Commit b8a71725 authored by Eric Duminil's avatar Eric Duminil
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Updated documentation

parent 4070ed71
Pipeline #6012 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 51 seconds
......@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ It measures the current CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (in ppm), and displays it o
The room should be ventilated as soon as one LED turns red.
## Ampel web-conf
Ampel-firmware + [IotWebConf](
This is beta software, and bugs are expected! There is not much free RAM left on ESP8266, so the ESP might crash randomly. :-/
* You probably need to update `config.h`. There's a new template in `config.public.h`.
* Every parameter can be set in the web-configuration, so you don't have to modify `config.h` once it's been updated.
* Flash
* Start the *Ampel*
* It should blink turquoise, to indicate *Access Point* mode
* Connect with a laptop/smartphone to ESPxxxxxx WiFi.
* Open a browser, it should bring you to the *Ampel* web-page.
* The usual web-page will be shown. You can click on "Configuration".
* You'll have to set an *Ampel* password with at least 8 characters.
* You can set WiFi SSID + Password if you want. It will then try to connect if you disconnect from the *Access Point*.
* If you don't specify SSID + Password, the *Ampel* will simply stay in *Access Point* mode.
* The *Ampel* password will be required if a connection fails, and the *Access Point* starts again.
* The *Ampel* password will be needed (with user 'admin') to connect to the web-page once the *Ampel* is connected to WiFi.
* It might be necessary to reset the *Ampel* after changing important parameters.
* You can rename the *Ampel*. This name will be used instead of ESPxxxxxx for CSV files and the mDNS address. You'll get a new CSV file after renaming, which can be convenient, e.g. to indicate at which location the measurements were made.
* If you forgot the password, you can send `reset_config` as command, and `reset` the ampel.
* If you disabled WiFi, you can enable it again with `wifi 1`.
* It's also possible to specify WiFi SSID and password in the console, with `ssid wifi_ssid_here` and `pwd wifi_password_here` commands.
* You can enable CSV by clicking on "+CSV", or disable it by clicking on "Disable CSV".
* The same applies to MQTT and LoRaWAN.
* If you disable a set, the parameters are still saved, and will appear again once the service is enabled.
## Features
The *CO<sub>2</sub> Ampel* can:
......@@ -44,6 +16,7 @@ The *CO<sub>2</sub> Ampel* can:
* Send data over [MQTT](
* Send data over [LoRaWAN](
* Display measurements and configuration on a small website.
* Allow configuration of every parameter via web-interface.
* Log data to a [CSV]( file, directly on the ESP flash memory.
* Accept many interactive commands.
......@@ -64,7 +37,8 @@ or
## Installation
* If `config.h` does not exist, copy it from `config.public.h`
* Modify `config.h`, e.g. for measurement time-steps, WiFi access, MQTT, NTP and web-server.
* You can modify `config.h`, e.g. for measurement time-steps, WiFi access, MQTT, NTP and web-server.
* Every parameter can be modified later, via the web-interface.
### PlatformIO
......@@ -96,6 +70,34 @@ make upload board=esp32 && make monitor # For ESP32
* *Upload*
* *Tools > Serial Monitor*
## Usage and configuration
* Start the *Ampel*
* If you didn't define wifi SSID and Passwords in config.h
* The *Ampel* should blink turquoise, to indicate *Access Point* mode.
* Connect with a laptop/smartphone to ESPxxxxxx WiFi.
* Open a browser, it should bring you to the *Ampel* web-page.
* The *Ampel* web-page will be shown. You can click on "Configuration".
* You'll have to set an *Ampel* password with at least 8 characters.
* You can set WiFi SSID + Password if you want. It will then try to connect if you disconnect from the *Access Point*.
* If you don't specify SSID + Password, the *Ampel* will simply stay in *Access Point* mode.
* The *Ampel* password will be required if a connection fails, and the *Access Point* starts again.
* The *Ampel* password will be needed (with user 'admin') to connect to the config web-page once the *Ampel* is connected to WiFi.
* Once you defined Wifi SSID, Ampel password and WiFi password:
* the *Ampel* will try to connect, displaying a rainbow wheel.
* if the connection is successful, LEDs will be green.
* if the connection fails, LEDs will be red, and the *Ampel* will return back to *Access Point* mode.
* It might be necessary to reset the *Ampel* after changing important parameters.
* You can rename the *Ampel*. This name will be used instead of ESPxxxxxx for CSV files and the mDNS address. You'll get a new CSV file after renaming, which can be convenient, e.g. to indicate at which location the measurements were made.
* If you forgot the password, you can send `reset_config` as command, and `reset` the ampel.
* If you disabled WiFi, you can enable it again with `wifi 1`.
* It's also possible to specify WiFi SSID and password in the console, with `ssid wifi_ssid_here` and `pwd wifi_password_here` commands.
* You can enable CSV by clicking on "+CSV", or disable it by clicking on "Disable CSV".
* The same applies to MQTT and LoRaWAN.
* If you disable a set, the parameters are still saved, and will appear again once the service is enabled.
## Available commands
In Arduino IDE *Serial Monitor* or PlatformIO *Monitor*, type `help` + <kbd>Enter</kbd> in order to list the available commands:
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