.gitmessage 653 bytes
# Title: Summary, imperative, start upper case, don't end with a period
# Follow the formatting of <type>:<description>
# No more than 50 chars. #### 50 chars is here:  #
# Types: Fix, Feat, Build, CI, Docs, Perf, Refactor, Style, Test
# See: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
# Remember blank line between title and body.
# Body: Explain *what* and *why* (not *how*). Include task ID (Jira issue).
# Wrap at 72 chars. ################################## which is here:  #
# Tell Git to use this template with: git config commit.template .gitlab/.gitmessage
# How to Write a Git Commit Message:
# https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/