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# de.hftstuttgart.cityunits # de.hftstuttgart.cityunits
Create Eclipse P2 repository with Ecore data types for units based on Indriya reference implementation and some special units for urban simulation. Create Eclipse P2 repository with Ecore data types `QuantityDouble` and `QuantityLong` for units based on Indriya reference implementation of Units of Measurement Java specification (JSR 385) and some special units for urban simulation.
To add OSGi bundles published in this P2 repository add site []() to a running Eclipse instance via `Eclipse -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites -> Add...` or to a target platform definition via `Eclipse -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform -> Edit...`. To add OSGi bundles published in this P2 repository add site []() to a running Eclipse instance via `Eclipse -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites -> Add...` or to a target platform definition via `Eclipse -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform -> Edit...`.
For an introduction on dealing with units in Java, see
[Baeldung: Introduction to javax.measure](
Find demos on how to define new dimensions and units, e.g. in the energy domain under [](
Some examples for valid units:
| Symbol | Dimension
| -------- | -------------------
| Hz | 1/[T]
| Bq | 1/[T]
| A | [I]
| F | [I]²·[T]^4/([L]²·[M])
| S | [I]²·[T]³/([L]²·[M])
| C | [I]·[T]
| cd | [J]
| lm | [J]
| lx | [J]/[L]²
| m | [L]
| m/s | [L]/[T]
| km/h | [L]/[T]
| m/s² | [L]/[T]²
| m² | [L]²
| Sv | [L]²/[T]²
| Gy | [L]²/[T]²
| H | [L]²·[M]/([I]²·[T]²)
| Ω | [L]²·[M]/([I]²·[T]³)
| Wb | [L]²·[M]/([I]·[T]²)
| V | [L]²·[M]/([I]·[T]³)
| J | [L]²·[M]/[T]²
| W | [L]²·[M]/[T]³
| l | [L]³
| m³ | [L]³
| N | [L]·[M]/[T]²
| kg | [M]
| g | [M]
| T | [M]/([I]·[T]²)
| Pa | [M]/([L]·[T]²)
| mol | [N]
| kat | [N]/[T]
| h | [T]
| year | [T]
| s | [T]
| day | [T]
| week | [T]
| min | [T]
| K | [Θ]
| ℃ | [Θ]
| one | one
| % | one
| rad | one
| sr | one
Some derived units of special interest for urban simulation like kW·h (encodes kWh) as measure of energy or m³/min as measure of flow rate.
| Symbol | Dimension
| -------- | --------------
| W·s | [L]²·[M]/[T]²
| W·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]²
| kW·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]²
| MW·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]²
| m³/min | [L]³/[T]
| m³/h | [L]³/[T]
| m³/s | [L]³/[T]
| m³/d | [L]³/[T]
| l/min | [L]³/[T]
Some units of special interest for urban simulation introduced with this plug-in:
| Symbol | Dimension
| -------- | --------------
| W/m² | [M]/[T]³ Intensity
| ppm | one
| dB | one
| g CO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission
| kg CO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission
| t CO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission
| € | [$]
| $ | [$]
Note that monetary units have been added ad hoc to City Units to model costs, but may be abandoned in future.
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