Commit 1d8506eb authored by Riegel's avatar Riegel
Browse files

Extracted methods to reduce cognitive complexity. Ref #69

parent e284489e
Pipeline #10052 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 16 seconds
......@@ -82,6 +82,22 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
for (Interval in2 : intervals2) {
if (in1.isOverlapping(in2)) {
Interval overlap = in1.overlap(in2);
handleIntersectionIntervalOverlap(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, straight, intersections, epsilon, overlap);
} else if (Math.abs(in1.getStart() - in2.getEnd()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance()) {
// check if the overlaps with a tolerance (numeric errors)
Point3d point = straight.evaluate(in1.getStart());
checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, point, intersections, epsilon);
} else if (Math.abs(in1.getEnd() - in2.getStart()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance()) {
Point3d point = straight.evaluate(in1.getEnd());
checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, point, intersections, epsilon);
private static void handleIntersectionIntervalOverlap(EdgePolygon cpPolygon1, EdgePolygon cpPolygon2,
GmStraight straight, List<PolygonPolygonIntersection> intersections, double epsilon, Interval overlap) {
Point3d start = straight.evaluate(overlap.getStart());
if (overlap.getLength() < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance() * 1e6) {
checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, start, intersections, epsilon);
......@@ -96,16 +112,6 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
} else if (Math.abs(in1.getStart() - in2.getEnd()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance()) {
// check if the overlaps with a tolerance (numeric errors)
Point3d point = straight.evaluate(in1.getStart());
checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, point, intersections, epsilon);
} else if (Math.abs(in1.getEnd() - in2.getStart()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance()) {
Point3d point = straight.evaluate(in1.getEnd());
checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(cpPolygon1, cpPolygon2, point, intersections, epsilon);
private static boolean isPolyLineASharedEdge(EdgePolygon p1, PolyLine polyLine) {
......@@ -136,10 +142,12 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
* Checks if the given point is a "real" intersection point and add's it to the
* intersection segments member variable. Real means, that this point isn't
* shared by both polygons as corner point.
* Checks if the given point is a 'real' intersection point and adds it to the
* intersection segments member variable. 'Real' meaning, that this point isn't
* a shared corner point of both polygons.
* @param p1 First polygon
* @param p2 Second polygon
* @param point A possible intersection point
private static void checkAndAddRealIntersectionPoint(EdgePolygon p1, EdgePolygon p2, Point3d point,
......@@ -200,7 +208,6 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
* with the exception, that the straight and the half edges of the polygon will
* be projected on the plane of the polygon, so the calculation of the
* intersection will be reduced to a 2d problem.
* The intersection intervals contains pairs of parameters from the intersection
* straight. If an intersection between the straight and the polygon contains
* only a point, the according interval will contain the same parameter twice
......@@ -271,6 +278,16 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
GmBoundedStraight2d heStraight2d = polyPlane.projectOn2dStraight(heStraight);
GmStraight2dIntersectionResult intersectionResult = heStraight2d.intersect(intersectingStraight2d);
analyseProjectedIntersection(intersectionResult, intersectingStraight2d, heStraight2d, intersectionValues, intersectedPolygonPoints);
processIntersectionIntervals(p, intersectingStraight, intersectionValues, intersectedPolygonPoints,
return intersectionIntervals;
private static void analyseProjectedIntersection(GmStraight2dIntersectionResult intersectionResult, GmStraight2d intersectingStraight2d, GmBoundedStraight2d heStraight2d, TreeSet<Double> intersectionValues, TreeSet<Double> intersectedPolygonPoints) {
if (intersectionResult.areParallel()) {
Vector2d dir = intersectingStraight2d.getDirection();
Vector2d diffVec = heStraight2d.getOrigin().minus(intersectingStraight2d.getOrigin());
......@@ -306,12 +323,6 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
processIntersectionIntervals(p, intersectingStraight, intersectionValues, intersectedPolygonPoints,
return intersectionIntervals;
* This methods computes the intervals of the intersection between the given
* straight and polygon. It gets only parameters where the straight hits the
......@@ -350,14 +361,35 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
List<Double> valuesList = new ArrayList<>(intersectionValues);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesList.size(); i++) {
double i1 = valuesList.get(i);
i = i + 1;
if (i < valuesList.size()) {
double i2 = valuesList.get(i);
int j = i + 1;
if (j < valuesList.size()) {
double i2 = valuesList.get(j);
// check if the double values are corner points of the polygon
boolean gotPolygonPoint = intersectedPolygonPoints.contains(i1) ||
if (gotPolygonPoint) {
Interval newLineInt = checkIntersectionInvervalPoints(pcPolygon, intersectingStraight,
intersectionIntervals, i1, i2);
if (newLineInt != null) {
} else {
intersectionIntervals.add(new Interval(i1, i2));
// it's possible, that 'it' equals 'endIt' at the end of the loop.
