Commit c8486f18 authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files

Merge branch 'dev' into 'testing'

# Conflicts:
#   .gitlab-ci.yml
#   ckanext-theme_hft/ckanext/theme_hft/assets/webassets.yml
#   ckanext-theme_hft/ckanext/theme_hft/templates/base.html
#   ckanext-theme_hft/ckanext/theme_hft/templates/footer.html
parents ee21bb51 d24e8e7c
Pipeline #3393 passed with stage
in 15 seconds
filters: cssrewrite
output: assets/%(version)s_theme.css
output: katalog/assets/%(version)s_theme.css
contents: theme.css
......@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
{% block styles %}
{{ super() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-oS3vJWv+0UjzBfQzYUhtDYW+Pj2yciDJxpsK1OYPAYjqT085Qq/1cq5FLXAZQ7Ay" crossorigin="anonymous">
{% asset 'theme_hft/theme.css' %}
{% asset 'theme_hft/theme' %}
{% endblock %}
Supports Markdown
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