Commit 11654731 authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
Browse files

update logic for adding content

parent b194313d
Pipeline #1979 passed with stage
in 38 seconds
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ body{
a {
color: #ff6464;
text-decoration: underline;
/* text-decoration: underline; */
background-color: transparent;
......@@ -164,4 +164,5 @@ a.button {
background-color: #f8f9fa!important;
padding-bottom: 1rem!important;
\ No newline at end of file
function addcontent(item){
var new_row = document.getElementById("row_main")
// Prepare YouTube Link
var array_contains_youtube = true
var YouTubeHTML = ''
if (array_contains_youtube) { // to be replaced by if (item.YouTubelink) or so...
var YouTubelink = "#" // to be replaced by item.YouTubelink or so...
YouTubeHTML = `<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-danger" href="${YouTubelink}">YouTube</a>`
// Prepare Explore Link
var array_contains_explore_link = true
var ExploreHTML = ''
if (array_contains_explore_link) { // to be replaced by if (item.YouTubelink) or so...
var ExploreLink = "#" // to be replaced by item.ExploreLink or so...
ExploreHTML = `<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary" href="${ExploreLink}">Explore</a>`
new_row.innerHTML = new_row.innerHTML + '<div class="col-lg-4">' +
'<div class="card mb-4 shadow-sm extension">' +
'<h5>'+ item.item.title +' <span class="lead text-muted"> ' + item.item.project + '</span></h5>' +
......@@ -13,10 +28,9 @@ function addcontent(item){
'<b><i class="fas fa-user"></i> Contact Person</b>: <a' +
'href=""> ' + +
' ' + + '</a> <br>' +
'<b><i class="fas fa-star"></i> Keywords</b>: ' + item.item.keywords.join(', ') +
'<form action="iStoeckHM.html" class="form-signin" method="GET">' +
'<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary">Explore</button>' +
'</form>' +
'<b><i class="fas fa-star"></i> Keywords</b>: ' + item.item.keywords.join(', ') + '</br>' +
ExploreHTML + '&nbsp;' +
YouTubeHTML +
'</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
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