// rgc_introduction.innerHTML =" (or Vote for new group name) <br>A research group introduction here ...."
// rgc_introduction2.innerHTML = "The research projects at HFT Stuttgart (University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart)."
rgc_application.innerHTML="<i class='fas fa-laptop-code'></i> Research Results Explorer"
rgc_applicationdesc.innerHTML="The results of current and previous research projects of the Digitization and Information Management Research Group can be explored in the following overview. Project results are presented in the form of publications, software repositories, YouTube videos, or direct access to interactive demos, among others. The search function allows to search by keywords or authors (e.g. \"iot\", \"building\", \"energy\", etc.)."
rgc_applicationdesc.innerHTML="The results of current and previous research projects of the Digitization and Information Management Research Group can be explored in the following overview. Project results are presented in the form of publications, software repositories, YouTube videos, or direct access to interactive demos, among others. The search function allows to search by keywords or authors (e.g. “iot”, “building”, “energy”, etc.)."
rgc_publicationdesc.innerHTML="View the latest publications regarding our projects and other research activities. A link to the Publisher, the BiBTeX-Download or directly to the PDF of the article is just a click away."