Commit 1264c29c authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

Trying StateChangedCallback

parent 90f80906
......@@ -246,6 +246,12 @@ void IotWebConf::setConfigSavedCallback(std::function<void()> func)
this->_configSavedCallback = func;
void IotWebConf::setStateChangedCallback(std::function<void(
NetworkState oldState, NetworkState newState)> func)
this->_stateChangedCallback = func;
void IotWebConf::setFormValidator(
std::function<bool(WebRequestWrapper* webRequestWrapper)> func)
......@@ -617,6 +623,10 @@ void IotWebConf::changeState(NetworkState newState)
NetworkState oldState = this->_state;
this->_state = newState;
this->stateChanged(oldState, newState);
if (this->_stateChangedCallback != nullptr)
this->_stateChangedCallback(oldState, newState);
Serial.print("State changed from: ");
......@@ -983,4 +993,4 @@ WifiAuthInfo* IotWebConf::handleConnectWifiFailure()
return nullptr;
} // end namespace
\ No newline at end of file
} // end namespace
......@@ -293,6 +293,13 @@ public:
void setConfigSavedCallback(std::function<void()> func);
* Specify a callback method, that will be called when ever the state is changed.
* See NetworkState enum for possible values
void setStateChangedCallback(std::function<void(
NetworkState oldState, NetworkState newState)> func);
* Specify a callback method, that will be called when form validation is required.
* If the method will return false, the configuration will not be saved.
......@@ -600,6 +607,8 @@ private:
std::function<void()> _wifiConnectionCallback = nullptr;
std::function<void(int)> _configSavingCallback = nullptr;
std::function<void()> _configSavedCallback = nullptr;
std::function<void(NetworkState oldState, NetworkState newState)>
_stateChangedCallback = nullptr;
std::function<bool(WebRequestWrapper* webRequestWrapper)> _formValidator = nullptr;
std::function<void(const char*, const char*)> _apConnectionHandler =
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