Commit 94c1658b authored by Rushikesh Padsala's avatar Rushikesh Padsala
Browse files

Update App.js

parent 1b63abe1
Pipeline #6496 passed with stage
in 12 seconds
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ viewer.clock.startTime = Cesium.JulianDate.fromIso8601("2021-05-20T11:00:00Z");
["(${Irr_kWh} >= 1000) && (${Irr_kWh} < 1050)", "color('#FDC229')"],
["(${Irr_kWh} >= 1050) && (${Irr_kWh} < 1100)", "color('#FBD324')"],
["(${Irr_kWh} >= 1100) && (${Irr_kWh} < 1150)", "color('#F6E626')"],
["(${Irr_kWh} >= 1150) && (${Irr_kWh} < 1500)", "color('#F0F921')"],
["(${Irr_kWh} >= 1150) && (${Irr_kWh} < 1500)", "color('#FFF568')"],
["true", "color('#000000')"]
Supports Markdown
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