Commit b0253b24 authored by EgbertCasper's avatar EgbertCasper
Browse files


parent 026ce31a
Note: Note:
All files herein are created for All files herein require **Sketchup 8 or above**
Sketchup 8 and above
* CityGML surface types are classified in different layers and are visible and usable in native Sketchup. * CityGML surface types are classified in different layers and are visible and usable in native Sketchup.
* Further CityGML specific features ( like Location Info, Surface Types, Grouping and Attributes ) are stored in the models but are only visible, editable and usable with * Further CityGML specific features ( like Location Info, Surface Types, Grouping and Attributes ) are stored in the models but are only visible, editable and usable with **CityEditor plugin from 3DIS ( see [] )**
CityEditor plugin from 3DIS ( see )
**Note the licensing conditions in the LICENSE file ( also referenced to in the model info of each Sketchup file )** **Note the licensing conditions in the LICENSE file ( also referenced to in the model info of each Sketchup file )**
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