Commit 6b079f75 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
Browse files

SCD30 lib -> 1.0.17

parent 8e15b6a8
Pipeline #5752 canceled with stage
......@@ -14,25 +14,34 @@ SCD30 KEYWORD1
begin KEYWORD2
isConnected KEYWORD2
enableDebugging KEYWORD2
beginMeasuring KEYWORD2
StopMeasurement KEYWORD2
setAmbientPressure KEYWORD2
getSettingValue KEYWORD2
getForcedRecalibration KEYWORD2
getMeasurementInterval KEYWORD2
getTemperatureOffset KEYWORD2
getAltitudeCompensation KEYWORD2
getFirmwareVersion KEYWORD2
getHumidity KEYWORD2
getTemperature KEYWORD2
getMeasurementInterval KEYWORD2
setMeasurementInterval KEYWORD2
setAmbientPressure KEYWORD2
getAltitudeCompensation KEYWORD2
setAltitudeCompensation KEYWORD2
getAutoSelfCalibration KEYWORD2
setAutoSelfCalibration KEYWORD2
getForcedRecalibration KEYWORD2
setForcedRecalibrationFactor KEYWORD2
getTemperatureOffset KEYWORD2
setTemperatureOffset KEYWORD2
getAutoSelfCalibration KEYWORD2
dataAvailable KEYWORD2
readMeasurement KEYWORD2
reset KEYWORD2
name=SparkFun SCD30 Arduino Library
author=SparkFun Electronics
maintainer=SparkFun Electronics <>
sentence=Library for the Sensirion SCD30 CO2 Sensor
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
Written by Nathan Seidle @ SparkFun Electronics, May 22nd, 2018
Updated February 1st 2021 to include some of the features of paulvha's version of the library
(while maintaining backward-compatibility):
Thank you Paul!
(while maintaining backward-compatibility):
Thank you Paul!
The SCD30 measures CO2 with accuracy of +/- 30ppm.
......@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ SCD30::SCD30(void)
// Constructor
//Initialize the Serial port
// Initialize the Serial port
bool SCD30::begin(i2c_t3 &wirePort, bool autoCalibrate, bool measBegin)
bool SCD30::begin(TwoWire &wirePort, bool autoCalibrate, bool measBegin)
_i2cPort = &wirePort; //Grab which port the user wants us to use
_i2cPort = &wirePort; // Grab which port the user wants us to use
/* Especially during obtaining the ACK BIT after a byte sent the SCD30 is using clock stretching (but NOT only there)!
* The need for clock stretching is described in the Sensirion_CO2_Sensors_SCD30_Interface_Description.pdf
......@@ -58,128 +58,153 @@ bool SCD30::begin(TwoWire &wirePort, bool autoCalibrate, bool measBegin)
uint16_t fwVer;
if (getFirmwareVersion(&fwVer) == false) // Read the firmware version. Return false if the CRC check fails.
if (isConnected() == false)
return (false);
if (_printDebug == true)
_debugPort->print(F("SCD30 begin: got firmware version 0x"));
_debugPort->println(fwVer, HEX);
if (measBegin == false) // Exit now if measBegin is false
return (true);
//Check for device to respond correctly
if (beginMeasuring() == true) //Start continuous measurements
// Check for device to respond correctly
if (beginMeasuring() == true) // Start continuous measurements
setMeasurementInterval(2); //2 seconds between measurements
setAutoSelfCalibration(autoCalibrate); //Enable auto-self-calibration
setMeasurementInterval(2); // 2 seconds between measurements
setAutoSelfCalibration(autoCalibrate); // Enable auto-self-calibration
return (true);
return (false); //Something went wrong
return (false); // Something went wrong
// Returns true if device responds to a firmware request
bool SCD30::isConnected()
uint16_t fwVer;
if (getFirmwareVersion(&fwVer) == false) // Read the firmware version. Return false if the CRC check fails.
return (false);
if (_printDebug == true)
_debugPort->print(F("Firmware version 0x"));
_debugPort->println(fwVer, HEX);
return (true);
//Calling this function with nothing sets the debug port to Serial
//You can also call it with other streams like Serial1, SerialUSB, etc.