// this would lead to an increment of an iterator pointing to the end
// iterator. don't ask me why, but incrementing such an iterator
// is forbidden and you get an assertion.
if (i >= valuesList.size()) {
private static Interval checkIntersectionInvervalPoints(EdgePolygon pcPolygon, GmStraight intersectingStraight, List<Interval> intersectionIntervals, double i1, double i2) {
// maybe an interval
// check if the point between the two parameters is inside the
// polygon or outside ( i.e. i1 and i2 are both corner points of
......@@ -373,34 +405,19 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
while (intervalIterator.hasNext() && !intersectionIntervals.isEmpty()) {
for (Interval inter =; intervalIterator
.hasNext(); inter = {
if (Math.abs(inter.getLength()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance()) {
if (Math.abs(inter.getStart() - i1) < 1e-9
|| Math.abs(inter.getStart() - i2) < 1e-9) {
if (Math.abs(inter.getLength()) < Global.getHighAccuracyTolerance() &&
(Math.abs(inter.getStart() - i1) < 1e-9 || Math.abs(inter.getStart() - i2) < 1e-9)) {
intervalIterator = intersectionIntervals.iterator();
} else {
} else {
intersectionIntervals.add(new Interval(i1, i2));
// it's possible, that 'it' equals 'endIt' at the end of the loop.
// this would lead to an increment of an iterator pointing to the end
// iterator. don't ask me why, but incrementing such an iterator
// is forbidden and you get an assertion.
if (i >= valuesList.size()) {
return newLineInt;
return null;
......@@ -442,46 +459,9 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
List<HalfEdge> heList = new ArrayList<>(p1.getHalfEdges());
List<HalfEdge> heListColinear = new ArrayList<>();
for (HalfEdge he : heList) {
if (null != he.getPartner()) {
// this half edge is shared by both polygons ==> no intersection
// NOTE: The issue of more than 2 half edges per edge is solved by
// circular pointer, so we have to cycle threw all partners
HalfEdge pStartHE = he;
HalfEdge pPartnerHE = pStartHE.getPartner();
boolean bothPolysShareThisEdge = false;
while (pStartHE != pPartnerHE && !bothPolysShareThisEdge) {
if (pPartnerHE.getPolygon() == p1 || pPartnerHE.getPolygon() == p2) {
bothPolysShareThisEdge = true;
pPartnerHE = pPartnerHE.getPartner();
if (bothPolysShareThisEdge) {
GmBoundedStraight straightHe = he.getStraight();
Point3d origin = straightHe.getOrigin();
Point3d target = straightHe.getTarget();
List<HalfEdge> heListCollinear = getCollinearHalfEdgeList(p1, p2, straight, epsilon, angleEpsilon, heList);
boolean straightsAreColinear = IntersectPlanarPolygons.areStraightsColinear(straightHe, straight, epsilon,
ProjectedPoint3d projPoint1 = straight.project(origin);
ProjectedPoint3d projPoint2 = straight.project(target);
boolean originLiesOnIntStraight = projPoint1.getPoint().isAlmostEqual(origin,
boolean targetLiesOnIntStraight = projPoint2.getPoint().isAlmostEqual(target,
if (straightsAreColinear && (originLiesOnIntStraight || targetLiesOnIntStraight)) {
for (HalfEdge he : heListColinear) {
for (HalfEdge he : heListCollinear) {
// 1.2) determine if fully or partially or not at all embedded
// create parameter interval of the first projected half edge
