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Created with Raphaël 2.2.015Feb1413121110987225Jan231Oct8Jul29Jun1876519May1087543130Apr282524232221201918171615106119Feb169Jan84230Dec29282726252120191815AMPEL_PASSWORD instead of HTTP_PASSWORDDoneBit too largeBetter namesNotesFixmeUpdated decode lorawanTimestep for measurement, interval for loggersRenaming backRenameConfig renamingNo need to ask for password twiceDone.CouldRemove newlines from htmlMake some spaceConfigurable nameDocConfig timeoutOne pointer, two possible objectsReally reset every configDocChecking if AP mode, for ESP8266 and ESP32DebugRainbow wheel for wifi connection, magenta KITT for APCool. Rainbow wheel is back!use AP password for HTTPDoneSlight refactorRenameWiFi callbacksNotesStupid mistake: macros couldn't be set this wayCheck that AMPEL_WIFI is defined and not empty1970.1.1 -> 2022.1.1Removing String method from NTPClientCompile error fixedNoteSave timers to configToo many commands. :)