// Calling this function with nothing sets the debug port to Serial
// You can also call it with other streams like Serial1, SerialUSB, etc.
void SCD30::enableDebugging(Stream &debugPort)
_debugPort = &debugPort;
_printDebug = true;
_debugPort = &debugPort;
_printDebug = true;
//Returns the latest available CO2 level
//If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
// Returns the latest available CO2 level
// If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
uint16_t SCD30::getCO2(void)
if (co2HasBeenReported == true) //Trigger a new read
readMeasurement(); //Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
if (co2HasBeenReported == true) // Trigger a new read
if (readMeasurement() == false) // Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
co2 = 0; // Failed to read sensor
co2HasBeenReported = true;
return (uint16_t)co2; //Cut off decimal as co2 is 0 to 10,000
return (uint16_t)co2; // Cut off decimal as co2 is 0 to 10,000
//Returns the latest available humidity
//If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
// Returns the latest available humidity
// If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
float SCD30::getHumidity(void)
if (humidityHasBeenReported == true) //Trigger a new read
readMeasurement(); //Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
if (humidityHasBeenReported == true) // Trigger a new read
if (readMeasurement() == false) // Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
humidity = 0; // Failed to read sensor
humidityHasBeenReported = true;
return humidity;
//Returns the latest available temperature
//If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
// Returns the latest available temperature
// If the current level has already been reported, trigger a new read
float SCD30::getTemperature(void)
if (temperatureHasBeenReported == true) //Trigger a new read
readMeasurement(); //Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
if (temperatureHasBeenReported == true) // Trigger a new read
if (readMeasurement() == false) // Pull in new co2, humidity, and temp into global vars
temperature = 0; // Failed to read sensor
temperatureHasBeenReported = true;
return temperature;
//Enables or disables the ASC
// Enables or disables the ASC
bool SCD30::setAutoSelfCalibration(bool enable)
if (enable)
return sendCommand(COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION, 1); //Activate continuous ASC
return sendCommand(COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION, 1); // Activate continuous ASC
return sendCommand(COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION, 0); //Deactivate continuous ASC
return sendCommand(COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION, 0); // Deactivate continuous ASC
//Set the forced recalibration factor. See 1.3.7.
//The reference CO2 concentration has to be within the range 400 ppm ≤ cref(CO2) ≤ 2000 ppm.
// Set the forced recalibration factor. See 1.3.7.
// The reference CO2 concentration has to be within the range 400 ppm ≤ cref(CO2) ≤ 2000 ppm.
bool SCD30::setForcedRecalibrationFactor(uint16_t concentration)
if (concentration < 400 || concentration > 2000)
return false; //Error check.
return false; // Error check.
return sendCommand(COMMAND_SET_FORCED_RECALIBRATION_FACTOR, concentration);
//Get the temperature offset. See 1.3.8.
// Get the temperature offset. See 1.3.8.
float SCD30::getTemperatureOffset(void)
uint16_t response = readRegister(COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET);
return (((float)response) / 100.0);
//Set the temperature offset. See 1.3.8.
bool SCD30::setTemperatureOffset(float tempOffset)
int16_t signed16;
uint16_t unsigned16;
} signedUnsigned; // Avoid any ambiguity casting int16_t to uint16_t
signedUnsigned.signed16 = tempOffset * 100;
return sendCommand(COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, signedUnsigned.unsigned16);
signedUnsigned.signed16 = response;
return (((float)signedUnsigned.signed16) / 100.0);
//Get the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
// Set the temperature offset to remove module heating from temp reading
bool SCD30::setTemperatureOffset(float tempOffset)
// Temp offset is only positive. See:
//"The SCD30 offset temperature is obtained by subtracting the reference temperature from the SCD30 output temperature"
if (tempOffset < 0.0)
return (false);
uint16_t value = tempOffset * 100;
return sendCommand(COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, value);
// Get the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
uint16_t SCD30::getAltitudeCompensation(void)
//Set the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
// Set the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
bool SCD30::setAltitudeCompensation(uint16_t altitude)
return sendCommand(COMMAND_SET_ALTITUDE_COMPENSATION, altitude);
//Set the pressure compenstation. This is passed during measurement startup.
