rgc_group.innerHTML="Details about our group to be inserted here... "
// rgc_introduction.innerHTML =" (or Vote for new group name) <br>A research group introduction here ...."
// rgc_introduction2.innerHTML = "The research projects at HFT Stuttgart (University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart)."
rgc_application.innerHTML="<i class='fas fa-laptop-code'></i> Research Results Explorer"
rgc_applicationdesc.innerHTML="Explore the diversity of our projects which is our contribution to modern, sustainable, and smarter cities. The following gallery provides an overview about the results and demos to current and former research projects within the UGL group. Watch YouTube videos with explanations to our innovative results and ideas or get direct access to our interactive demos and prototypes to explore them freely. Use the search function to look for demos with specific keywords (e.g. “wind”, “citygml”, “sensors”, etc.)."
rgc_publicationdesc.innerHTML="View the latest publications regarding our projects and other research activities at UGL. A link to the Publisher, the BiBTeX-Download or directly to the PDF of the article is just a click away."
rgc_teamdesc.innerHTML="Get to know the international and multi-disciplined UGL team members. Feel free to contact us if you have questions to projects or want to collaborate on exciting topics, projects, or publications."
rgc_applicationdesc.innerHTML="Die Vielfalt der Projekte mit denen die UGL Forschungsgruppe ihren Beitrag zu modernen, nachhaltigen und smarten Städten leistet, können in der folgenden Übersicht, bestehend aus Resultaten und Demos aktueller und früherer Forschungsprojekte, erkundet werden. Ergebnisse werden u.a. in Form von YouTube-Videos mit Erklärungen zu Projekten und Ergebnisse bzw. über den direkten Zugang zu interaktiven Demos, zum freien Erkunden, präsentiert. Die Suchfunktion erlaubt es nach Schlüsselwörtern oder Autoren zu suchen (z.B. “wind”, “citygml”, “sensors”, etc.)."