class='balloon-close-col'>",
"<button class='close-balloon'><i class='fa fa-times fa-lg'></i></button>",
"<div class='dialog-image-balloon'></div>",
"<div class='balloon-left-edge'></div>",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 30",
"minLeft": "70",
"allAvailable": true,
"properties": [
"title": "creationDate",
"name": "creationDate"
"title": "gml:name",
"name": "gml:name"
"balloonHeader": "Balloon header"
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='Questionnaire();' id='myBalloonP1'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Umfrage (Böckinger Straße)</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:250px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Um die Umfrage zu starten klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/Umfrage.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% Questionnaire(); %>",
"<% openquestionaire() %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='Questionnaire(\"1\");' id='myBalloonP1'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Umfrage (Weilimdorf) Part 1</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:250px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Um die Umfrage zu starten klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/Umfrage.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% Questionnaire(\"1\"); %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='Questionnaire(\"2\");' id='myBalloonP1'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Umfrage (Weilimdorf) Part 2</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:250px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Um die Umfrage zu starten klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/Umfrage.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% Questionnaire(\"2\"); %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
{"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='Questionnaire(\"3\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Online Befragung</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:260px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Um die Umfrage zu starten klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='icons/umfrageImage02.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% Questionnaire(\"3\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": ["MK_allgUmfrage"]
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"potA\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Potenzialort im Bereich A</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Potenzialort im Bereich A klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"schule\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Schulen</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zu den Schulen klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"kinder\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Kindertagesstätte</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"kinder\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"chor\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Chorvereinigung</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"chor\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"musik\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Musikverein</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"musik\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"kult\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Kulturkreis Weilimdorf</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"kult\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"forum\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>FORUM Stuttgart-Weilimdorf e.V.</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"forum\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"musik\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Tanzkreis Weilimdorf</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"musik\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"TSVW\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>TSV Weilimdorf (in Giebel ansässig, ggf. Fusion mit SG Weilimdorf)</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"TSVW\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"SGW\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>SG Weilimdorf</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"SGW\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"chloroplast\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Chloroplast e.V.</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:100px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Text fehlt...</span><br></p>",
"<% showbereich(\"chloroplast\") %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"potB\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Potenzialort im Bereich B</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Potenzialort im Bereich B klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_B_pot.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"potC\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Potenzialort im Bereich C</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bereich C klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_C_pot.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
"<div class='balloon' onclick='showbereich(\"plangebiet\")' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Erschließung des Plangebiets</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Plangebiet klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
"minTop": "balloonHeight + 10",
"minLeft": "70",
"layerTypes": [
"layerNames": [
"template": [
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" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bereich A klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/A_Kita.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
"<% %>"
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"layerTypes": [
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Grüner Korridor</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier stehen Infos zum grünen Korridor</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_ehem.Walz Gärtnerei_vorläufig.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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"<% %>"
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"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Jugendhaus klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_Jugendhaus.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
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" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Areal der ehem. Gärtnerei Walz klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_ehem.Walz Gärtnerei_vorläufig.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier stehen Infos zur U13</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_U13.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% showtourSpecific() %>",
"<% %>"
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Aktuelle Gebäudenutzung</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier stehen Infos zu der aktuellen Gebäudenutzung</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_Sportangebot.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% showtourSpecific() %>",
"<% %>"
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Bestehende Sportfelder</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier stehen Infos zu den bestehenden Sportfeldern</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_B_sport.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% showtourSpecific() %>",
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Bürgerhaus</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bürgerhaus klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_Flüchtlingsunterkunft.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
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"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zur Flüchtlingsunterkunft klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_Flüchtlingsunterkunft.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier stehen Infos zum Jugendhaus</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/AJugendhausParkour.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% showtourSpecific() %>",
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" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Spatzennest klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Info_Spatzennest.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bereich B klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_B.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
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" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bereich C klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_C.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
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" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>Für mehr Informationen zum Bereich D klicken Sie bitte hier!</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/MK_Images/Bereich_D.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
"<% %>",
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"<div class='balloon' onclick='WeilimdorfAreaText()' id='myBalloon'>",
" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Station 2</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:310px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier wurde eine Gartenkiosk errichtet.</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Station 1</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier wurde eine Spielekiosk errichtet.</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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" <h1 class='balloon-title'>Station 3</h1>",
" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier wurde eine Outdoorkiosk errichtet.</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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" <div class='balloon-content' style='height:290px; margin-right: 0px;'",
" </div>",
"<p class='balloon-text'><span>hier wurde eine Infokiosk errichtet.</span><br></p>",
"<img style='padding-top:10px' src='images/content/contentboeckingerstrasse/fehlt.jpg' alt='noch kein bild' width='375'>",
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