//mbar can be 700 to 1200
// Set the pressure compenstation. This is passed during measurement startup.
// mbar can be 700 to 1200
bool SCD30::setAmbientPressure(uint16_t pressure_mbar)
if (pressure_mbar < 700 || pressure_mbar > 1200)
......@@ -192,33 +217,34 @@ bool SCD30::setAmbientPressure(uint16_t pressure_mbar)
// SCD30 soft reset
void SCD30::reset()
// Get the current ASC setting
bool SCD30::getAutoSelfCalibration()
uint16_t response = readRegister(COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION);
if (response == 1) {
if (response == 1)
return true;
else {
return false;
return false;
//Begins continuous measurements
//Continuous measurement status is saved in non-volatile memory. When the sensor
//is powered down while continuous measurement mode is active SCD30 will measure
//continuously after repowering without sending the measurement command.
//Returns true if successful
// Begins continuous measurements
// Continuous measurement status is saved in non-volatile memory. When the sensor
// is powered down while continuous measurement mode is active SCD30 will measure
// continuously after repowering without sending the measurement command.
// Returns true if successful
bool SCD30::beginMeasuring(uint16_t pressureOffset)
return (sendCommand(COMMAND_CONTINUOUS_MEASUREMENT, pressureOffset));
//Overload - no pressureOffset
// Overload - no pressureOffset
bool SCD30::beginMeasuring(void)
return (beginMeasuring(0));
......@@ -227,17 +253,26 @@ bool SCD30::beginMeasuring(void)
// Stop continuous measurement
bool SCD30::StopMeasurement(void)
return (sendCommand(COMMAND_STOP_MEAS));
//Sets interval between measurements
//2 seconds to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
// Sets interval between measurements
// 2 seconds to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
bool SCD30::setMeasurementInterval(uint16_t interval)
return sendCommand(COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, interval);
//Returns true when data is available
// Gets interval between measurements
// 2 seconds to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
uint16_t SCD30::getMeasurementInterval(void)
uint16_t interval = 0;
return (interval);
// Returns true when data is available
bool SCD30::dataAvailable()
uint16_t response = readRegister(COMMAND_GET_DATA_READY);
......@@ -247,24 +282,27 @@ bool SCD30::dataAvailable()
return (false);
//Get 18 bytes from SCD30
//Updates global variables with floats
//Returns true if success
// Get 18 bytes from SCD30
// Updates global variables with floats
// Returns true if success
bool SCD30::readMeasurement()
//Verify we have data from the sensor
// Verify we have data from the sensor
if (dataAvailable() == false)
return (false);
ByteToFl tempCO2; tempCO2.value = 0;
ByteToFl tempHumidity; tempHumidity.value = 0;
ByteToFl tempTemperature; tempTemperature.value = 0;
ByteToFl tempCO2;
tempCO2.value = 0;
ByteToFl tempHumidity;
tempHumidity.value = 0;
ByteToFl tempTemperature;
tempTemperature.value = 0;
_i2cPort->write(COMMAND_READ_MEASUREMENT >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(COMMAND_READ_MEASUREMENT >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(COMMAND_READ_MEASUREMENT & 0xFF); // LSB
if (_i2cPort->endTransmission() != 0)
return (0); //Sensor did not ACK
return (0); // Sensor did not ACK
......@@ -283,25 +321,25 @@ bool SCD30::readMeasurement()
case 1:
case 3:
case 4:
tempCO2.array[x < 3 ? 3-x : 4-x] = incoming;
tempCO2.array[x < 3 ? 3 - x : 4 - x] = incoming;
bytesToCrc[x % 3] = incoming;
case 6:
case 7:
case 9:
case 10:
tempTemperature.array[x < 9 ? 9-x : 10-x] = incoming;
tempTemperature.array[x < 9 ? 9 - x : 10 - x] = incoming;
bytesToCrc[x % 3] = incoming;
case 12:
case 13:
case 15:
case 16:
tempHumidity.array[x < 15 ? 15-x : 16-x] = incoming;
tempHumidity.array[x < 15 ? 15 - x : 16 - x] = incoming;
bytesToCrc[x % 3] = incoming;
//Validate CRC
// Validate CRC
uint8_t foundCrc = computeCRC8(bytesToCrc, 2);
if (foundCrc != incoming)
......@@ -337,28 +375,28 @@ bool SCD30::readMeasurement()
_debugPort->println(F("readMeasurement: encountered error reading SCD30 data."));
return false;
//Now copy the uint32s into their associated floats
// Now copy the uint32s into their associated floats
co2 = tempCO2.value;
temperature = tempTemperature.value;
humidity = tempHumidity.value;
//Mark our global variables as fresh
// Mark our global variables as fresh
co2HasBeenReported = false;
humidityHasBeenReported = false;
temperatureHasBeenReported = false;
return (true); //Success! New data available in globals.
