Commit 3c47f5b0 authored by dobli's avatar dobli
Browse files

small README changes

parent 817d7760
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ An openHAB public building stack consists of a docker swarm setup that is build
Heart of the stack is the **Building Manager Script** served as `` and a set of templates. This script provides commands to create and control a multi building setup.
## Getting Started
......@@ -25,6 +22,8 @@ This will create a local copy of the script in the current folder. Change to its
cd openhab-pb-stack
#### Requirements
The building manager script has a few requirements for the system as well as for the python environment before being able to be executed.
......@@ -132,6 +131,8 @@ cd openhab-pb-stack # Change to script directory
This will open the script in interactive mode. It shows a menu with various options to choose from described below.
## What can it do?
### Initial Setup
......@@ -140,8 +141,6 @@ When the script is started for the first time the only option is to create an in
### Start and stop the stack
After successful initial execution the stack can be started and stoped either by rerunning the application and using the service menu or by executing the following commands from the repo directory:
......@@ -184,11 +183,11 @@ sudo systemctl enable --now swarm-device@zwave_stick\\x20openhab.service
sudo systemctl disable --now swarm-device@zwave_stick\\x20openhab.service
## How it works
Following parts describe a little more in detail how the script works and how parts may be executed manually.
## How it works
Following parts describe a little more in detail how the script works and how parts may be executed manually.
### Configuration file generation
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