Commit 69371b2c authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
Browse files


parent 22e00d6d
......@@ -19,9 +19,14 @@ npm install
* **Collections**: `http://localhost:port/collections`
* **Collections with bbox filter**: `http://localhost:port/collections?bbox=minx,miny,maxx,maxy`
### Adding Collection
### Adding Collection Contents
* Add contents to `3DGeoVolumes\collections\collections.json`
* Add contents to `3DGeoVolumes\collections\:collectionId\collectionId.json` (The automated script could be added here in future.)
* In this version, Express Routing has to be manually adjusted in some cases
* Collection Children
* i3s (Redirecting to ArcGIS portal)
* i3s (Local Scene)
* gltf
### Configuration
* Port can be adjusted in the `server.js` file.
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