return (true); // Success! New data available in globals.
//Gets a setting by reading the appropriate register.
//Returns true if the CRC is valid.
// Gets a setting by reading the appropriate register.
// Returns true if the CRC is valid.
bool SCD30::getSettingValue(uint16_t registerAddress, uint16_t *val)
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress & 0xFF); //LSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress & 0xFF); // LSB
if (_i2cPort->endTransmission() != 0)
return (false); //Sensor did not ACK
return (false); // Sensor did not ACK
......@@ -384,14 +422,14 @@ bool SCD30::getSettingValue(uint16_t registerAddress, uint16_t *val)
return (false);
//Gets two bytes from SCD30
// Gets two bytes from SCD30
uint16_t SCD30::readRegister(uint16_t registerAddress)
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress & 0xFF); //LSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(registerAddress & 0xFF); // LSB
if (_i2cPort->endTransmission() != 0)
return (0); //Sensor did not ACK
return (0); // Sensor did not ACK
......@@ -402,49 +440,49 @@ uint16_t SCD30::readRegister(uint16_t registerAddress)
uint8_t lsb = _i2cPort->read();
return ((uint16_t)msb << 8 | lsb);
return (0); //Sensor did not respond
return (0); // Sensor did not respond
//Sends a command along with arguments and CRC
// Sends a command along with arguments and CRC
bool SCD30::sendCommand(uint16_t command, uint16_t arguments)
uint8_t data[2];
data[0] = arguments >> 8;
data[1] = arguments & 0xFF;
uint8_t crc = computeCRC8(data, 2); //Calc CRC on the arguments only, not the command
uint8_t crc = computeCRC8(data, 2); // Calc CRC on the arguments only, not the command
_i2cPort->write(command >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(command & 0xFF); //LSB
_i2cPort->write(arguments >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(arguments & 0xFF); //LSB
_i2cPort->write(command >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(command & 0xFF); // LSB
_i2cPort->write(arguments >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(arguments & 0xFF); // LSB
if (_i2cPort->endTransmission() != 0)
return (false); //Sensor did not ACK
return (false); // Sensor did not ACK
return (true);
//Sends just a command, no arguments, no CRC
// Sends just a command, no arguments, no CRC
bool SCD30::sendCommand(uint16_t command)
_i2cPort->write(command >> 8); //MSB
_i2cPort->write(command & 0xFF); //LSB
_i2cPort->write(command >> 8); // MSB
_i2cPort->write(command & 0xFF); // LSB
if (_i2cPort->endTransmission() != 0)
return (false); //Sensor did not ACK
return (false); // Sensor did not ACK
return (true);
//Given an array and a number of bytes, this calculate CRC8 for those bytes
//CRC is only calc'd on the data portion (two bytes) of the four bytes being sent
//Tested with:
//x^8+x^5+x^4+1 = 0x31
// Given an array and a number of bytes, this calculate CRC8 for those bytes
// CRC is only calc'd on the data portion (two bytes) of the four bytes being sent
// From:
// Tested with:
// x^8+x^5+x^4+1 = 0x31
uint8_t SCD30::computeCRC8(uint8_t data[], uint8_t len)
uint8_t crc = 0xFF; //Init with 0xFF
uint8_t crc = 0xFF; // Init with 0xFF
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < len; x++)
......@@ -459,5 +497,5 @@ uint8_t SCD30::computeCRC8(uint8_t data[], uint8_t len)
return crc; //No output reflection
return crc; // No output reflection
......@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
#include <Wire.h>
//The default I2C address for the SCD30 is 0x61.
