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<h3>Why should I join?</h3>
<li>Interdisciplinary Team Experiences.</li>
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<div class="row event-description-list mt-5 mb-3"><div class="col-md-8"><dl><dt>Date:</dt><dd><time datetime="2022-09-14 00:00">
Wednesday, 14. September 2022 00:00 Uhr
<time datetime="2022-09-19 00:00">
Monday, 19. September 2022 00:00 Uhr
</time></dd></dl></div></div><p><strong>Joint International Workshop of the of the Faculties of Architecture &amp; Design and Geomatics, Computer Science &amp; Mathematics</strong></p><p>The Summer School "Simulation in the city" will bring together students from various disciplines to develop solutions for the Leonhardsplatz, a square in downtown Stuttgart.</p><p>The workshop follows the structure of a hackathon. As a participant you will develop project-based solutions in a team. You will work at HFT Stuttgart Building 1. Professors, lecturers and experts are available for exchange. Local and international experts will give lectures and provide impulses and suggestions for a creative design process.<br><br> Should the Pandemic have confined you to remote learning the Summer School "Simulation in the City" will be your opportunity to close this learning gap.<br><br><strong>The challenge: 3D city models and simulations for smart cities</strong><br> As a participant you will use the latest technology to perform data analysis using the 3D city model, expert urban simulation algorithms and Big Geo Data.</p><p>You will develop prototype applications to improve the liveability will increase liveability and improve the urban climate, save resource and make operation of the Leonhardsplatz easier.<br><br><strong>Period</strong><br> Wednesday 14 – Monday 19 September 20222</p><p><strong>Duration</strong><br> 6 days<br><br><strong>Who can participate</strong><br> All HFT students are welcome</p><p>Particularly students of the International Master Programmes Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Smart City Solutions, Software Technology, International Project Management, the Master Programme Urban Planning and all other courses related to the topic are encouraged to apply.<br><br><strong>Participant selection</strong><br> Seats are limited and will be allocated on first-come-first-serve basis.<br><br><strong>Costs</strong><br> Free of charge. Costs for material and one simple meal per day are covered.</p><p><strong>Organisation </strong><br> The Summer School “Simulation in the City ” is a one-time event of the HFT Stuttgart under the direction of the Vice-President (Study and Teaching) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Gaspers and <a href="" title="Link wird in neuem Fenster/Tab geöffnet." target="_blank" class="external-link" rel="noreferrer">SkiLL</a> under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Volker Coors, Prof. Dr. Iris Belle, and Prof. Dr. Marcus Deininger. The Summer School is funded by the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, MWK (Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg) within <a href="" title="Link wird in neuem Fenster/Tab geöffnet." target="_blank" class="external-link" rel="noreferrer">the programme to mitigate learning gaps originating from the pandemic</a>.<br><br><strong>Contact persons</strong><br> Muhammad Alfakhori<br><br><strong>E-mail</strong><br><a href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto(%27kygjrm8ksfykkyb%2CyjdyifmpgYfdr%2Bqrsrreypr%2Cbc%27);">muhammad.alfakhori(at)</a><br><br><strong>Language</strong><br> English<br><br><strong>Register by August 15, 2022</strong><br> via <a href="" title="Link wird in neuem Fenster/Tab geöffnet." target="_blank" class="external-link" rel="noreferrer">Eveeno</a></p></div>
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<p class="fs-sm mb-0"><span class="opacity-50 me-1">© All rights reserved. 2022 HFT Stuttgart <br>
Contact Person: </span><a href="" target="_blank">Joe Thunyathep S.</a></p>
<p class="fs-sm mb-0"><span class="opacity-50 me-1">© All rights reserved. 2022 HFT Stuttgart