Commit 2c843732 authored by Mandic's avatar Mandic
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Update indexedfaceset2.html

parent a252d301
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<title> Indexed Face Set</title>
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<td width="50%" align="left" valign="top" scope="col">
An IndexedFaceSet is used to define a polygonal shape. For example, it can be used to model a building.
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The set of polygons F is defined in the attribute coordIndex. Each polygon is given by a list of point indices
followed by -1 to indicate the end of a polygon and the beginning of a new one.
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&lt;title&gt;My first X3DOM page&lt;/title&gt;
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&lt;X3D id="shapedata" width="600px" height="600px" style="float:left"&gt;
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