// The default I2C address for the SCD30 is 0x61.
#define SCD30_ADDRESS 0x61
//Available commands
// Available commands
......@@ -70,38 +70,43 @@ public:
bool begin(bool autoCalibrate) { return begin(Wire, autoCalibrate); }
bool begin(i2c_t3 &wirePort = Wire, bool autoCalibrate = false, bool measBegin = true); //By default use Wire port
bool begin(i2c_t3 &wirePort = Wire, bool autoCalibrate = false, bool measBegin = true); // By default use Wire port
bool begin(TwoWire &wirePort = Wire, bool autoCalibrate = false, bool measBegin = true); //By default use Wire port
bool begin(TwoWire &wirePort = Wire, bool autoCalibrate = false, bool measBegin = true); // By default use Wire port
void enableDebugging(Stream &debugPort = Serial); //Turn on debug printing. If user doesn't specify then Serial will be used.
bool isConnected();
void enableDebugging(Stream &debugPort = Serial); // Turn on debug printing. If user doesn't specify then Serial will be used.
bool beginMeasuring(uint16_t pressureOffset);
bool beginMeasuring(void);
bool StopMeasurement(void); // paulvha
// based on paulvha
bool setAmbientPressure(uint16_t pressure_mbar);
bool getSettingValue(uint16_t registerAddress, uint16_t *val);
bool getForcedRecalibration(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_FORCED_RECALIBRATION_FACTOR, val)); }
bool getMeasurementInterval(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, val)); }
bool getTemperatureOffset(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, val)); }
bool getAltitudeCompensation(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_ALTITUDE_COMPENSATION, val)); }
bool getFirmwareVersion(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_READ_FW_VER, val)); }
uint16_t getCO2(void);
float getHumidity(void);
float getTemperature(void);
float getTemperatureOffset(void);
uint16_t getAltitudeCompensation(void);
uint16_t getMeasurementInterval(void);
bool getMeasurementInterval(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, val)); }
bool setMeasurementInterval(uint16_t interval);
bool setAmbientPressure(uint16_t pressure_mbar);
uint16_t getAltitudeCompensation(void);
bool getAltitudeCompensation(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_ALTITUDE_COMPENSATION, val)); }
bool setAltitudeCompensation(uint16_t altitude);
bool getAutoSelfCalibration(void);
bool setAutoSelfCalibration(bool enable);
bool getForcedRecalibration(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_FORCED_RECALIBRATION_FACTOR, val)); }
bool setForcedRecalibrationFactor(uint16_t concentration);
float getTemperatureOffset(void);
bool getTemperatureOffset(uint16_t *val) { return (getSettingValue(COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, val)); }
bool setTemperatureOffset(float tempOffset);
bool getAutoSelfCalibration(void);
bool dataAvailable();
bool readMeasurement();
......@@ -116,25 +121,25 @@ public:
uint8_t computeCRC8(uint8_t data[], uint8_t len);
// Variables
i2c_t3 *_i2cPort; //The generic connection to user's chosen I2C hardware
i2c_t3 *_i2cPort; // The generic connection to user's chosen I2C hardware
TwoWire *_i2cPort; //The generic connection to user's chosen I2C hardware
TwoWire *_i2cPort; // The generic connection to user's chosen I2C hardware
//Global main datums
// Global main datums
float co2 = 0;
float temperature = 0;
float humidity = 0;
//These track the staleness of the current data
//This allows us to avoid calling readMeasurement() every time individual datums are requested
// These track the staleness of the current data
// This allows us to avoid calling readMeasurement() every time individual datums are requested
bool co2HasBeenReported = true;
bool humidityHasBeenReported = true;
bool temperatureHasBeenReported = true;
Stream *_debugPort; //The stream to send debug messages to if enabled. Usually Serial.
boolean _printDebug = false; //Flag to print debugging variables
// Debug
Stream *_debugPort; // The stream to send debug messages to if enabled. Usually Serial.
boolean _printDebug = false; // Flag to print debugging variables
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