Point3d startPoint1 = he.getStraight().getOrigin();
......@@ -489,7 +469,7 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
ProjectedPoint3d projP1 = straight.project(startPoint1);
ProjectedPoint3d projP2 = straight.project(endPoint1);
Interval int1 = new Interval(projP1.getParameter(), projP2.getParameter());
for (HalfEdge he2 : heListColinear) {
for (HalfEdge he2 : heListCollinear) {
if (he == he2) {
......@@ -526,7 +506,62 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
private static boolean areStraightsColinear(GmBoundedStraight straight1, GmStraight straight2, double epsilon,
private static List<HalfEdge> getCollinearHalfEdgeList(EdgePolygon p1, EdgePolygon p2, GmStraight straight, double epsilon, double angleEpsilon, List<HalfEdge> heList) {
List<HalfEdge> heListCollinear = new ArrayList<>();
for (HalfEdge he : heList) {
if (isHalfEdgeSharedByPolygons(he, p1, p2)){
// If the HalfEdge is shared, it is not collinear.
// Ignore it and continue with next HalfEdge.
GmBoundedStraight straightHe = he.getStraight();
Point3d origin = straightHe.getOrigin();
Point3d target = straightHe.getTarget();
boolean straightsAreCollinear = IntersectPlanarPolygons.areStraightsCollinear(straightHe, straight, epsilon,
ProjectedPoint3d projPoint1 = straight.project(origin);
ProjectedPoint3d projPoint2 = straight.project(target);
boolean originLiesOnIntStraight = projPoint1.getPoint().isAlmostEqual(origin,
boolean targetLiesOnIntStraight = projPoint2.getPoint().isAlmostEqual(target,
if (straightsAreCollinear && (originLiesOnIntStraight || targetLiesOnIntStraight)) {
return heListCollinear;
* Checks whether a specific HalfEdge is shared by two EdgePolygons.
* @param he The HalfEdge in question
* @param p1 First Polygon
* @param p2 Second Polygon
* @return true if the HalfEdge is shared
private static boolean isHalfEdgeSharedByPolygons(HalfEdge he, EdgePolygon p1, EdgePolygon p2) {
boolean bothPolysShareThisEdge = false;
if (he.getPartner() != null) {
// NOTE: The issue of more than 2 half edges per edge is solved by
// circular pointer, so we have to cycle threw all partners
HalfEdge pPartnerHE = he.getPartner();
while (he != pPartnerHE && !bothPolysShareThisEdge) {
if (pPartnerHE.getPolygon() == p1 || pPartnerHE.getPolygon() == p2) {
bothPolysShareThisEdge = true;
pPartnerHE = pPartnerHE.getPartner();
return bothPolysShareThisEdge;
private static boolean areStraightsCollinear(GmBoundedStraight straight1, GmStraight straight2, double epsilon,
double angleEpsilon) {
UnitVector3d rDir1 = straight1.getDir();
......@@ -541,11 +576,8 @@ public class IntersectPlanarPolygons {
ProjectedPoint3d foot1 = straight2.project(rOrigin);
Point3d rTarget = straight1.getTarget();
ProjectedPoint3d foot2 = straight2.project(rTarget);
if ((foot1.getPoint().minus(rOrigin)).getLength() > epsilon
|| (foot2.getPoint().minus(rTarget)).getLength() > epsilon) {
return false;
return true;
return !(((foot1.getPoint().minus(rOrigin)).getLength() > epsilon)
|| ((foot2.getPoint().minus(rTarget)).getLength() > epsilon));
private static List<PolygonPolygonIntersection> handlePolygonsInSamePlane(GmPlane plane, EdgePolygon p1,
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